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※ 引述《Alica (Torsades de Pointes)》之銘言: : Opera公司預定下星期會發行某樣東西. Opera Watch 有提到,有二點: "According to a source, Opera will release a new version of its desktop browser, which will contain major modifications to the browser's User Interface (UI). The new version will sport a simpler look." "Opera is working on a new and faster rendering engine for the browser, and may include it with next week's release, though I haven't confirmed this yet." 全文在 operawatch.blogspot.com - Delphinus -- 夫君子之行,靜以修身,儉以養德。非淡泊無以明志,非寧靜無以致遠。夫學 須靜也,才須學也。非學無以廣才,非靜無以致遠。慆慢則不能研精,險躁則 不能理性。年與時馳,意與日去,遂成枯落,多不接世,悲守窮廬,將復何及。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: delphinus 來自: (09/17 08:04)
Koibito:桌面opera瀏覽器@@ 09/17 11:17
Alica:desktop browser很合理啊 因為Opera有手機版 09/17 11:40
Alica:去 http://www.opera.com/products/mobile/products/ 看看吧 09/17 11:41
IhRiesling:Opera 8.5...太棒了 09/17 12:05
MilchFlasche:Opera也拼了:) 09/17 14:55