看板 CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: Q: Is it difficult for you to understand Yogi Berra? 對你來講,了解Yogi Berra很困難嗎? (誰可以告訴我Yogi Berra是?) : A: I totally don't understand him. . . . I don't understand him at all : (smiles). 我並沒有真正了解他,我完全不了解他(笑) : Q: How do you say "Fire Isiah" in Chinese? 中文的“開除“怎麼講? : A: Bay-ky-chula.(被開除) : Q: Is it lonely on the road, and do you go out? 在客途上是否孤獨?你會出去玩嗎? : A: I don't feel lonely, but I do spend a lot of time in the hotel, in the : room. 我不會覺得孤單,但是我花很多時間在飯店、在房間裡 : Q: What do you do? 你在做什麼啊? : A: I play video games. 我在打電動 : Q: Why do you like scary movies? 為什麼你喜歡看恐怖片? : A: It's not because I think they're scary; it's interesting for me to think : how they make a scary movie, how to make that work. 這不是因為我覺得恐怖片恐怖,對我來講,很有趣的地方在於,去想這個片子是怎 麼拍出來的,怎麼做出特效 : Q: If you weren't a baseball player, what would you have been? 如果你不當球員,你想當什麼? : A: A gangster (smiles). 黑道教父(笑) (忍不住想插嘴:小王你能撂狠話嗎?) : Q: Seriously. 講真的? : A: A baseball coach. 棒球教練 : Q: Favorite meal? 最喜歡的食物? : A: Steak. 牛排 (忍不住再插嘴:一起呷飽牛排?) : Q: Favorite Manhattan restaurant? 最喜歡的曼哈頓餐廳? : A: I heard about Peter Luger (in Williamsburg), but I have not been yet. 我聽說有家餐廳Peter Luger不錯,但是我還沒去過 : Q: Favorite Chinese restaurant? 最喜歡的中餐廳? : A: Wu Liang Ye. 五糧液. .................(XD 小王你好過份!欺負人家不懂中文) : Q: What are your favorite cars? 你最喜歡的車子? : A: Any sports car. 任何跑車 : Q: What kind of sports cars do you like? 你喜歡什麼種類的跑車? : A: Ferrari. : Q: Would you ever buy one? 你不曾買一台嗎? : A: Too expensive. 太貴了! : Q: How did you become interested in cars? 你怎麼會對車子有興趣? : A: When I came to America, because the cars in the United States are a lot : cheaper, and that's how I discovered the fun of driving. 當我到美國,我發現車子在這裡便宜很多,而且我發現了開車的樂趣 : Q: What do you think about the traffic in New York? 你對紐約的交通感想怎樣? : A: Very bad. 很糟 : Q: Does it make you angry? 這會讓你感到不耐煩生氣嗎? : A: Yeah, sometimes. 會,有些時候 : Q: Do you honk the horn? 你會按喇叭嗎? : A: No, I don't really do that. 不,我不會真的那麼做。 : Q: Funniest piece of fan mail? 最有趣的球迷來信? : A: A fan sent me a very tiny baseball and asked me to autograph on that very : tiny baseball. 有一位球迷寄來一個非常迷你的小棒球,並且要求我在球上簽名。 : Q: How did you meet your wife? 你怎麼遇到你的妻子? : A: She was introduced to me by a friend. 是我一個朋友介紹給我的 : Q: Does she tell you anything after you pitched a bad game? 當你投了一場不好的球時,她會說什麼? : A: "It's not really a big deal, don't worry about it, just focus on next : time." 這不是什麼大不了的事,不要太憂心這個,專注在下一場比賽 : Q: Do you intend to raise a family one day? : A: Yes I do. : Q: Have you met Yao Ming? 你有遇過姚明嗎? : A: I met him during the (2004 Athens) Olympics. When I stood up, I was only : at his chest level. 我在奧運的時候遇見過他。當我站起來的時候,我只到他的胸部高 : Q: As someone who grew up in Taiwan, how do you feel about the summer : Olympics being held in Beijing? 作為一個台灣人,你怎麼看待北京奧運? : A: Of course I would love to have the Olympics come to Taiwan, but I don't : think Taiwan has the capacity to hold such a big (event). 當然我希望奧運能辦在台灣,但是台灣沒有足夠的設備。 : Q: The most fun things you did growing up? 你小時候覺得最有趣的事? : A: To be able to go overseas and play baseball in Japan and Korea. 能飄洋過海到韓國和日本打球 : Q: Did you ever want to pitch in the Little League World Series? 你有打過世界少棒賽嗎? : A: No; I wasn't really doing well as a kid. 不,我小時候不是一個很厲害的球員。 : Q: What was it like missing the 2001 season? 你在2001年錯過球季時,有何感想? : A: I was very, very bored, because every day's the same thing you have to go : to rehab and go home, and that's very repetitive. 我覺得非常非常無聊。因為每天你就必須做復健然後回家,非常的一成不變。 : Q: How bad did you feel after pitching poorly in the 2007 playoffs? 去年的季後賽搞砸,你的感覺有多糟? : A: I did blame myself, because the coaches trust me so much giving me : opportunities, but I wasn't able to perform, and I felt really bad. 我確實非常自責。因為教練非常信任我給我機會,但是我卻無法表現。 我感覺真的很糟。 : Q: Can you win 20 games? 你可以贏到二十勝嗎? : A: I'll try. 我會努力! : Q: Favorite actor? 最喜歡的男演員? : A: Nicolas Cage. 尼可拉斯凱吉 : Q: Favorite actress? 最喜歡的女演員? : A: Julia Roberts. 茱利亞羅勃茲 : Q: Favorite singer? 最喜歡的歌手? : A: Snoop Dogg. : Q: Two dinner guests? 舉兩個會邀請他們吃晚餐的客人? : A: Babe Ruth; George Steinbrenner (smiles). ...............這就不翻了!!(小王你想演鬼語者嗎? XD) : Q: Why is it so special pitching for the Yankees? 為洋基投球有什麼特別的嗎? : A: The Yankees are the best team out of all the baseball teams, so to be able : to pitch here is really fun for me. 洋基是最好的棒球隊,能在這裡投球,對我來講真的很有趣! ------------------------------------------------------------- 翻完!下台一鞠躬! 對我來講,翻這篇是一整個開心的。 還記得很多隊友和教練都講過,他們說,小王的英文不是不好,是跟你不熟 只要熟了,會發現他是講話很有趣的人。 我想之前很多美國媒體對此都抱持不相信的態度,但是這篇報導之後, 我相信美國的記者會慢慢開始喜歡建仔的。 將來幫他講話的美媒一定不只亞柏拉罕一個。 小王是那種跟他深入相處,才會發現他可愛的一面那種人吧。 他的好人緣,未來應該會擴散到紐約媒體圈! 讀完這篇,與其說,建仔受訪有進步,不如說,部分美媒已經開始跟他混熟了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
xu5k:Babe Ruth; George Steinbrenner XDDDDDDD 04/20 21:18
※ 編輯: csiling 來自: (04/20 21:19)
epoch:Bay-ky-chula.我猜是被開除~ 04/20 21:20
Proctor:被開除啦 <- 04/20 21:20
chaiwang:sports car指的是跑車 04/20 21:22
MurphyWu:Isiah 是講Isiah Thomas嗎?XD 04/20 21:21
promessa:應該是,紐約人喊這口號一陣子了,去看Nicks比賽偶爾會喊 04/20 21:22
Anero:其實王還滿幽默的 XD 04/20 21:26
※ 編輯: csiling 來自: (04/20 21:30)
csmap:Bay-ky-chula = 被開除了 04/20 21:28
bananers:Wu Liang Ye到底是啥? 04/20 21:28
MurphyWu:真的是五糧液,紐約知名餐廳,可以google得到 :) 04/20 21:29
hergan:小王不錯喔~ 04/20 21:30
oicecnir:FIRE Isiah實在是太好笑了啦... 04/20 21:58
omygod10:gangster應該是黑道吧..比流氓聽起來更上一階!!! 04/20 22:01
griffinj9:頗意外小王在飯店是打電動耶,不知道是打什麼類的遊戲 04/20 22:04
AEL:MLB 2K8? 04/20 22:06
csiling:五糧液>這餐廳應是大陸人開的 這是大陸廣告做很大的白酒 04/20 22:06
csiling:謝謝“我的十號神“大人,我把流氓改成黑道教父好了!XD 04/20 22:13
※ 編輯: csiling 來自: (04/20 22:15)
hysteric19:那個Fire Isiah指的是尼克隊的笑笑湯吧XD 04/20 22:40
hysteric19:雖然同在紐約...但其實不太關王的事吧XD 04/20 22:42
promessa:有關啦~紐約人多想要笑笑湯走路啊! 04/20 23:02
promessa:雖然終於成功了,不過晚了好幾年.... 04/20 23:04
promessa:說實在的,我還真看不懂笑笑湯這幾年在幹嘛 04/20 23:06
pegasusatlan:五糧液是一種烈酒名 有70% 的濃度@ @ 04/21 00:42
Pettitte70:通常是老闆找員工吃飯..怎麼會有員工想請老闆吃飯..XD 04/21 01:18
Revlis:推 XD 04/21 02:51
frairy:真是感謝!!! 小王要熟了才知道他的幽默(跟我一樣 牡羊座) 04/21 06:29
diablofish:有看有推~~ 04/21 10:23
eggdoegg:笑笑湯真是一整個囧 04/21 11:01
maxi247:推小王要熟了才知道他的幽默 原來小王想當教父的說 04/21 14:22
BeautyEgg:原文有說小王還是有透過翻譯幫忙 04/21 18:34