看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.tw/2014/04/stable-channel-update.html TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 Stable Channel Update The Chrome Team is excited to announce the promotion of Chrome 34 to the Stable channel for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Chrome 34.0.1847.116 contains a number of fixes and improvements, including: ‧ Responsive Images and Unprefixed Web Audio ‧ Import supervised users onto new computers ‧ A number of new apps/extension APIs ‧ A different look for Win8 Metro mode ‧ Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance Flash Player has been updated to, which is included w/ this release. -- 我發現捲軸變粗變醜了,但箭頭回來了 另外我的無痕式視窗說明變成英文 不知道其他人有沒有這問題? 33.0 vs 34.0 比較圖 http://fongchen.pixnet.net/album/photo/148946439 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1397003426.A.E35.html
sasox03: 04/09 14:39
※ 編輯: FongChen (, 04/10/2014 00:03:13
zhttp:嗯 我的也變英文 什麼箭頭? 04/10 15:39
George017:+1,然後原本調過的外掛程式設定又被改回來了 04/10 18:33
usingPTT:升級嚕 我的GC也該開出來透透氣 04/10 20:46
FongChen:我說的箭頭是指捲軸向上捲、向下捲的按鈕啦 04/11 11:18
chiangwei:scrollbar變粗,好醜= = 04/11 22:01