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Opera 12.13正式版在1/30號正式發表,有更新有保庇。 解決Facebook有關的小bug 和瀏覽器逛網頁的安全漏洞問題。 把Opera更新功能獨立出來運作。 http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/unified/1213/ Fixes and Stability Enhancements since Opera 12.12 General and User Interface Fixed an issue where Opera gets internal communication errors on Facebook Fixed an issue where no webpages load on startup, if Opera is disconnected from the Internet Fixed an issue where images will not load after back navigation, when a site uses the HTML5 history API (deviantart.com) Linux and Windows A new stand-alone update-checker, as part of a planned upgrade of the auto-update system Windows Improved protection against hijacking of the default search, including a one-time reset Security Fixed an issue where DOM events manipulation might be used to execute arbitrary code, as reported by Arthur Gerkis; see our advisory Fixed an issue where use of SVG clipPaths could allow execution of arbitrary code, as reported by anonymous via the iSIGHT Partners GVP Program; see our advisory Fixed a low severity security issue; details will be disclosed at a later date Fixed an issue where CORS requests could omit the preflight request, as reported by webpentest; see our advisory -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Wcw5504:Metro版介面不知道哪時才會出現 XD 01/31 14:43
oimg:更新後 OP目前當掉了 重啟不能... 01/31 20:15
Valter:不久前可以的 剛剛也是突然啟動不能... 01/31 20:25
eastwing:這版有個bug:按檢查更新之後會crash 01/31 21:22
suyining:更新後現在打開都直接當掉 囧... 01/31 21:27
gbcboy2002:一開就當+1 01/31 21:36
Valter:找12.12安裝檔可以暫時避掉這個災難 01/31 21:55
sheilarea200:12.02已經好久不敢更新了- - 01/31 23:19
jeffchang99:不是檢查更新,突然重新啟動就當了,停用套件也無效 02/01 02:50
eastwing:慘了,我的今天也開始開不起來了 02/01 18:52
oimg:降回12.12就可以開啟了 Orz 02/01 20:33
tokyoto:我目前正常 但因為我有保存安裝檔的習慣 我不是線上直接 02/01 21:41
tokyoto:更新 是先抓下來再安裝的 02/01 21:42
kaoh08:自動更新正常使用中 02/01 23:03
baile001:fb遊戲還是一樣卡,很慢 02/01 23:25
carlcarl:自動更新 正常++ 02/02 00:58
james122:這版讓我很想罵髒話! 剛crash掉,現在重開則一直顯示要不 02/02 21:54
james122:要回傳錯誤報告,點了也沒用... X的! 02/02 21:55
Justin520:跟樓上一樣 完全打不開 囧 02/03 00:55
mindsteam:我是在更新玩後「第二次」開啟時,在讀完所有前次關閉網 02/03 02:30
mindsteam:頁後Crush,被作業系統(Win7)強制關閉,但之後重開,並 02/03 02:31
mindsteam:且在讀完前次關閉網頁前就開新頁面去讀其他網頁後就沒有 02/03 02:32
mindsteam:再發生Opera當掉的狀況了。12.x版真的是小問題不斷…。 02/03 02:33
mindsteam:*更新完 02/03 02:33
fgkor123:12.13rc2可用 02/03 09:20
novacaine06:現在完全打不開了 02/03 11:43
novacaine06:win7開不起來,XP還可以用 02/03 13:02
jokeum:我也是檢查更新之後就再也開不起來… 02/04 00:40
jokeum:my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=1616212 02/04 00:50
jokeum:使用此篇有效 02/04 00:50
novacaine06:感謝樓上,終於可以開了! 02/04 10:49