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官方版本69.0預計在 2019年09月03日(美國時間) 台灣時間09月04日 更新 更新日誌 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/68.0/releasenotes/ New: Dark mode in reader view expands so that windows are also dark on the https://is.gd/grwR7r controls, sidebars and toolbars. Improved extension security and discovery: New reporting feature in about:addons allows you to report security and https://support.mozilla.org/kb/reporting-extensions-and-themes-abuse performance issues with extensions and themes. Redesigned extensions dashboard in about:addons provides easy access to information about your extensions, including data and settings access https://support.mozilla.org/kb/permission-request-messages-firefox-extensions required by each extension. Find high quality, secure extensions via the Recommended Extensions https://support.mozilla.org/kb/recommended-extensions-program program in about:addons, which now displays user count and ratings for each extension. "Recommended” badges for these extensions also appear on AMO. https://addons.mozilla.org/ More extensions will be added over time. Cryptomining and fingerprinting protections are added to strict content https://support.mozilla.org/kb/content-blocking blocking settings in Privacy & Security preferences. WebRender will roll out to Windows 10 users with AMD graphics cards. https://mozillagfx.wordpress.com/2019/05/21/graphics-team-ships-webrender-mvp/ Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) update download support, which allows Firefox update downloads to continue when Firefox is closed. Fixed: Various security fixes https://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox/#firefox68.0 Local files can no longer access other files in the same directory. Changed: Unified existing locales (bn-BD, bn-IN) under a single Bengali (bn) localization. The following unmaintained translations have been removed: Assamese (as), English - South Africa (en-ZA), Maithili (mai), Malayalam (ml), Odia (or). Existing users will be migrated to the British English (en-GB) version. When an HTTPS error caused by antivirus software is detected, Firefox will attempt to automatically fix it https://support.mozilla.org/kb/how-disable-enterprise-roots-preference Camera and microphone access now require an HTTPS connection. https://blog.mozilla.org/webrtc/camera-microphone-require-https-in-firefox-68/ The way non-default preferences are synced has changed. Please see this support article for more details https://support.mozilla.org/kb/sync-custom-preferences Enterprise: For all operating systems, we have a number of additional policies including: New tab page configuration and disabling Local file links Download behavior Search suggestions Managed storage for using policies in Webextensions Extension whitelisting and blacklisting by ID and website A subset of commonly used Firefox preferences You can see a full list of policies here. https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates Developerhttps://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/68 Firefox Developer Tools now offers a full page color contrast audit that identifies all elements on a page that fail color contrast checks. Added about:compat, where website-specific workarounds are listed and may be toggled. These workarounds are meant as temporary fixes for various forms of website breakage for Firefox, while the website fixes them in due time. With about:compat, it is now easy to see all of the workarounds that are active in Firefox, and easy for website developers to disable a given workaround for testing purposes. Introduces CSS Scroll Snap module that enforces scroll snap positions. Unresolved: The new URL bar implementation does not handle javascript: bookmarklets correctly yet (bug 1552141) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/1552141 官方載點: http://mozilla.com.tw/firefox/download/?os=win&install=full 另一個載點: http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-68.0&lang=zh-TW&os=win Mozilla的FTP伺服器: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/ Unbranded版本︰ https://wiki.mozilla.org/Add-ons/Extension_Signing#Unbranded_Builds -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1562679087.A.3B7.html ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/09/2019 21:31:38
rick: 擴充套件列表顯示更簡潔(隱私模式的部分) 佈景主題分 已啟用 07/09 21:39
rick: 已停用 推薦的佈景主題 07/09 21:39
maxximus: 不知道為什麼到這版MacType會失效,就算去改成Cairo也 07/09 23:52
maxximus: 沒有用,開關硬體加速也沒用,現在想辦法回到67.0.4... 07/09 23:53
Kagero: 買一台蘋果不就搞定了嗎 07/10 00:12
kuro: MacType在68還是可以啦 69才會完蛋 看中國的論壇說 cairo 07/10 01:01
kuro: 在69被刪掉 MacType的作者說等69正式版再確定 07/10 01:02
tzback: 更新完附加元件所有帳號登出無法登入 Stylus死去...!@#$%^ 07/10 13:42
maxximus: 請問樓樓上的MacType是好的嗎?我怎麼樣都無法宣染, 07/10 17:13
maxximus: 就算開一個全新乾淨的Profile也無法 07/10 17:13
maxximus: 目前先用回67.0.4的Unbranded,因為正常版只要一關掉 07/10 17:15
maxximus: 就自動安裝68版... 07/10 17:15
kuro: 68正常 你 about:config 有改兩個參數嗎 07/10 17:19
kuro: gfx.content.azure.backends > direct2d1.1,cairo,skia 07/10 17:20
kuro: gfx.direct2d.disabled > true 07/10 17:20
Bolty: 我win7也有用mactype,FX升到68沒異狀。 07/10 17:22
kuro: 我也是 win7 不曉得有沒有影響 補充一下 07/10 17:31
tzback: Win10 1809沒裝MacType 後來回67.0.4開舊Profile把Stylus 07/10 17:37
tzback: 樣式匯出 再裝68從Stylus匯入 套件如Pushbullet、Checker 07/10 17:37
tzback: Plus for Gmail一樣不能登入 07/10 17:37
maxximus: to Kuro:有的,我參數都跟你一樣,之前都沒問題,奇怪的 07/10 17:45
maxximus: 是,我只要在Support Page裡面按下Safe Mode(下次啟動 07/10 17:45
maxximus: 關閉所有Addon),宣染就沒問題,但是我一個一個進去關 07/10 17:46
maxximus: ,關到全部重開後也是沒用... 07/10 17:46
maxximus: 我目前是Windows10 1709 07/10 17:47
kuro: 安全模式可以的話應該就是可以 只是不曉得哪個環節出問題 07/10 18:00
kuro: 難道問題在 win10 嗎… 07/10 18:00
Bolty: 看看硬體加速的兩個checkbox的勾勾有沒有都取消 07/10 18:01
maxximus: 硬體加速的部份開啟與否都是一樣,無法宣染 07/10 18:03
Bolty: 安全模式好像不會啟用硬體加速,才覺得可能只取消一個勾 07/10 18:15
Bolty: 不然就進about:config檢查是不是強制啟用加速被開啟了 07/10 18:26
aiwheat: 68的mactype,正常使用中 07/10 21:40
maxximus: 繼續找問題中,感謝樓上各位的幫助! 07/10 22:29
maxximus: 後來乾脆直接開一個新的profile後把addon一個個的加回來 07/11 00:21
maxximus: ,gfx.content/canvas都把cairo擺前面,D2D關掉,硬體 07/11 00:21
maxximus: 加速也關掉後,就可以宣染了,也不知道是什麼問題,但是 07/11 00:22
maxximus: 畢竟之前的profile是好幾年前一路升上來的,可能是 07/11 00:23
maxximus: about:config裡動到了什麼,乾脆砍掉重練算了,感謝樓上 07/11 00:23
maxximus: 幫忙的各位! 07/11 00:24
kuro: 要重來的話,可以先刪 prefs.js,讓設定值重置 07/11 00:32
kuro: about:config 要修改的值我會放在 user.js,順便當備份 07/11 00:33
netio: 這版強制使用多線程 記憶体不足只能退回67了 07/11 00:38
maxximus: 慘的是prefs.js也刪掉過,還是無法宣染,所以才決定 07/11 00:51
maxximus: 破釜沈舟,不過我真正在乎的也只有書籤跟這幾年弄的自訂 07/11 00:53
maxximus: 搜尋引擎,這兩樣有回來其他怎麼樣都好 07/11 00:53
kuro: 刪 prefs.js 也不行,真詭異… 07/11 00:57
kuro: 記憶體現在在低點 可以趁現在加到 16G 啊 07/11 00:59
cattgirl: 請問強制使用多線程? 預設是多少 8嗎? 07/11 02:12
roger201413: https://i.imgur.com/7XYn7WJ.png 想問這邊框特粗正 07/11 10:01
roger201413: 常嗎? 上Firefox下Chrome 07/11 10:01
kuro: 我的「內容處理程序數量限制 」預設是 8 07/11 13:20
tzback: First Party Isolation關閉 套件就能登入了QQ 07/11 16:27
netio: 我說的多線程是指e10s功能 會增加穩定但比較吃記憶體 07/12 22:54
Toge: rocess_wont_disable_via_aboutconfig/ 這篇有解法,不過 07/13 07:36
Toge: 裡面有寫不建議就是 07/13 07:36
Toge: https://bit.ly/2JuZNTo 07/13 07:36
a0193143: 這版擴充套件的管理變好難用,停用還要多按幾次 07/15 17:58
kuro: extensions.htmlaboutaddons.enabled 改 false 07/15 18:14
Toge: Nightly已經改成外面的三點鈕點開就看到停用了,有好一點 07/15 21:56
tzback: 感謝kuro大 新版變難用 無圖示套件還變叉燒包真的不行= = 07/16 01:49
erre: 掰陳果然是對的,還是買mac好,又可以call svm 07/17 13:29
aiwheat: 自訂搜尋引擎用這個,Search Engines Helper,可備份還原 09/07 23:35