看板 Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Dear dharma friends, 親愛的法友: Even the greatest beings, including Lord Buddha himself, pass away. The impermanence of life is among the core teachings and messages of the Buddha dharma. 即使最偉大的聖者,也會捨報離世,包括佛陀。生命的無常,是佛法的核心教義和訊息。 His Holiness Shamar Rinpoche passed away this morning. Sadly, his physical manifestation has left our material world. Yet he was and continues to be our teacher, and his aspirations and blessings will remain with us always. 法王夏瑪仁波切今晨捨報了。令人感到悲傷地, 雖然夏瑪仁波切的色身化現離開了塵世 ,但他依然是我們的導師,過去如是、未來永續亦如是。尊者的悲願與加持,將時刻伴隨 ,恆常與我們同在。 We must dedicate our merits and practice to him, and do the practice of Amitabha, since he himself is the emanation of Amitabha. 我們必須將善業功德與修行迴向給尊者,請修持阿彌陀佛法,因為尊者乃是阿彌陀佛之化 現。 So we must ask for his return, in order to benefit and guide us all towards enlightenment. 為了利益及引導我們所有人走向開悟,吾等必須祈求尊者乘願再來。 I would also like to express my compassion for His Holiness Shamar Rinpoche’ s brother, Jigme Rinpoche, as well the rest of his family and his students. 我也要向 法王夏瑪仁波切之兄,吉美仁波切,以及其餘的親人和弟子們,表達我的慈悲 關切。 With prayers, 寄予祝禱 Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje 噶瑪巴 聽列泰耶多傑 http://karmapa.org/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Buddhism/M.1402560762.A.523.html
a1014a:換個身體~早日回來學習 06/12 16:24
a1014a:上師身邊~年輕的小沙彌非常多~而且都非常聰明有修行 06/12 16:25
newnewer:阿彌陀佛希望上師能夠乘願再來!!_/\_ 06/12 19:21