看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.opera.com/support/service/faq/ ▏▎▍▌▋▊ Opera FAQ ─────────────────────────────────────── 也才剛下載而已 不知道跟9.52實際上用的感覺到底差多少 但以下是官方說明更新部分.... Link it: Opera Link now lets you also synchronize custom Search engines and typed History. So any website address you typed in one computer will be available in all your other computers. 讓你可以同步更新自訂搜尋引擎及搜尋紀錄,所以你在一台電腦所留下的紀錄 可以同步更新到其他電腦。 Feed Preview: Click on the feed icon and you will see it in a clean and efficient layout especially formated for your window size. This makes it easier to see the feeds content before subscribing to it or even bookmarking it for quickly viewing what's new in a page without distractions. 我實際用了一下,你的RSS feed多了可以預覽頁面的功能,就不需要實際到了那個網 站就可以看每一條更新到底是甚麼內容,再讓你選有興趣的去看。上半部會是一條條的RSS feed,下半部就是預覽的頁面。 Speed Enhancement: Go on, surf around, you'll notice the Web is snappier in Opera 9.6 with faster page loading than previous versions. 你會發現上網更快速喔,在你讀取頁面的時候你會發現比上一版本更快。 以下是Opera mail部分的更新 抱歉我是用gmail 就比較不注意了.... Low Bandwidth Mode: Now the mail client reduces data downloads as much as possible so you can check your mail faster when you are on the move. Enable it in your account properties and enjoy a faster email experience. Follow Threads: Keep your eye on important discussions by right-clicking on one of the emails and selecting Follow Thread. All related emails will now appear under the Followed Thread view in your Mail panel. Ignore Threads: Not really interested in the American Idol discussion your co-workers have going on? Just right-click on the email and select Ignore Thread. Past and future emails from this thread will now skip your unread view. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kaoh08:OP 10/08 16:45
On1earth:更新完成。感覺不太到載入的速度有什麼差別@@ 10/08 16:49
SCYAzure:OP XDDDD 10/08 17:36
OhMyAlex:電腦太好可能感覺不出來 弄台P3來看比較準 10/08 18:18
kaoh08:有差 啟動也有差 10/08 18:19
OhMyAlex:真的有比較快耶 VISTA之前開都有點卡卡的 10/08 18:21
comba:有人搜尋列按enter沒反應的嗎? 10/08 20:09
farnorth:對比較舊的電腦來說Opera真的是救星。 10/08 22:10
oscar721:真的變很快耶..可是本來1、2切換分頁變成什麼?我找不到>< 10/09 00:33
weiyucsie:話說"低頻寬模式"這幾個字已經變成中文了XD 10/09 01:25
justwhite:樓樓上 你要改成舊版的鍵盤快速鍵: 9.2 compatible 10/09 02:17
alalo:之前不是有說用滾輪時可以記錄當前頁面.請問要如何使用呢? 10/09 09:15
punke04:甚麼時候才能支援便當狗勒 10/09 16:08
OhMyAlex:樓上LAG有點大 早就可以了 10/09 23:15
sb107912:支援便當狗的自動開啟下載視窗嗎? 10/09 23:50
vicehades:9.52沒辦法抓便當狗,這個版本可以抓嗎? 10/10 09:18
realmax:opera 9.6好用,linux版本裝完後還蠻順的 10/10 11:08
sb107912:便當狗問題 精華區有解法 10/10 12:23