看板 CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家應該都清楚, TM網站上不了。其實 facebook 還可以上。 論壇發出了公告如下: During the past 16 hours we have been attacked by a botnet (DDOS). These attacks are normally paid for by people with some kind of agenda. In Denmark, these days we have a trial against a terrorrist that have caused quite some anger from certain parts of the world, and from the location of the attacks this trial and the attack is most likely related. The attack simulated more than 200.000 online at a given time. The normal procedure is unfortunately just to wait it out, because botnets weaken during these attacks, as people find out they have a trojan on their computer and cant use the internet and thus either turn it off or fix it with antivirus scans. Usually with a DOS attack (denial of service), you can just block a certain region or country from accessing the site, but with DDOS attacks the attack comes from all around the world, rendering this method useless. I managed to postponed most of the transfers, they will be postponed even more as they all expire at the same time tomorrow. Our host said to me yesterday that the longest DDOS attack they had seen was 21/2 hours, this one has lasted 16 - when it started, before our hosts ISP took off our IP, it rendered some of Denmarks biggest sites unaccessible because of the size, even though it was towards us. Lets all hope this will not happen again soon, I know I at least slept horrible, the few hours of sleep I got. As an example during the wikileaks scandals just a few weeks ago visa.com was down for 3 days during a ddos attack. 大致是全國丹麥網站受到了恐怖分子的攻擊, 使用了DDOS攻擊超過16個小時, 暫時TM都未 有方法解決, 因為同時間與 200k部電腦對抗。orz 所有交易已延遲最少一日, 可能更久的時間~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MARVELHERO:難怪= =.......我原本想發文問的說~~~~感謝。 01/22 20:55
viio:修好了! 01/22 21:13
minterminter:我還未上到 =.=' 01/22 22:34
smart0eddie:交易沒延 就這樣 01/22 23:17
minterminter:我原本BID了一隻人,昨晚完,現在延遲至星期一 01/23 00:30
minterminter:最慘是計劃星期日用,現在鎖定我200M ORZ 01/23 00:31
raw0713:趁亂買了一隻前鋒 感覺真好... 01/23 03:01
smart0eddie:http://static.trophymanager.com/index.php 01/23 10:18
smart0eddie:暫時入口 趁亂買了兩隻前鋒感覺真好 可惜有隻DC沒搶到 01/23 10:20
minterminter:好似所有交易回溯, 當不存在 01/23 21:15
smart0eddie:回朔了zzzzz 01/25 10:23