看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.opera.com/support/service/faq/ ▏▎▍▌▋▊ Opera FAQ ─────────────────────────────────────── http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/o951s_10080m.exe 從9.51後在論壇下載附件都會變成.php檔! Changelog: Security status should be now always correctly set when navigating from HTTP to HTTPS. Fixed an issue related to OCSP and CRLs that would lower security level - Yngve has a detailed article. You'll have to manually check for updates to activate this fix. Fixed an issue in the content blocker that might cause no page to be loaded anymore. :doh: Fixed a crash on Yahoo! Mail (now really!). Fixed a crash with userjs. Fixed a crash related to Dragonfly. Fixed a crash on Print Preview. Fixed an issue that caused unwanted line breaks in rich text editors. Fixed loading of stylesheets when navigating in history. UNIX specific: Fixed an issue that would prevent pages from closing on Qt4 builds. Fixed saving of changes to plugin configuration. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ileadu:bug opera ... 06/28 12:54
Alica:9.5確實有點急就章 連自家的宣傳用banner都還沒跟上 囧rz 06/28 13:05
dyang:....更新得真頻繁~~~~但是我還是都乖乖的裝了~ 06/28 13:56
ileadu:為何第一個通過acid3的opera 在 9.5x 版還是沒辦法通過? 06/28 13:57
karst10607:Op 在咕狗服務上還是沒有進步…唉…加油啊~ 06/28 14:47
carlcarl:一堆蟲的歌劇院orz 06/28 16:09
weiyucsie:感覺9.5上 跑google的服務有快一點了 06/28 20:34
weiyucsie:畢竟google官方沒試圖支援... 06/28 20:35
farnorth:GOOGLE不太喜歡OPERA呀 沒辦法 除非OPERA市佔率能衝高 06/28 21:58
farnorth:不過行動裝置像是手機或PDA Opera的市佔率就超高 XD 06/28 21:59
justwhite:ileadu你也應該看看其他的 OP已經最高了8X Fx7x 06/28 22:11
justwhite:第二是Fx 之前大家都是在衝他們自己的內部版本不是正式 06/28 22:12
timyau:Google 比較喜歡 Fx .. 06/28 22:21
xvid:acid3沒什麼意義 06/28 23:35
justwhite:對阿 而且acid2也是到Fx3才完全支援而且最找要是看IE... 06/29 16:56