看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.tw/2014/01/stable-channel-update.html TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2014 Stable Channel Update The Chrome Team is excited to announce the promotion of Chrome 32 to the Stable channel. 32.0.1700.76 for Windows and Chrome Frame and 32.0.1700.77 for Mac and Linux. This release contains a number of fixes and improvements, including: ‧ Tab indicators for sound, webcam and casting ‧ A different look for Win8 Metro mode ‧ Automatically blocking malware files ‧ A number of new apps/extension APIs ‧ Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance You can read more about these changes at the Chrome blog. http://chrome.blogspot.tw/2014/01/everyone-can-now-track-down-noisy-tabs.html Flash Player has been updated to,/which is included w/ this release. 其他略 這個連結還有提到更多 ‧ You can now track down noisy tabs: You can now visually scan your tabs for a speaker icon to quickly find the ones singing in the background. You’ll also be able to see which tabs are currently using your webcam or are being cast to your TV. ‧ Safe Browsing's malware warning has gotten stronger: If you see this message in the download tray at the bottom of your screen, you can click “Dismiss” knowing that Chrome is working to keep you safe. ‧ Try out supervised users for your family members: You can now use a beta preview of supervised users to help family members who may need some guidance browsing the web. Once you create a supervised user, you can visit chrome.com/manage to review their browsing activity and determine site restrictions. ‧ Chrome on Windows 8 “Metro” mode gets a new look: Manage multiple Chrome windows and quickly get to your favorite Chrome Apps with an integrated app launcher. On the desktop, we’ve updated the default styling of UI elements like form controls and scrollbars to match the sleek design of the new Chrome Metro interface. -- 我挑我知道的講 分頁上的聲音圖示,可知道哪個分頁在發出聲音, 這個在 Youtube 自己的標題上也有,Youtube 放前面,Chrome在後 http://fongchen.pixnet.net/album/photo/147574038 多了一個監管使用者的功能 在新增使用者那邊可以看到 這位受監管使用者即將由您負責管理。您必須登入才能使用這項功能。 被監管的使用者左上角 LOGO 旁也會標註「受監管的使用者」 http://fongchen.pixnet.net/album/photo/147574035 可設定受監管的使用者禁止瀏覽哪些網站或僅能瀏覽哪些網站 http://fongchen.pixnet.net/album/photo/147574041 不知道是不是讓家長可以管控小孩? 但如果我是小孩 我就會去開其他瀏覽器… 再來應該就是新的 UI 我的穩定版上次 (12/05) 被當白老鼠更新到 32.0.1700.41 m Aura 但這次大家一起更新後為 32.0.1700.76 m 後面的 Aura 字樣又被拿掉了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jessbianrad:無法更新耶... 01/15 19:12
p890:更新後bbfox就不能用了~ 要找新的代替! (版上有分享) 01/15 19:18
hslzh:網頁滑動卷軸的樣式也小改 01/16 16:24
sasox03:scrollbar改這樣比較清楚~ 01/16 21:37
w9103:這功能不錯 01/16 21:40