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這週四的維修比較不一樣 A. Maintenance Thursday As you may already know, this Thursday maintenance will be very unusual. In order to reduce the lag and make it easier for players to access/log into the game, BlueByte will be physicaly upgrading some of the hardware on the servers. BlueByte wants to start having maintenances very early in the morning so that most players will no longer be affected by them. So with this in mind, the maintenance has been scheduled to start at 04:00h GMT and should finish around 14:00h GMT. The hardware change and update will make this on much longer. During this time the website and forum might not be available at all We don't have any official info yet on the future times of the maintenance, but it should be around 04:00 to 08:00h GMT on Thursdays. 簡單說就是server要升級了 所以會有個10小時的維修時間 換算成台灣時間的話就是從12點到22點 -- On the surface, an artist tries to frame his ideals in an image, to challenge his audience and make his vision immortal. But the parasites say "NO! Your art must serve the cause! Your ideals endanger the people!" ─Andrew Ryan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ryvius0723:搬家到底開不開orz 03/07 00:56
ryvius0723:現在server真的蠻lag的 03/07 00:57
roder:我好多朋友都quit了... 03/07 04:56
wkwtb:慢慢存,存夠了資源也差不多找到地圖 03/07 10:19
allergy:我9區快打完了 打完如果還不能搬家我就封 03/07 16:21
ryvius0723:9區有足夠麵包很快就打完了 03/07 20:12
wkwtb:今天晚上要衝等級了.... 03/07 20:27
BDmaple:還在努力存冒險要的155鋼劍兵..有夠久 03/07 20:44
ryvius0723:哪個冒險要用155鋼劍.... 03/07 21:19
ryvius0723:很多王其實可以用兩百銅混過去的 03/07 21:20
BDmaple:Horseback 03/07 21:42
thebanana:馬背任務是我第一個任務 也是第一個失敗的任務= = 03/07 21:55
ryvius0723:借問一下watermill的生產效率如何? 03/07 21:59
Circumstance:跟well一樣 三分鐘一個 03/07 22:04
ryvius0723:升級吃甚麼? 03/07 22:06
wkwtb:2/3硬木/大理石 4-500coin+忘了 5ex木+花剛 03/07 22:15
wkwtb:應該是這樣 03/07 22:15
wkwtb:買這個不如買造木炭的 03/07 22:16
ryvius0723:問題是我現在每三分鐘要吃掉70單位的水lol 03/07 22:21
Gwaewluin:那就別升級吧,水車記得可以無限買,又不吃建照 03/07 22:48
Gwaewluin:只要再買70座就可以滿足需求了 03/07 22:49
wkwtb:不如買那個住宅 03/07 23:14
wkwtb:增加人口可以多蓋30(~50)水井,也可以用來打仗 03/07 23:15
musie:那樣一天可能要花一個小時補水井 03/07 23:32
roder:用大理石換水比較快...我每天都在換 03/08 00:13
ryvius0723:我都用銅礦換水 03/08 00:27
ryvius0723:商城房子超高的 我目標是全換商城房 03/08 00:27
ryvius0723: CP 03/08 00:28
roder:你買10張建照的GEM低於買10間房子的ㄟ 03/08 01:06
ryvius0723:10張建照跟房子又不衝突 03/08 01:26
ryvius0723:活動可拆的房子很棒阿 03/08 01:26
wkwtb:商城升級到lv3都是用硬木跟大理石.. 不佔用建照 03/08 08:30
Gwaewluin:還可以隨意拆又隨意蓋,好方便的呢 03/08 08:41