看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
有幾個很好理由, 就目前流傳的說法: 1] IE6 only網頁安全比起ie8 弱很多,尤其兩岸因有對岸官方網軍肆虐, 他們這批人對於i6可說是瞭若指掌,不管是網管或User都很容易被入侵。 2] 現在有很多網頁出現警示將停止支援ie6 的訊息,如youtube 等網站。 並且有http://www.ie6nomore.com/ 這網站強力宣導,網頁上資料如下. 可是衍生一個問題,許多編輯網頁人手中還是僅支援舊式ie6 only的Web Editor ,那麼現在有甚Web Editor充分支援FireFox 、IE8 ?麻煩有人告知, 要說服同僚也是得有憑有據,不管是商售或免費都行。每次遇到IE6 only網頁 也挺頭痛的。 Why? Enough is enough. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 was released in late 2001. For its time, it was a decent browser, but in 2009, it is still in use by a significant portion of the web population, and its time is now up. As any web developer will tell you, working with IE 6 is one of the most difficult and frustrating things they have to deal with on a daily basis, taking up a disproportionate amount of their time. Beyond that, IE 6's support for modern web standards is very lacking, restricting what developers can create and holding the web back. What? This website is run by a group of people who want to see IE 6 disappear as soon as possible. To help make that happen, we're encouraging the IE 6 users of our websites to upgrade to a more modern browser, so they can have a better experience using our sites and browsing the web. How? Check out the code samples for different styles and languages, or just copy and paste the following code onto your site: http://www.ie6nomore.com/code-samples.html ※ 引述《deoman43ggyy (deoman43ggyy)》之銘言: : IE6鐵定會被孤獨兒 : IE8才是王道 : (ps:我知道還有更好的瀏覽器~ : 但是面對MS的愛好擁護者....無輒....) : 但是 : 老哥還在IE6 : 他說IE8在網路上人家都說怎樣怎樣不穩定.... : 一.一||| : 請問一下 : 我要準備哪些理由去說服老哥從IE6升到IE8呀~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
darKyle:拿這當藉口的都是該淘汰的老古董了 08/09 19:38
emethxyz:其實我覺得要人換瀏覽器與其講一堆人家根本不在意的理由 08/09 21:51
emethxyz:不如直接跟他說"拎北就是要你換"比較快XD...限家人就是了 08/09 21:51
m0535:不在意browser的人你舌根嚼爛要他換ie8,他也不會理你 08/09 21:53
Dataminer:Notepad足夠了,你需要的是W3C。 08/09 21:54
m0535:台灣太多開機打開ie首頁不是yahoo就不會上網的人,要這些人 08/09 21:54
m0535:換browser最快的方法就是yahoo首頁不支援ie6 08/09 21:55
Dataminer:-What's your browser? -Oh,I use yahoo. XD 08/09 21:56
abccbaandy:對那些不懂的使用者,你直接幫她裝ie8大概也不會發現XD 08/09 22:00
chrissuen:我就是默默地把我父母的browser換成ie8了 XDD 08/12 00:29
rabbithenry:光是依靠Web Editor來寫網頁的設計師該被時代給淘汰了 08/25 21:37