看板 Aries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Aries horoscope for Apr, 11, 2014 You may feel like being a social butterfly today, flitting from one interesting person to the next. But you should focus on one special individual now - someone who really needs your attention. You may not realize it, but your company is highly desired by a loved one who is feeling a bit neglected. You have a strong personality, Aries, and so you have a big presence and you cover a lot of territory. A side effect is that the people in your life who are more shy or who aren't particularly outspoken wind up getting less of you than they deserve. Concentrate on someone who needs you. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by FortunesFoundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile 你今天或許會想當隻社交花蝴蝶, 在一群有趣的人當中,一個跳過一個。 但是你應該要專注在某個特別的人身上 --某人真的很需要你的關注。 你可能還沒發現, 但是某個你愛的人,覺得有點被忽略了, 非常渴望你的陪伴。 你有強勢的個性,羊羊, 也因此你總是很顯眼,也橫跨了不同的社交圈。 伴隨而來的缺點就是, 你身邊比較害羞、安靜的人總是沒有得到他們應有的關懷。 把心思放在需要你的人身上吧。 譯註: 因為有太多有趣的人事物 所以真的有時候會忽略身邊的人呢! 不管是好朋友、家人、情人, 四處玩耍的時候,也不要忘記給他們應有的關注 順便祝福今天的生日羊! -- The secret to happiness is freedom, and the secret to freedom is courage --- Thucydides -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1397181541.A.D29.html
petestar:真的 不過上次關注和幫忙一個文靜的 結果她超大嘴巴...>< 04/11 10:42
ownnina:誰需要我?(探頭 04/11 11:01
st1327:推 04/11 11:16
gc9v:是誰需要我呢...? 搔頭思考中...= =? 04/11 11:55
onlywalker:...... 早知道就先看了...剛剛還真有點忽略人... 04/11 13:07
fang29:誰需要我!?(轉頭)....沒人只好繼續看星星 04/11 13:44
redcross10:有些機會不是我的QAQ....完全沒這事XD 04/11 13:53
leleMDF:推:) 04/11 18:01
zx952:沒有人!!!!T.T 04/11 18:34