看板 AdvEduUK 關於我們 聯絡資訊
可以請大家幫我這個忙嗎 我之前住在倫敦租了房子有些押金問題 他們說要扣除我690鎊作為房子的損害賠償 重點是一開始他們就沒有給我完整的房子 很多損壞是一開始就有的,也有提出照片跟租屋退租報告證明 我們的租屋背景是由三間公司負責,不像台灣是由房東直接對房客,而是房東將房子交由 當地公司處理 所以我一直都在跟房屋管理公司接洽還有押金保證中心接洽 經過長時間的EMAIL往來,目前給我的回信是以下 我的問題是 我想再三確認信件內容的意義 因為我英文程度也沒有很好一直都拜託朋友幫忙 但是朋友最近都很繁忙我也不好意思一直拜託他 1.這封信意思是將沒有爭議的金額先退還給我然後剩下有爭議的420英鎊再加以討論嗎? 2.英國是這樣做法嗎?可以先將無爭議的款項退還?有爭議的留下?我不清楚所以我需要問 清楚 因為總感覺案情不是那麼單純.... 在此謝謝大家 Thank you for responding. The deductions that the Agent has made total £ 690.00. However as you have accepted the cleaning deduction of £270.00 as stated in your Dispute Notification Claim Form, this leaves the amount in dispute at £420.00. The Adjudicator will therefore make a decision on the remaining deductions which are as follows:- (1) Replace and wash down silicon and grout to bathroom due to lack of cleaning and mould £55.00 (2) Replace kitchen mixer tap (broken as per attached photo) £140.00 (3) Replace water damaged wood panel to kitchen £80.00 (4)Replace silicon to kitchen worktops £35.00 (5)Replace bulbs as required x6 £30.00 (6)Replace 3 damaged door locks £80.00 Total £420.00 I hope that clarifies the situation and the disputed amount. Can you therefore please confirm if you would like me to forward your bank details to the Agent so they can make the payment of £1248.46 which is the undisputed amount. -- ◣ ◢ ◢███◣ 請服用 == ==██ facebook.com/vina.yu ≡ ω ≡ ◢ ▲ √ 在對的時間把握住珍惜的重要.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AdvEduUK/M.1399428523.A.A62.html
SinoHuang :沒有 一毛錢也沒有要退 270磅部分說你已經同意支付 05/07 11:02
SinoHuang :沒要退。420磅爭議部分才要等待裁決。看來你被陰了。 05/07 11:03
xcycl :一開始的 inventory 沒註記嗎? 05/13 04:27