看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Firefox 3.0.12 fixes several issues found in Firefox 3.0.11: * Fixed several security issues. * Fixed several stability issues. * Fixed an issue introduced in Firefox 3.0.11, where Firefox would occasionally freeze when accessing the Java plug-in on Windows XP. (bug 498132) * Fixed an issue introduced in Firefox 3.0.11, where Firefox would not save data properly when a user stored their home directory on a remote location using AFP. (bug 497792) * On Mac OS X, fixed an issue where certain AppleScripts failed to return the proper information. (bug 427448) MFSA 2009-40 Multiple cross origin wrapper bypasses MFSA 2009-39 setTimeout loses XPCNativeWrappers MFSA 2009-37 Crash and remote code execution using watch and __defineSetter__ on SVG element MFSA 2009-36 Heap/integer overflows in font glyph rendering libraries MFSA 2009-35 Crash and remote code execution during Flash player unloading MFSA 2009-34 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:1.9.1/ http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
abccbaandy:還在更新呀... 07/22 17:37
emethxyz:多少都還是會支援一段時間啦 07/22 19:11
ybite:Firefox 3.0應該會支援到今年年底 07/22 19:48
ybite:等等,2010年1月才對 07/22 19:50
timmy5519:今年農曆年底.. 07/24 15:18