看板 Brit-pop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
經過半年的籌備,上禮拜天終於把婚禮辦完了 所有的籌備事項中,最先開始的是婚禮音樂清單 因為找音樂真的是很費時間的事情 (雖說新娘本人我當天根本不會有心思聽音樂) 但攸關於音樂品味,所以完全馬虎不得 婚禮形式是西式戶外婚禮 個人的音樂偏好又是indie+brit pop (不然怎麼會在這PO分享文取暖) 又不想播放一般大家經常在婚禮上會聽到的歌曲 有些歌很美又好聽但是歌詞意涵太悲或是過於悽苦就不予採用 每一首都是精讀歌詞後所精選使用的 不敢說每首都夠冷門夠indie,但至少不常出現在一般婚禮中 一點點個人分享,讓大家以後找音樂可以輕鬆一點 迎賓音樂,輕快明亮曲風為主 City and Color - The Girl "And when you cry a piece of my heart dies Knowing that I may have been the cause" 深愛對方所以就捨不得讓對方傷心 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVHk4dc7yaE
Sally Seltmann - Dream About Changing "I close my eyes and dream about changing" 結婚之後就是一個人生的重大改變,但是是一個美好的改變 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_EaHPsQOJ8
She & Him - I Was Made For You "'Cause I have been waitin' for a long long time For a boy like you" 等這麼久就是在等你這個人出現! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njFuy7jCirE
The Features - The Idea Of Growing Old "We can talk all night, we can talk all day We can play charades when there is nothing to say You turn me on to the idea of growing old" 每天有說不完的話,就算無話可說也要一起做伴 讓我有想要和妳一起變老的念頭 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLmxxfyKhrQ
Foster The People - I Would Do Anything For You "Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before" 墜入愛河的感覺是前所未有的美好 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOIfNyBmZ0g
Feist - Mushaboom "And we'll collect the moments one by one I guess that's how the future's done" 我們一起創造和收集生活的點點滴滴 這就是我們一起創造未來的方式 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYF0qU5WSew
Camera Obscura - The Sweetest Thing "When you're lucid you're the sweetest thing" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhSanTYPm2g
Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks "everyone is leaving I'm still with you It doesn't matter what we do Where we are going to we can stick around and see this night through" 我會守護著你,不管我們做甚麼去了哪,就是要一起相守 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y_9xLw1ooc
進入結婚儀式部分,因為是西式戶外婚禮 新郎新娘會發表誓言,所以選了純音樂為主的版本 Jonsi - We Bought A Zoo 這首歌在電影裡面是麥特戴蒙翻著相片懷念妻子的背景音樂 非常動聽也非常感人,音樂本身也很能創造期待感 所以用這首做為新娘進場前讓大家就座的音樂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw1ahI_o388
Devotchka - The Winner Is 這首音樂是我一開始就確定做為進場的音樂 自己一直很喜歡Little Miss Sunshine這部電影 那種就算家人個性古怪問題一堆,但對彼此的互相支持的情感深深感動著我 這首歌不管是在前奏氣氛的營造,讓新郎牽著新娘的愛犬進場 和後半段音樂配合著新娘父親牽著新娘入場,把情緒帶到最高 可以說是沒有比這首歌還要更好的選擇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGBKoZrJ5gI
Christina Perri - A Thousand Years(Cello Cover) 新郎與新娘發表誓言的音樂 雖然這首原曲是頂普羅大眾的,也是Twilight裡面的歌 手上也有很多首其他選擇,最終選擇這首的原因 一是時間夠長,五分鐘可以讓我們倆都講完話 二是調性也比較適合男生,歌詞意涵也是有天長地久的意涵 這首歌有很多種版本,我們選這個版本,速度和氣氛都很適合 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfxigXIRvik
出場音樂用 Sigur Rós - Hoppípolla 氣勢磅薄又動聽,用來做為出場音樂 但這首歌的純音樂也很多很多選擇 有些前奏聽起來像水晶音樂 有些提琴拉得又不夠好聽 最後在soundcloud找到這個完美版本 https://soundcloud.com/steve-polydorou/hoppipolla-sigur-r-s 其他儀式音樂的遺珠之憾包含 Adele - Make You Feel My Love Badly Drawn Boy - I Love Nye Sleeping At Last - Turning Page (Instrumental) 接著進入用餐時間的音樂 曲風主要是選慢板和輕鬆一點的音樂 Amos Lee - Sweet Pea "Don't know when and I don't know why You're the only reason I keep on coming home" 回家就是因為有一個你愛的人在家等著你阿,這就是家的意義 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRIgvtQYEmA
Angus & Julia Stone - Big Jet Plane "Be my lover, my lady river Can I take ya, take ya higher" 我們倆都很喜歡旅行,一起搭上飛機遠走天涯是我們的夢想 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFTvbcNhEgc
Arctic Monkeys - Baby I'm Yours "Baby, I'm yours (Baby, I'm yours) And I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky, Yours, until the rivers all run dry In other words, until I die " 整首歌根本就是甜死人不償命,此時不放更待何時 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjgE-rCfNi8
Beirut - Postcards From Italy "i will love to see that day, that day is mine when she will marry me outside with the willow trees" 我非常非常喜歡Zach Condon的才華,光是聽音樂就可以滿足我流浪與旅行的衝動 而這首歌讓戶外婚禮更顯得愉快浪漫 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X61BVv6pLtw
Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark "If there's no one beside you, when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark" 雖然歌裡面有"death"這個字,曾猶豫要不要放這首歌 但這首歌主要傳達願意和對方一起經歷所有時候,直到生命盡頭 生死相守大概就是這首歌的意義了 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nog3J4t3BfE
Echosmith - Bright "And I see colors in a different way You make what doesn't matter fade to grey Life is good and that's the way it should be" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l5nMCJKyYY
Edith Piaf - La Vie En Rose 經典法國香頌,就算是聽不懂,光是音樂就浪漫到無以復加 更何況歌詞的意義又是如此的深情 C'est lui(toi) pour moi, moi pour lui(toi) dans la vie 我們是為了對方存在的一對 Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie 他對我這樣說,以生命起誓 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0feNVUwQA8U
Hindi Zahra - Imik Si Mik "my sweet baby, i need to see to feel, to breath your touch, your kiss, your smile, your lips i need to see you" 極度思念對方,不管對方有多遠都要見到對方以及與對方相守 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42lRuznDT8I
Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am "If you are chilly, here take my sweater. Your head is aching, I'll make it better." 一樣甜死人不償命的歌,充滿了生活大小事都要照顧好對方的體貼 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJOzdLwvTHA
Jon Troast - The Most "Well I love the first part of the last part of the day When things begin to close Because I know there's one place That's open all night long And I love you the most" 可以一早醒來就看到對方,睡覺前握著對方的手入睡 不就是生活中最美好的時刻嗎 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G51hUqfGIA
Joshua Radin - The Greenest Grass "And then you said I know I'll never find another like you, Where I'm going I know I'll never find another like you" 就是因為相信在這世上不會有人像你一樣 所以我們要更珍惜對方 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a3aJJWZWXU
Karen O ft. Ezra Koenig - The Moon Song "But with you my dear I'm safe and we're a million miles away" 只要和你在一起,我就有安全感,而且擁有了我們的兩人世界 雖然很愛MAPS這首歌,但情境不太合適 這首The Moon Song完美救援我對Karen的執著 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mIpUDrt04Q
Lykke Li - Love Out Of Lust "We will live longer than I will, we will be better than I was We can cross rivers with our will, we can do better than I can" 超喜歡Lykke Li,雖然說這首歌有人說帶著點"不求天長地久,只求曾經擁有"的意涵 但我還是很喜歡這段1+1大於2的體現,雖然曲調有一點點暗黑 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i00_qTtyxWM
Melpo Mene - I Adore You "Thinking about what you said When you held my hand Oh I adore you" 瑞典情歌又一發,被深深愛慕著的感覺真的很美好 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWi7Vfc3Sxw
Noah And The Whale - 5 Years Time "And it'll be love love love all through our bodies And love love love all through our minds And it be Love love love all over her face And Love love love all over mine" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8YCSJpF4g4
Nouvelle Vague - I Melt With You "I'll stop the world and melt with you You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time There's nothing you and I won't do I'll stop the world and melt with you" 你儂我儂... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dmtk8TPGkUM
Oasis - Songbird "Gonna write a song so she can see Give her all the love she gives to me Talk of better days that have yet to come Never felt this love from anyone" 我想是唯一一首Oasis如此正面又甜蜜的一首情歌了 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KJgBkreAuw
Ray LaMontagne - You Are The Best Thing "Oh because, you are the best thing You are the best thing You are the best thing Ever happened to me" 完全不廢話,你就是我這生中最美好的事情 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ3xTjvj9tw
Ryan Adams - When The Stars Go Blue Where do you go when you're lonely Where do you go when you're blue Where do you go when you're lonely I'll follow you When the stars go blue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT0cndgd1kM
Sally Seltmann - Harmony To My Heartbeat "And I'm running just as fast as I can to tell you the news We can do this together, we can, yeah me and you When you hold me I can see This is exactly where I wanna be You're the harmony to my heartbeat, baby" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctwRi-8A9jE
Sia - Day Too Soon "Honey, I will stitch you Darling, I will fit you in my heart Honey, I will meet you Darling, I will keep you in my heart" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34i0yUomjbY
Spiritualized - Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space "I will love you 'til I die And I will love you all the time So please put your sweet hand in mine And float in space,and drift in time" 如果聽過這首歌卻不放進音樂清單,實在太說不過去 雖然曲調有點悲壯,卻又充滿了感情和承諾 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB7E1D_3Na4
Tennis - Pigeon "I'll hold the sheet tight, keeping watch through the night I will be there, I promise to take good care of you" 我會在這裡,我答應會好好照顧你... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvBsfRQC95Q
The Bird and The Bee - I'm Into Something Good "We only danced for a minute or two But then be stuck close to me the whole night through Can I be falling in love? He's everything I've been dreaming of" 雖然昨晚才相遇,但是陷入愛河的感覺很美好 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3udGZ2vaBdY
The Lighthouse And The Whaler - Venice "In your eyes, I have seen All the feeling and the rains And death is cold, death is sure Why don we all fall in love? Oh, whoa, oh oh Why don we fall in love? Oh, whoa, oh oh Why don we fall in love?" 既然人終將一死,那何不好好愛一場呢? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nClBjDOJbGU
The Paper Kites - Bloom "In the morning when I wake And the sun is coming through, Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness, And you fill my head with you." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8inJtTG_DuU
Yo La Tengo - You Can Have It All "If you want, want my love Take it baby If you want, want my heart Take it baby, you can have it all" 不需要多解釋的一首情歌...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsQW7jZJY9s
合照音樂,選擇快板有活力的曲風做為送客合照的音樂 Best Coast - When I'm With You "So when I'm with you, I have fun Yeah when I'm with you, I have fun" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN1XzxOQWrA
Meiko - Stuck On You "Cause you are the one I could see having fun with Not just for the night, but for the rest of my life" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jcvodNBTuA
Crystal Fighters - La Calling "I want in, right all night LA calling Bathe in sunlight Coldest sky, she’s hot as lust is I know where my heart is I want you" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tZSY6RRGlw
Of Monsters and Men - Mountain Sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gEVaniPOmU
The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition "so stay there cause i'll be coming over and while our blood's still young it's so young, it runs and won't stop til it's over won't stop to surrender" 沒有比這首歌更適合做為婚禮結束的歌了 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxKjOOR9sPU
以上是我的婚禮音樂清單 我想我大部分的賓客應該都沒聽過這些歌 但這些是我自己很喜歡也是辛苦收集的音樂清單 也有幾個相當識貨(?)的朋友說這是他們參加過最棒的婚禮音樂 也希望大家會喜歡 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Brit-pop/M.1414846851.A.0AE.html
homechen1990: 推 音樂品味真的馬虎不得 XDDDDD 11/01 21:14
lanewchen: 推!!真是好品味啊!! 並祝新婚愉快~ 11/01 21:51
lobabun: 真棒!!!! 音樂真的可以加分很多 恭喜 11/01 21:56
roccothecd: 大推!一定超棒的! 11/01 22:01
a816292002: 推用心! 11/01 22:24
LimpidDotey: 我的天啊太棒 11/02 00:18
dendon: 超級用心 11/02 02:10
chenpt: 大推用心的音樂~新婚快樂! 11/02 07:44
babubabu: 好棒!超級用心! 11/02 10:28
yoyogirlx: 恭喜!!!! 11/02 11:03
ThomasYorke: 這品味....除了oasis和北極猴外一首都沒聽過 11/02 12:55
TheRoots: 樓上可能要先檢討自己的品味了.. 11/02 14:04
taxout: 有人連 Spiritualized和 Yo La Tengo都沒聽過就開噓了 11/02 14:44
homechen1990: 請不用跟某電影版反串哥認真 11/02 16:24
perishers: 這歌單超棒!!! 11/02 20:18
thbw666: 太強了 11/02 21:16
cccb: 品味真的很好~ 有些歌蠻意外會看到 11/03 02:02
hugo907: 可以M了 11/03 13:24
irenes: 太強大了!!好想參加婚禮~~ 11/03 15:54
mra2284: 好棒 好多喜歡的 祝原po幸服:-) 11/03 19:27
frank60116: 推!很棒的歌單 為了未來某一天的婚禮我也要筆記一下 11/03 21:30
fakecake: 太棒了!看到歌單都想去參加妳的婚禮 >< 11/03 23:19
ChrisMullin: 好品味!好品味!好品味!很重要所以要說三次XD 11/04 12:36
kurtisgod: 大推 選得真好 11/04 12:52
radicals: 讚啊!! 呵!有的也有出現在我的婚禮上 11/04 20:09
radicals: 英搖迷所見略同 XD 11/04 20:11
wannarock: 恭喜,超用心的!!! 11/04 22:35
Eeli2008: 謝分享 真棒的婚禮 11/05 14:27
nenini: 這歌單太正點了!深有共鳴啊!原PO嫁給我吧~(咦?) 11/06 12:16
rubeinlove: 大推 收藏起來~ 11/07 02:23
Wreet: 推‼ 11/07 11:13
greentea0u0: 超棒的恭喜! 11/08 20:59
angelyin11: 推!(筆記) 11/10 17:37
peatle: 沒聽過就點開來聽聽看啊,心胸竟然如此狹隘 11/11 20:47
spiritwhite: 好歌單! 11/19 15:23
inspirationJ: 歌單好棒~真想參加你婚禮 恭喜唷!!! ps:筆記歌單 11/21 10:08
afon: 超棒的!! 11/22 12:38
sherees: 很多沒聽過的 仔細聽完覺得這歌單開得很棒 11/27 19:07
sherees: 心得也很用心 恭喜原PO 11/27 19:08
Darklands: 推Spiritualized還有Feist!!! 11/30 16:50
nut: 我想跟你結婚(?) 12/05 15:06
oikid: The Winner Is!原PO好棒!恭喜! 12/09 16:56
waterblue85: 這歌單真的好讚! 01/01 03:46
waterblue85: 另外我推Innocence Mission和Beautiful South這兩個 01/01 03:46
waterblue85: 團!(好像太晚回覆了XD) 01/01 03:46