看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Address field adjustments 由 Blazej Kazmierczak (bkazmierczak). 2012年2月8日星期三下午12:37:00 來源:http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2012/02/08/addressfield-ui Recently I have been working on improvements in the address field. The main UI related complaint was that Opera didn't show the full address any more, even when there is room for it. That was true; in 11.6x versions the length was limited to around 1/3 of the address field length. 最近我們正在改進網址列中。之前的介面被人投訴說為何在還有剩餘的空間下,仍不完 全顯示完整的網址。沒錯,這是事實;在 11.6x 版本中,長度都會限制在網址列的 1/3 左右。 As a result, we have replaced the 3 column solution (icon, URL, title) with 2 columns. The first column contains the icon (no, not favicon yet), and the second column contains the text. This text includes the address, page title, and optional page excerpt (when the row contains information provided by history results). In cases where there is not enough space, we still cut the text. 你會發現,我們已經將目前的 3 欄設計方式(圖示、連結、標題)替換為 2 兩欄。第 一欄包含了圖示(還沒有 favicon),第二欄則是文字的部分。文字包含了網址、網頁標 題、選擇性的網頁摘要(當資訊來自歷史記錄時)。當空間不足以顯示時,我們仍會將多 餘的文字砍掉。 We have also improved bolding rules, and provided new colors. 我們還改進了粗體效果的規則和提供新的色彩。 For bookmarks fans, we have further adjusted bookmark prioritization when ordering them in the drop down. 對於書籤的支持者而言,我們調整了書籤的優先順序,當下來選單展開時。 Please remember that work here is still ongoing, and further improvements are planned. 請務必記得這些修改仍在進行中,更多的改進仍在計畫中當中。 已知問題 Further improvements to contrast and formatting are still being considered Favicons are not displayed and there is currently no option to bring them back Important parts of URLs can be cut off, if there is not enough space Mac: Some font rendering issues, and crashes with Web fonts WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes, and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all. 翻譯聲明: 本翻譯為個人業餘即興之翻譯,非屬官方正式中文翻譯。目的為協助不詣英文的讀者也 能夠或多或少的瞭解 Opera 的消息。基於專業程度和時間的關係,省略、錯誤和翻譯品 質不佳等問題在所難免。有發現翻譯上的錯誤,歡迎通知,省略與翻譯品質不佳則請見諒 。如果發現譯文與原文產生衝突時,一切以原文為準。最後提醒,若你英文造詣高超,請 直接閱讀原文。 下載 Windows:http://goo.gl/eqjl7 Mac:http://goo.gl/rgZjy Linux/FreeBSD:http://goo.gl/kOZws -- 過年回家都在養病...(甚麼東西都沒辦法吃 真悲哀) 目前是筆電用穩定版的 snapshot 桌機就用 NEXT 的 snapshot 所以兩版都有在體驗,感想就是穩定版的 snapshot 真的比較穩定(廢話) 好吧!對於這次的更新我只想說已知問題中沒有提到面板的 切換開關還是處於壞掉的狀態... 另外,撰文時發現已經釋出 11.62 #1297 了 http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2012/02/09/another-11-62-snapshot Here's another 11.62 snapshot. We will probably try to do weekly snapshots of Opera 11.6x every Thursday or so. 「嘗試」每週四一個釋出...(應該說聽聽就好嗎 XD) 最後再補充一點,對於非常關心 HWA 的朋友 DT 成員給出的回應是: These things are all being worked on internally. We have plenty of things to work through and that do not require further feedback. What you see in the changelog is not the sum of what we have done. Patience my friends, patience! 耐心,耐心點我的朋友!(一切都在內部的「計畫」當中) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -- ◆◆◆◆◆ [t7度空間] ◆◆◆◆◆ http://t7yang.blogspot.com 一個屬於我的創作空間 ◆◆ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
t7yang:雖然元宵都過了,但是祝大家新年快樂 XD 02/09 23:04
t7yang: 還 02/09 23:05
kaoh08:不知道匯入書籤排序顛倒bug修了沒.... 02/09 23:21
weiyucsie:1297 要特別注意的那兩個,不知道會不會炸...orz 02/09 23:42
t7yang:書籤的排序不是可以透過選項調整的嗎? 02/09 23:43
Wcw5504:看11.62的新snapshot修了一堆bug 讓我決定先回去用11.61 02/09 23:44
Wcw5504:感覺不穩的地方還能抓出不少 先使用相對穩定版還是比較好 02/09 23:44
Luciferspear:還在1211 莫不是64的卡關? 02/10 00:45
Wcw5504:那個64bit的labs版也更新了 02/10 01:00
kaoh08:自定義排序 怎麼樣都跟別家相反 反正我就先會匯到IE 再轉匯 02/10 01:48
kaoh08:到OP 現在只能這樣繞一圈弄.. 02/10 01:48
t7yang:樓上的問題是否有涉及到遞增遞減的排序問題呢? 02/10 01:50
t7yang:實驗室版出了名不穩定,真的只能測試用 XD 02/10 01:51
kaoh08:太好了OPx64 只能把希望寄托於他 受不了別家對64位元的偏心 02/10 01:56
kaoh08:遞增減排序沒用 我用穩定版也會 不過新版不想試 弄到link了 02/10 01:58
timyau:y大保重~~~ 02/10 12:26