看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://blog.xmarks.com/?p=2007 I’m pleased to announce that we’re in the final stages of completing a sale of Xmarks to a new owner who is 100% committed to keep our great browser sync service running smoothly. The Xmarks service will evolve to have both a free component and a premium component – we’ll share all the details once the deal is done. For all of you that signed our pledge, or are asking us to reopen the pledge, please hold that thought. When we update the service we’ll have a premium option for you to spend some of your hard earned money on, and we will be very thankful when you do! I can’t provide more details just yet, but I wanted to publish this update to let you all know that we’re alive and kicking and things are on track for a “new and improved” Xmarks. Regards, James 整篇翻譯:找到金主了 -- 腦殘巨嬰沒藥醫 要滾快滾沒人攔你 靠邀 你耍我啊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lim3:大推整篇翻譯XDDDDD 11/05 16:01
faust7883:推整篇翻譯XDY 11/05 16:19
Kenqr:以後會分免費會員和付費會員 不知道免費會員會不會砍功能 11/05 16:29
liousta:XDDDDDDD 11/05 17:21
dhentaib:整篇翻譯真是言簡意賅 11/05 17:35
emethxyz:推翻譯XDD 11/05 18:50
karst10607:好希望是Mozilla買下xmarks.... 11/05 19:07
wzch:推翻譯XD 11/05 21:08
Boommoon:推翻譯,簡單明瞭 11/05 21:23
knight00931:XDDDDD 11/05 21:29
richjf:推翻譯! 11/05 21:32
whackup:什麼時候才要做 opera 版啊 ... 11/06 09:40
menth:大推翻譯XD 11/06 14:29