看板 Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天從 22.0.1471.70 升到 23.0.1522.60 時 乍看之下好像沒什麼大變化 直到我要把某個網頁加到快速撥號時 我才赫然發現 「怎麼只剩一個愛心按鈕!?還我快速撥號啊!」 按了下去才發現原來變成三合一按鈕啊 ‧將這一頁加到快速撥號 ‧將這一頁加到藏寶箱 ‧將這一頁加到書籤列裡 不過書籤列就真的只有書籤列 沒有 Op 12 的管理書籤、也沒有 GC 那種書籤管理員 但我已經習慣沒有書籤的 Opera 了 需要加書籤的我就交給我的 Firefox 及 Chrome -- ↓官方部落格介紹 http://goo.gl/M7oGAm [ blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/07/heart-icon-opera-23-for-windows-and-mac ] A heart-y cheer for Opera 23 for Windows and Mac Tags: news As the temperatures in Norway and Poland start to soar to double digits, we’ re pleased to release the finalized version of Opera 23 for Windows and Mac. The most visible change in Opera 23 is the heart icon in the combined search and address bar. Previously, Opera’s heart icon meant “add to Stash”. But, when we talked to users, they told us they were confused about the icons in address bar and didn’t know how to turn on the bookmarks bar. Now, click the heart and you can decide whether to add the page to Stash, the bookmarks bar or Speed Dial. If you add something to the bookmarks bar for the first time, the bar will be enabled automatically. heart-menu-opera-for-desktop Remember that you can right-click on the bookmarks bar to create a folder. addfolder-bookmarks-bar-opera We know that using the heart icon adds an extra click. We’re continuing to refine the heart menu and will add more bookmarking and bookmark management functionality in future releases. From our discussions, we know that many of you have your browser open all day for email, writing documents, watching movies and playing games. Therefore, it ’s vital Opera doesn’t crash just before you kill that alien, dry your eyes at the lovely movie finale (sob) or send that brilliant idea to your boss. So, under the hood, we’ve improved the browser’s stability to prevent crashes if a plug-in freezes or crashes. Thank you for using our fast, beautiful browser. If you’re anxious to see what’s coming next, by all means download Opera Next or Opera Developer. Opera Next includes all the newest feature that will make it into the stable stream, but may be a bit buggy. With Opera Developer, you get to see and test out all of our experiments as we create them. These builds live side by side with your main browser and won’t overwrite your stable install. Linux users can check out our early Developer version of Opera for Linux. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1406038417.A.D64.html
FongChen:補充:加入書籤列後,即使刪除所有書籤還是會顯示書籤列 07/22 22:16
FongChen: 請到 設定→使用者介面→顯示書籤列 去取消勾選 07/22 22:17
FongChen: (心理的 OS:這是什麼奇怪的設計 = =???) 07/22 22:18
rockmanx52:大概是上次裁員把有腦袋的工程師都砍了吧.... 07/23 01:27
sate5232:我看不懂這設計哪裡奇怪0.0 07/23 16:42
第一次使用書籤列,書籤列自動出現,書籤列上,能編輯、移除、新增資料夾 以上都很好 但是當我不需要這功能時 將書籤列上的書籤都移除,就留下一條空空的書籤列,不會自動隱藏 畫面上找不到隱藏書籤列的按鈕、右鍵選單也沒有隱藏選項 要關掉只能到設定中去尋找,而且選項還排在滿後面的 個人認為對於一個對電腦操不太熟悉的人來說 是不容易找到這個選項的位置 而如果選擇隱藏書籤列 也沒有任何地方可以看到書籤列裡的書籤 那我覺得它不如沒書籤的時候就自動隱藏吧 ※ 編輯: FongChen (, 07/23/2014 17:47:27
mosquito147:還在使用OPERA的使用者+1 07/24 11:54
p890:可以同步了嗎@@!? 07/27 15:17
redlance:我也還在等同步 07/30 02:31
flew:可以匯入Opera12的舊書籤了 感動... 08/06 00:37
kira925:今天用了Next其實還不錯 如果不在意裡面不是Presto引擎 08/07 10:37
kira925:還滿推的 08/07 10:37