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《《已解決》》 照著藍底白字的步驟即可解決此問題 http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser_will_not_start_up XULRunner error after an update If you see the message, XULRunner - Error: Platform version <x.x.x.x> is not compatible with minVersion <x.x.x.x> .... after a Software Update ("<x.x.x.x>" depends on version number), use another browser to download the Firefox installer from mozilla.com, save it to the desktop or other location, and then delete the Firefox installation directory and reinstall Firefox. For detailed instructions, see Standard diagnostic - Firefox#Clean reinstall. This problem is sometimes caused by a security program (such as Zone Alarm Extreme Security) that is preventing changes to the "application.ini" file when you update Firefox. http://kb.mozillazine.org/Standard_diagnostic_-_Firefox#Clean_reinstall Clean reinstall Reinstalling Firefox after first removing the installation directory (the application or program folder) is called a "clean reinstall". (Removing the installation directory does not affect your Firefox profile data such as bookmarks, passwords, cookies, and preference settings, which are stored in a separate location.) Some Firefox issues are related to its program files, including components added to Firefox by other software. [3] Note: Starting in Firefox 3.6, the Firefox components directory will be "locked down" to prevent problems caused by incompatible or problematic third-party components. [4] [5] On Windows systems, a clean reinstall will also fix some problems related to browser plugins that may have been installed to the Firefox "plugins" folder. You can do a clean reinstall of Firefox as follows: 1.Download the Firefox installer from Mozilla.com (or download from here for the previous version) and save it to your desktop or other location. (Avoid unofficial download sites.) 2.Close Firefox completely 3.Delete the Firefox installation directory (On Windows, this is typically the C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox or C:\Program Files(x86)\Mozilla Firefox folder that contains "firefox.exe" and other Firefox program files and folders). 4.Reinstall Firefox by running the installer you downloaded previously. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Error:Platform version "" is not compatible with minVersion >= maxVersion <= 只要一按火狐執行檔就會跳出這個視窗 請問這個問題該如何解決呢? 我有嘗試去C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 找出這個資料夾裡頭的application.ini檔 把裡面的MinVersion和MaxVersion都改成1.9.2.18 結果按一下火狐執行檔後會立刻關閉該程式 我也嘗試著重新開機 結果還是一樣 如果重灌的話很多書籤會沒備份到 希望能有重灌以外的選擇 很奇怪昨天之前都好好的 今天突然強迫我更新 就出現這個問題 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wind0319 來自: (08/18 21:35)