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F16轉變F60k之餘波蕩漾 Flamini Disappointed Me - Wenger http://goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=687043 AW被問到六萬男的看法 AW: 談錢傷感情,但真正的失望不在於F16的離開 若是95%的隊員,球隊的核心不能把F16的離開淡化 而只想著去找豪門簽肥約 那我才感到真正的失望 就像槍手曾經在英超領先過MU,Chlesea,或者歐冠上領先紅軍 都因為一時的失焦,便把勝利讓給對方 槍手應該要恢復團結 展現贏家該有的氣度 這才是槍手的目標 "It is a problem [the salaries on offer] but we did not master this situation [with Flamini] because when a player is out of contract he can sign where he wants," said Wenger. "I must say I am disappointed that he did that - but legally he can do it. But I hope that 95 per cent of the team, the core of the team, says 'come on, we have only just lost'. "If our players are not capable of doing that and just want to walk out for bigger contracts, for me that would be the biggest disappointment. "And it is just, because we were leading at Manchester United, we were leading at Chelsea and we were leading at Liverpool in the Champions League - and every time we just lost a little bit of focus and lost the game. "Let's come back and show we are winners. That is the real target of the team." -- 同一篇提到 Hleb 冰淇淋門 AW: 我們要十三哥留步,少了F16不能又少了H13 大家都在提H13可以自己買斷合約,但事實上並不是這樣簡單 得考慮換約後的保護期 應該是在那期限未到之前不能買斷 (是多久呢?!) "We want to keep Hleb, we want him to be part of our team next year. It is as simple as that. We have lost one player [Mathieu Flamini], we do not want to lose more. "What people say about the buy-out clause, it is not as simple as it looks," he added, referring to the so-called 'Webster Clause', which permits players to terminate their contracts after a "protected period", which for those under the age of 28 when they signed or renewed their deals is three years and for others, two years. Goal 補充說明 AW認為球團(雙方)會不情願處理 球員訴諸魏斯特條款以買斷合約的方式要求轉會 Wenger: I'll Fight To Keep Hleb http://goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=687345 Speculation has been rife that Hleb may make use of the 'Webster clause', a rule approved by FIFA that allows players to buy out the final two years of their contract, providing they do not move to a club in the same country. Wenger doubts whether the Webster rule could be practically applied to Hleb's situation and has moved to end speculation that he will engineer his own departure from the club. "What people say about the buy-out clause, it is not as simple as it looks," explained the Frenchman. "It is much more difficult and the clubs are reluctant to do that invoke the 'Webster Clause'." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: Noel 來自: (05/08 02:20)
ppaauull:媽的...我廠怎麼專出沒良心的傢伙 05/08 06:14
yanagawa:希望下季跟這季一樣 又有驚喜的好戰績 05/08 12:30