看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
下面是一些我正在用的ADD-ONS IETAB跟同文堂因為會LEAK MEMORY所以停用了 有些不相容但是還是可以用 軟件: Firefox 3.0 (2008061806) 操作系統: WINNT (x86-msvc) 六月 18, 2008 項目總數 (T): 26 - Adblock Plus http://adblockplus.org/ 廣告已成過去式! - Adblock Plus: Element Hiding Helper 1.0.4 http://adblockplus.org/ Helps you create element hiding rules for Adblock Plus to fight the text ads. - BlockSite 0.7.1 Block websites you don't want to visit ever again! - Configuration Mania 1.09.2008051801 http://members.lycos.co.uk/toolbarpalette/confmania/index_en.html 調整更多隱藏設定 - Context Search 0.4.3 http://www.cusser.net Expands the context menu's 'Search for' item into a list of search engines. - Download Statusbar http://downloadstatusbar.mozdev.org/ 用下載列檢視並管理下載狀態 - Extension List Dumper 1.14.1 http://sogame.awardspace.com/ 顯示一個擴充套件列表清單 - FlashGot 1.0.3 http://flashgot.net 在Windows,Mac OS X,Linux 和FreeBSD下使用最受歡迎外部下載程式,執行單一和多數(" 全部" 以及 " 選擇" ) 下載 (欲了解目前支援程式,參見擴充套件的首頁)。FlashGot 同時提供Build Gallery功能,容易和迅速的 "全部下載" 散佈在各網頁的媒體檔案。 - Force Content-Type 1.2.1 (不相容) http://www.biko2.com/ An extension to force the Content-Type of URLs - IE Tab 1.5.20080310 (停用) https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/1419/ 讓 Firefox 也能內嵌 IE 用雙核心!!! - IE View Lite 1.3.3 http://www.graysonmixon.com/extension/ Cut down version of IE View by Paul Roub. - Leak Monitor 0.4.2 (停用) http://dbaron.org/mozilla/leak-monitor/ This extension pops up an alert dialog to warn chrome and extension developers about one particular type of leak. It warns when windows close but leave other code pointing at their JavaScript objects. - lori (Life-of-request info) http://www.le.com/~hle/lori/ For tracking the life of a request - No Squint http://urandom.ca/nosquint/ Manage site-specific full page and text zoom levels - Nuke Anything Enhanced 0.68.1 Allow hiding of almost anything via context menu - PCMan Plug-in (不相容) http://pcman.ptt.cc The telnet plug-in for Mozilla Firefox. - QuickDrag 1.0.4 http://mozilla.ktechcomputing.com/quickdrag/ Extends the function of the drag-and-drop mouse gesture so that it can be used to load URLs, do a web search of selected text on a page, or save an image on a page. - RAMBack 1.0 Lets you clear internal Firefox caches - repagination 2006.4.5 (不相容) Right click "next" or "previous" or "2" link and flatten all results to one page. Ex. Search Results Page. There is also a slide show option. - Resurrect Pages 2.0.2 http://trac.arantius.com/wiki/Extensions/Resurrect 藉由尋找頁庫存檔來還原失效的頁面。 - ScrapBook http://amb.vis.ne.jp/mozilla/scrapbook/ 協助您收藏網路各項資料,簡單方便! - ScrapBook AutoSave 1.3.1 http://amb.vis.ne.jp/mozilla/scrapbook/addons.php Save web-pages automatically with ScrapBook. - StatusbarEx 0.2.17 http://doudehou.googlepages.com/statusbarex Display information on the statusbar, such as memory usage, network speed, web page last modify time, and so on. - Stop-or-Reload Button 0.2.2 (不相容) http://v2studio.com/k/moz/ Turns the stop and reload buttons into a single one. When you can stop, you have a Stop button, otherwise you have a Reload button. (Like Safari) - Stylish 0.5.7 http://userstyles.org/stylish/ 自訂網站與使用介面的外觀。 - 新同文堂 (New Tong Wen Tang) 0.3.9 (停用) http://rt.openfoundry.org/Foundry/Project/?Queue=333 中文繁簡轉換 (Chinese Simplified<->Traditional switcher) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
doom3:另外有個np-mswmp.dll Plugin 比WMP的好用 不會讓FX當掉 06/18 07:31
catsondbs:Stop-or-Reload Button可以改CSS代替 06/18 07:48
sate5232:我的IETAB和新同文堂可不會LEAK MEMORY.... 06/18 08:01
tokugawa:有個Smart Stop/Reload 1.0.1應該可以用(要登入AMO) 06/18 08:06
catsondbs:http://tinyurl.com/ys7e9o 06/18 08:10
doom3:stop reload 我用Stylish解決了 06/18 09:21
doom3:memory leak 是leak monitor 偵測的 等有新版在試試.. 06/18 09:23