看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
via: http://goo.gl/XWgVy Your thumbnails, now prettier! By Arjan van Leeuwen. Thursday, 10. March, 19:51 The last two updates you got weren't that exciting, so we wanted to give you some more stuff to play with today. There are many improvements in the speed dial, but the first thing you might notice is that thumbnails are now generated differently. 上兩個更新可能讓你覺得沒甚麼特別的,所以今天我們打算 給你更多好玩的東西。這次的快速撥號有很多改進的地方, 你首先可能會察覺到預覽圖好像不一樣了。 Instead of always generating a thumbnail of the whole page, Opera intelligently tries to find a representative part of the site to display. To do that, it searches through all the images on the page and scores them based on size, position and file name. For example, an image called 'logo.png' in the top left corner will be a good candidate. Opera will make a thumbnail of the surroundings of that image, making it clearer which site is in the thumbnail. 和以往都把整個網頁當作預覽圖不一樣,這次Opera會自動尋找 網站的某一塊具代表性區域來當作預覽圖。作法是這樣的,它會 去搜尋網頁中所有的圖片,並透過圖片的大小、位置和檔名來判 斷。譬如說網站中左上角的一張叫「logo.png」的圖片就是一個 不錯的選擇。Opera會取那張圖片稍大一個範圍來當作預覽圖, 這樣可以讓網站的預覽圖更加清晰。 Alternatively, it's possible to specify exactly what your page's thumbnail should look like. If your page knows how to handle the 'minimized' view mode, Opera will use that in the speed dial. If you don't need a dynamically changing thumbnail, you can specify an image to use for your page by linking it in the page's <head> like this (the image should be at least 114x114 pixels): 另外,你可以指定你的網頁顯示怎樣的預覽圖。如果你的網頁懂得 如何處理「minimized」檢視模式,那Opera就會用它來當作預覽圖。 如果你不需要動態變更預覽圖的話,你可以針對你的網頁透過連結 圖片到網頁的 <head> 來指定要顯示的圖片;就像這樣。(圖片最 少要 114x114 個像素) <link rel="image_src" type="image/jpeg" href="thumbnail.jpg"> Websites now also have the possibility to tell Opera how often they want their thumbnail updated. The Preview-refresh HTTP header can be used for this purpose. The example below will cause the thumbnail for this website to be refreshed every 10 seconds: 現在,網站也可以藉由告訴Opera他們想要多久更新一次網站預覽圖。 Preview-refresh HTTP header 可以幫助網站達到這個目的。下面的 例子就可以讓網站的預覽圖每10秒更新一次: <meta http-equiv="preview-refresh" content="10"> Apart from all that goodness Opera now makes it easier for you to install plugins if you don't have them installed on your system. And of course there are all the bug fixes in this snapshot... I could talk about this for days . Check the full changelog for all the details. 除了上述這些有趣的之外,當你的系統在缺少外掛時,Opera還提供你 一個更簡單安裝外掛方式。當然還有這般的瑕疵修復...我可以為此談 上好幾天呢。請從完整的更新紀錄取得詳細的資訊吧。 WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes, and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all. 翻譯聲明: 本翻譯為個人業餘即興之翻譯,非屬官方正式中文翻譯,若有錯誤歡迎指正。因為時間和 專業程度關係,本譯文出現錯誤和省略原文在所難免,若讀者發現錯誤之處,請務必通知 ,以避免影響誤導其他讀者。最後提醒讀者,若發現譯文與原文產生衝突時,一切以原文 為準。 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo t7: 首先,根據goo.gl的統計紀錄,下載連結沒人點 所以我這次就不加了 (反正大家要載的話就點過去下) 梭魚登場後頓時讓我有種回到 11 版推出前的 Snapshot 的那種感覺 這版問題很多,像甚麼狂吃CPU、搜尋引擎不見(或變多)、狂當等 總之瘋狂如我都對這幾版的梭魚 Snapshot 敬而遠之 如果你心臟夠大顆的話,可以直接更新(但最好先備份) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -- ◆◆◆◆◆ [t7度空間] ◆◆◆◆◆ http://t7yang.blogspot.com 一個屬於我的創作空間 ◆◆ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
OhMyAlex:記憶體真的是狂噴 = =" 03/11 23:43
weiyucsie:又有新的了XD http://preview.tinyurl.com/4qda3vl 03/12 07:53
weiyucsie:有個missing call to deallocate() 看看有沒有改善 03/12 08:33
weiyucsie:結果剛剛裝下去,一開就crash XD 03/12 08:37
t7yang:梭魚的SS真的不敢用 問題真的很多 有很可怕... 03/12 15:00