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Opera 11.50 (Swordfish) Beta By Haavard(haavard). Tuesday, 31. May, 06:00 via: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2011/05/31/swordfish-beta http://t7yang.blogspot.com/2011/06/opera-swordfish-beta.html Welcome to the Swordfish (Opera 11.50) Beta! Thanks to everyone who provided us with feedback and comments during the pre-beta testing of Swordfish. With this beta, Swordfish will be brought to an even wider audience. We will get an even better idea about issues that need to be ironed out before the final version is released. 感謝各位在劍魚測試期間給予我們回報和意見的。在這個 Beta 釋出後 劍魚將會讓更多使用者知道。在釋出最終版本前,我們會試著針對需要 解決的問題找出最好的解答。 There are several new things in the beta, and there should be something for everyone to enjoy. 在 Beta 版中新增了幾個新玩意,相信這會給大家帶來更多歡樂。 First of all, we have new features like Speed Dial extensions, password synchronization through Opera Link, and the Opera Next development channel which allows you to keep your main Opera installation and your test installation separate. 第一、我們新增了快速撥號套件、透過 Opera Link 的密碼同步、和能夠 與你目前的穩定區隔開來的 Opera Next 版本。 We have of course continued to polish Speed Dial. For example, the screenshot on the right shows a new "Add Speed Dial" dialog which lets you choose between sites and extensions using thumbnails in the dialog itself. 我們會持續強化快速撥號。就像是右圖顯示的那樣,在顯示「新增快速撥號」 的對話方塊中會使用圖片的方式來讓你選擇要新增的網站和套件。 There are also numerous other smaller and bigger fixes and enhancements, such as holding down Ctrl when clicking a link to open it in the background, tab handling improvements (that among other things allow you to stack tabs in the Windows panel), and so on. 這個更新還包含了若干個大小各異的除錯和強化,譬如同時按住 Ctrl 鍵 並使用滑鼠點選連結時會自動在背景開啟該連結、改善分頁的控制(將頁籤 群組的功能嵌入到 Windows Panel 中)等等。 In addition to all these (and more) desktop fixes and enhancement, Presto has received an upgrade as well. Not only are there numerous bug fixes, but our Core team has implemented a number of new HTML5 features, improved SVG performance, tweaked the memory usage of the EcmaScript cache, and more. 除了這些不大不小的更新和強化外,我們的 Presto 引擎也升級了。不只 有除錯而已,我們的核心團隊還新增了幾個 HTML5 的功能,譬如改善處理 SVG 的表現、微調 EcmaScript 快取使用的記憶體量... Take a look at the changelogs (linked below) for the full details on what's new in the Swordfish beta. 你可以從下列的更新紀錄中取得更多的關於劍魚 Beta 版的更新細節。 Enjoy! Download the Swordfish Beta: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/1150b1/int/Opera_1150b1_int_Setup.exe -- #1027 和往常一樣,最後一個最穩定的 Snapshot 將自動升級為 Beta。 我的試用心得是十分穩定,幾乎不會當。各位喜歡嘗鮮的又不太想追著 S2 跑的人 可以放心更新了。當然,我不會掛保證說一定沒有問題 XD (這次 PO 文的很仁慈,英文都沒有用得很難,我翻得超快 XD) -- ◆◆◆◆◆ [t7度空間] ◆◆◆◆◆ http://t7yang.blogspot.com 一個屬於我的創作空間 ◆◆ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sad0soul:哦哦~~~趕快抓來玩XD 06/01 17:57
Hgom:推推!有Beta就要下! 06/01 18:14
weiyucsie:話說安裝畫面那個連結還是沒改XD 06/01 19:17
t7yang:甚麼安裝畫面 06/01 23:20
weiyucsie:就安裝第一個畫面 [服務條]款 06/01 23:37