看板 AntiVirus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1)正文: Hello Everyone, We have just release COMODO Internet Security/Firewall/Antivirus 6.3.294583.2937! What's new in this 6.3 build? NEW: PrivDog - A browser plugin that enhances the browsing privacy, performance and security IMPROVED: Full Windows 8.1 Support FIXED: Chrome and Dragon v28 and later do not work in kiosk/sandbox FIXED: Malware bypasses HIPS and Sandbox while creating autorun entries FIXED: Crashes occur while quick scanning on some computers FIXED: Explorer hangs after CIS installation FIXED: Copy/Paste now works while entering licenses in the license management window 2)下載網址: 32bit: http://ppt.cc/mkyC 64bit: http://ppt.cc/dO2W 3)其他: v6的特色,介紹 http://downloads.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/www/cis5upgrade/index.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sheilarea200:還是沒有勇氣從5.12換到6.x... 09/26 18:51
timshan:6.x都出那麼久了... 09/26 19:26
y3k:現在可以上了 09/26 19:38
danny8376:現在問題很多都解決啦 6的前幾版還會memory leak... 09/26 23:20
danny8376:害我那時不能保持長時間開著 過一段時間非重開機... 09/26 23:20
cys070:現在可以用~大穿透問題這次也修正 09/27 18:50
sheilarea200:Thx 其實是因為使用習慣問題不敢換XD 09/28 01:36