看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Speed Dial shaping up even more By Wojciech Dzier. Friday, 25. March, 16:20 via:http://goo.gl/Ipb3h Greetings from a first-time poster! Here comes another snapshot for you to test on the road to the Barracuda final. A lot has been said about the Speed Dial evolution since Barracuda got some teeth. While you shared your positive and negative impressions, we said there were many pieces to the puzzle. 在你等待最終的梭魚版時,我們提供你另一個測試的版本。從 Barracuda got some teeth 後我們有很多關於快速撥號進化的 的話想說。當你分享你的正面或負面的感想時,我們卻面對著 很多的難題。 And now the final pieces are starting to fall into place. The new flow layout of the Speed Dial is now enhanced with auto-zooming so that it fills up your window nicely. A beefed-up Speed Dial configuration dialog reacts to changes you make instantly. Oh, and for those of you who want to save every precious piece of your window, it has an option to hide the plus button, too. 最後的一步也開始邁向完成。快速撥號新的流動式介面透過自動 縮放取得了進一步的提升,現在它可以更好的填滿你的視窗了。 一個強化的快速撥號組態方塊可以馬上地回應你的所做的變更。 喔,對於視窗空間有這寸土寸金想法的使用者,我們也提供了隱藏 加按鈕的選項。 Just in case you are led to believe the Speed Dial is the only thing that's been keeping us busy, I'm here to tell you it's... not! We tweaked the skin to look cleaner and smoother, ensured that reordered Speed Dial cells are now synchronized correctly, and made other general improvements and fixes to Opera Link as well. 嗯,為了不讓你誤會我們只為了快速撥號就忙翻天,我在這裡鄭重 告訴你...不是!我們微調了介面主題讓它更明亮、柔順,保證重新 排列快速撥號的縮圖也可以正確同步,還有改善一些一般的問題 和修正 Opera Link。 Known Issues(已知問題) .Speed Dials thumbnails are reloaded over the network every time the window is  resized (rather than being generated from cache) (快速撥號在每次調整縮放比時  都會重新載入) .Upgrading from older Barracuda installations could cause Speed Dial layout  problems(從之前的梭魚版升級後導致快速撥號的版面的問題) WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes, and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all. 翻譯聲明: 本翻譯為個人業餘即興之翻譯,非屬官方正式中文翻譯,若有錯誤歡迎指正。因為時間和 專業程度關係,本譯文出現錯誤和省略原文在所難免,若讀者發現錯誤之處,請務必通知 ,以避免影響誤導其他讀者。最後提醒讀者,若發現譯文與原文產生衝突時,一切以原文 為準。 t7: 稍微錄了一段 DEMO 如果想看過介面再決定是否要更新的話 可以當做是參考 http://goo.gl/ro821 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo t7: 本來要整理今天去元智大學聽Opera大學巡迴講座會的一些感想。 但今天真的太累了,明天有空再弄...3點多了 早上... 最後希望大家可以幫填個問卷,如果你有看我在PTT發布消息文章的習慣 問卷很簡單不要一分鐘可以填完,主要是改進以後的呈現方式。 問卷:Http://goo.gl/0x6xT 感謝各位熱情的讀者! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -- ------------------ 北F ------------------- ------------------ || ------------------- ------------------ 西S=====中OP=====東I ------------------- ------------------ || ------------------- ------------------ 南C ------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
t7yang:最後補充:這次同樣很有愛心,GG服務都可以用 03/26 03:50
Weal:所以t7這次建議裝這版嗎 感覺known issues 對我影響不大 03/26 09:41
peacedove:done 03/26 10:35
t7yang:known issues對我沒有影響 w7 64bit 下目前暫時用得很開心 03/26 13:24
t7yang:問卷回答非常踴躍 感謝各位 預計多開放一天就結束這次調查 03/27 00:15
t7yang:屆時再根據問卷的結果調整接下來的文章結構 03/27 00:15
linhomeyeu:done 03/27 14:42
t7yang:根據上面的說法應該是開放到明天3.44AM 但如果我早點睡就會 03/27 22:15
t7yang:早點關起來,所以還想填板友們就趕快吧 03/27 22:16
t7yang:問卷已經關閉 非常感謝各位的填寫 找機會再回應問卷建議 03/28 00:32