看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
GC最新版本更新到0.4.154.29 只有小修正,主要是針對Gears的安全性修正, 另外前面有板友提到拉動分頁會當機的問題看說明應該是解決了 詳細更新內容如下: 或見 http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/ This release upgrades Gears to to address a security issue with Gears and earlier versions: Gears Cross-Origin Worker Vulnerability CVE: CVE-2008-5258 A vulnerability in Gears could allow an attacker to run code in the context of a site that serves user-controlled files. To exploit this, an attacker needs to upload a malicious file to the victim's site and convince the user to allow the attacker's site to use Gears. Severity: High. Even though this requires convincing users to allow a third-party site to use Gears, it could allow data theft and cross-site scripting on sites hosting user-created content, even those that do not use Gears. Credit: Thanks to Yair Amit, Senior Security Researcher, IBM Rational Application Security Research Team for responsibly reporting the issue to Google. This release also contains a fix to stop crashes while dragging tabs on computers running Windows Vista. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fshslee:Google 加油! 快快修正一些尚未相容的功能 12/03 08:38