看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
部落格 http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2010/02/05/skin-fixes-unite-and-then-some 大意: Opera 10.5在Windows上已經進展到Beta階段, Unite現在也可以使用了, 然後就是一堆Bug的修正。 重點來了-- 這次加入了新的特色:”Geolocation API support"What is geolocation? Location specific services on the web is not new. Many web sites offer localized services based on your IP address such as "Find a Friend in [your city]". IP address location is typically very inaccurate and cannot be used for more advanced location services. With the W3C Geolocation API, this changes as the browser is able to provide much more accurate location data to a web site using the additional wifi data from the surrounding wifi endpoints. This will allow for services such as Flickr's World Map for finding geolocation tagged images close to your location (use "Find my location") or example services such as on HTML 5 demos site." 很多網站都會根據你的IP位址來提供在地化服務, 但這個方法通常很不精準,而且也沒有辦法提供更好的服務。 利用Geolocation,Opera就可以抓到使用者精確的所在地。 這樣有什麼好處呢? 比方說使用Flickr's World Map時就可以找到更接近你所在地的圖片, (這是它寫的例子,我也沒用過~( ̄▽ ̄)~真的會差很遠嗎?) 這樣才能達到真正的在地化服務嘛~ 有興趣的就去他們的部落格看看吧~ Highlights: * Added geolocation * Opera Unite should be working again * Spell checking should be working again * Skin updates * Full IPv6 support on Windows * Bugfixes Known Issues * The geolocation user interface is still work in progress (you have to reload the page after accepting the ToS) * Unite applications can not be installed (MIME type issue) * No styling for error pages and internal pages * Crash on exit after loading Flash (Unix only) * The content blocker toolbars appears in the previous tab when opening a new private tab Downloads: Windows:http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/Opera_1050_3222_in.exe Mac:http://snapshot.opera.com/mac/Opera_10.50_8240_Intel.dmg Linux:http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/snapshot-6208/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cg6445:我記得Fx跟GC都有這功能?((GC是透過Gear來使用的 02/06 15:40
darKyle:Fx 3.1 beta就玩過 誤差數公里 不過至少還在同一個城市裡 02/06 16:25
farnorth:在台灣數公里會跑到另個城市去了吧 XD 02/06 18:12
pxx:樓上是數十公里吧 02/06 18:29
cg6445:現在應該還好吧?至少她很精準定位到我家了誤差不到3M... 02/06 19:00
OhMyAlex:這版的Opera Link問題很大 = =" 02/06 19:54
OhMyAlex:剛剛發現Opera對右鍵的支援度增強很多 咕狗地圖也能用了 02/06 21:27
Syu:樓上說的應該是Google增加對Opera的支援 (舊的9.64也能用了 02/06 21:47
OhMyAlex:10.1不行耶 還是說被OP自己的功能表擋住? 02/06 21:53
Whippet:好像是因為10.5開始支援contextmenu 02/06 22:11
xvid:google的字型還是很怪 02/06 23:50
farnorth:我換到10.5字型才變怪耶 以前的設定完好像比較好 02/07 02:26
xvid:10.1是新細明體 之後的snapshot都會變成SimHie 02/07 02:58
xvid:直到這篇的版本在簡體字形才出現微軟正黑和新細明體可選 02/07 02:59
xvid:不過修改過後一樣沒用 02/07 03:00
xvid:剛才換了幾次就好了XDD 02/07 03:11