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想不到2版還會有更新... Sleipnir 2.9.10 Official Version Release Notes [2012/04/26] We have fixed some of the bugs in Sleipnir 2.9.10. The modifications made since Sleipnir 2.9.9 Official Version are listed below. [Spec Changes] Increased usable memory in Sleipnir. A warning is now displayed before the memory usage of the rendering engine reaches the limit. Operations upon clicking some links has been made to work just like in IE. Plug-ins disabled in the internet options set to not load. [Fixed Bugs] "Unexpected call :SetBrowserFocus" being displayed when starting-up client fixed. 安裝版 http://www.fenrir-inc.com/services/download.php?file=sleipnir-en.exe 可攜版 http://www.fenrir-inc.com/services/download.php?file=portable-sleipnir-en.zip -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: