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Sage 1.3 released http://sage.mozdev.org/installation.html New in Sage 1.3: * Live Bookmarks Integration Sage now interprets Live Bookmarks just as it does regular bookmarks, allowing the user to subscribe to feeds using the auto-discovery mechanism in Firefox. Live Bookmarks may be added to your Sage Feeds folder using Firefox's orange feed indicator icon, making them available for reading in the Sage sidebar. This gives users a quick and easy subscription method, while Sage's built-in 'Discover Feeds' function provides a more thorough scan. 簡單的說就是 Sage 把 Firefox 的 Live Bookmarks 功能做了整合, 你可以按下右下方的橘色小按鈕之後,把 Live Bookmarks 加到 Sage 的 Feeds folder * Feed Item Toolbar and Mark Read/Unread Sage now supports marking feed items as read or unread. To do this you can either use the feed item context menu or the Feed Item List Toolbar. The following keyboard shortcuts are available (As usual you can hold down shift or ctrl when clicking the feed item to open it a new window or tab): M Toggles the read state of the selected feed item Ctrl+Shift+C Marks all feed items as read. Enter Open selected feed item in current tab/window Shift+Enter Open selected feed item in a new window Ctrl+Enter Open selected feed item in a new tab 加入讓所有 Feed 項目標示為 已讀/未讀。 你也可以按住 Shift/Ctrl 再點項目,就可以開在新視窗/分頁。 * Enhanced Locale Support Thanks to the efforts of our localization group, Sage now has full native support for Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Swedish locales. 內建多國語言,包括中文。 * Many bug fixes and miscellaneous enhancements. 修正了許多臭蟲,以及其他東東的加強。 -- ╭────────快速台北林克看圖───────╮ │ 使用單機版觀看,就不會有TaipeiLink的框框~ │ │http://www.csie.nctu.edu.tw/~chtai/TaipeiLink/│ │ 結尾可接上 ?account=帳號 直接觀看~ │ ╰───────────────────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NelsonT 來自: (11/18 12:49)