看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原始出處: http://my.opera.com/ting0619/blog/2011/08/03/opera-com 經過Opera台灣團隊、台灣區Opera校園尖兵以及Opera超級粉絲共同努力,opera.com正體 中文的官方網站終於終於終於(用了三次)給生出來了!我們在這裡謝謝各方的熱情幫忙, 因為你們的參與,正體中文的翻譯才可以完成。看到正體中文出現在官網上,只能用感動 加親切來形容我們現在的心情。如果你還沒看到Opera.com有正體中文,沒關係!你可以 在首頁左下方的語言選單中,選擇「正體中文」就可以了(見下圖)。 http://files.myopera.com/ting0619/blog/menu_tw.png
當然,裡面有少部份的頁面還是英文。如果你看不下去,我們其實還蠻誠摯歡迎你加入正 體中文的翻譯行列,練習一下英文翻中文,幫忙增加Opera正體中文的頁面內容 此外,現在Opera正體中文的內容資源也慢慢趨於完整,My Opera社群、 portal.opera.com、以及Opera第一手消息提供正體中文,其實就是希望吸引大家能夠常 常使用Opera,除了聽說可以讓自己的智商變高之外,告訴我們產品的改進空間,讓Opera 更好用! 原文新聞稿: http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2011/08/03/ Oslo, Norway and Taipei, Taiwan — August 3, 2011 Today, Opera released Opera.com in Traditional Chinese. All Opera.com visitors who have Traditional Chinese set as their browser language will be automatically redirected to the native language site. These users are able to enjoy receiving important product and support information from Opera.com, social networking in the My Opera online community, and reading news, sports and entertainment content from portal.opera.com in their preferred language. http://www.opera.com/bitmaps/press/releases/opera.com_in_zh-tw.png
Opera has strong growth in Taiwan and Hong Kong, where people use Traditional Chinese. The growth in the number of unique users of the Opera Mini mobile web browser has doubled since June 2010. Users have also shown enthusiasm in using Opera on desktop computers to enjoy a customized, fast, and safe web surfing experience. To help people learn more about Opera’s products easily, Opera.com now provides localized content to more than 30 million Traditional Chinese users around the world. The localization of Opera.com is a joint effort between Opera employees, Opera Campus Crew student volunteers, and Opera fans in Taiwan. “Traditional Chinese users represent a fast growing community for Opera and they actively give us advice for product improvement,” says Vincent Li, Country Manager Taiwan, Opera Software. “With localized content offered by Opera.com, My Opera and Opera Portal, we hope to engage more users in their preferred language and make Opera better. Participationchanges everything.” To connect with the Traditional Chinese Opera user community, please visit http://my.opera.com/tradchinese/forums/, and Opera’s news in traditional Chinese at http://my.opera.com/ting0619. Visitors will be able to post concerns and comments and get Opera browser tips and tricks in traditional Chinese. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tomyeung:非常感謝這些幫助 正體中文誕生的 "爸爸媽媽"們 ! :-D 08/03 15:12
Wcw5504:原po是否就是ting0619啊? 08/03 15:15
tomyeung:ting 是美女... 我只是打雜的雜工 (遮臉) ~ 08/03 15:16
Wcw5504:在/docs/底下似乎有些問題 子項目不會顯示出來 08/03 16:23
tomyeung:感謝, 已經反應...:) 08/03 17:58
t7yang:推!!! 原PO是型男啦 08/03 21:17