看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《cjf20361 (石內卜)》之銘言: : http://wiki.moztw.org/index.php/Firefox_FAQ ▏▎▍▌▋▊ Firefox FAQ : ─────────────────────────────────────── : 雖然在官網放的還是,不過已經有部份的國外網站可以下載 Firefox 3.0 了( : 如 FileHippo),原來在 Mozilla 的 FTP 已經放上去了,想先嘗鮮的人可以去下面連結 : 下載來玩玩。 : ftp://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.0/win32/zh-TW/ : 轉載http://nobodysearch.blogspot.com/2008/06/firefox-30_17.html We're not quite ready yet! We're just as excited as you are for our upcoming release, but we're still putting the finishing touches on Firefox 3: preparing the new mozilla.com website, getting our severs ready for downloads, and doing our final pre-launch checks. You can follow our progress if you'd like! The files in this directory are - for now - only meant to be used by our testers. Downloading them directly can harm our ability to distribute Firefox efficiently, and will also not be counted as part of our attempt to set a Guiness World Record for the most software downloads in a day. 他是說 你從這邊載 就會阻礙他們傳檔的效率 而且從這邊載 就不會統計到那個金氏紀錄裡面 所以還是耐心等等吧 If you'd like to be notifed the minute that we launch, please go to sign up for Download Day. Or just head over to getfirefox.com on Tuesday, June 17th after 10am PDT. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lht2:Http/1.1 Service Unavailable =w= 06/18 01:00
ardidi:tp/1.1 Service Unavailable =w= 爆了@@? 06/18 01:01
ybite:mozilla.com大塞車中... = = 06/18 01:01
lht2:與伺服器的連線在傳輸過程中被重設了。 .. 06/18 01:01
Jerrynet:/1.1 Service Unavailable =w= 太多人了@@? 06/18 01:02
gaelelw:http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ 還是2.0.0.14 06/18 01:02
sisay:爆了 XD 06/18 01:02
lht2:台灣官網換了 06/18 01:02
ybite:moztw.org更新了耶 = = 06/18 01:02
ardidi:建議他們下次可以找google來幫忙啊XD 06/18 01:02
min496:不動了 哭哭 06/18 01:02
jim221:塞車.. 06/18 01:02
ad47:好塞 @___@ 06/18 01:03
tokugawa:這是懲罰準時下載的人嗎..... 06/18 01:03
chenmick:好慢= = 這個問題應該會想到吧 06/18 01:03
daidai:網頁跑不出來XD 06/18 01:03
kamael:正在下載頁面等視窗跳出來ˊˋ 06/18 01:04
kewang:ubuntu還有其他linux怎麼辦呀??? 06/18 01:04
jim221:明天再來抓..先去睡覺 06/18 01:04
cooladam:轉轉轉... 06/18 01:05
sb107912:有Linux版可以下載呀 06/18 01:06
cityeffect:mac版也下載不了.... 06/18 01:06
MLChens:Orz 06/18 01:06
kewang:可是我想用deb下載 囧rz 06/18 01:06
eit:炸掉了 06/18 01:07
hirorei:版上也爆了 06/18 01:08
lht2:喔喔喔..在跑了 06/18 01:12
lht2:50-60K /s 06/18 01:12
eit:我10k/s 06/18 01:13
lht2:抓完了XD 06/18 01:14
xxxEVA:恭喜樓上XD 06/18 01:14
awashharp:塞爆啦! 06/18 01:15
friendalvin:oh 抓到了XDDDDDDDD 06/18 01:17
qsxcyy:我也下載到了 100多k在跑 06/18 01:17
karst10607:來啦來啦!!!我抓到你啦!小狐狸!好快的速度!耶!! 06/18 01:19
awashharp:下載完成***ˋ(  ̄▽ ̄)ˊ*** 06/18 01:21
jsb:70 kb/s,完成! 06/18 01:23
ymore:下載完成 MD5: b4d3ffcdab87b0eab3bc013659280051 06/18 01:23
eit:下超久 7.66 k/s 06/18 01:30
sinstar:樓上的是正式版的嗎 和RC3的一模一樣 06/18 01:30
eit:正式版的確是一樣XD 而且tab mix plus 居然不能用 囧 06/18 01:34
karst10607:tmp可以用喔 要更新 看一下置底的板號 06/18 01:37