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http://wiki.moztw.org/index.php/Firefox_FAQ ▏▎▍▌▋▊ Firefox FAQ ─────────────────────────────────────── 之前有文章寫這個套件,可方便於書寫網誌或任何論壇文章時 需要貼圖、連結、網站指令時,這個套件是很不錯的 先前有提過這個套件未升級到fx3可安裝的程度 小弟不才寫信給原作者修改,作者也修好給我回應了, 目前上fx官網搜索即可,但我個人安裝後仍然會有版本的警示, 我又回信給作者,他寫可能過一陣子再重裝試試……但我個人覺得,好像跟那個沒關3… anyway,大家可以開始把這個套件灌上去使用囉… 附上作者回信(本人名諱用id代替)。 --------------------------------------------------- 寄件者:Rory Parle 顯示詳細資料 21:06 (2 小時以前) Hi awihom, thanks for the high praise. I'm glad you get some use out of Make Link. I've updated the extension's description on the Mozilla addons site so it should now work correctly with Firefox 3.0. -------------------------------------------------- 寄件者:awihom Thank you very much, but after installing MakeLink, I still get this massege from addon panel. (as photo attached.) Could I ask why? kinda wired... -------------------------------------------------- 寄件者:Rory Parle 顯示詳細資料 22:00 (1 小時以前) It's probably just taking a bit of time to reflect the change. You might try again in few hours/days (I don't know how long it takes). I've also just uploaded a completely new version which is compatible with FF 3.0 so the worst case is that you'll have to wait until that goes through the review process, which I believe takes a few days usually. -------------------------------------------------- 他是指官方網站版本的更新,還是指我個人的fx更新啊? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: