看板 CNBLUE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lyrics by JUNG YONG HWA Japanese Translated Lyrics by Kenji Tamai Music by LEE JONG HYUN 中譯 by liv@PTT 如需轉載請註明出處 --- 容和: Come on! The dark covers me, I hear the ticking of the clock. Hey, can you see me? Yeah, I am waiting for some kind of miracle. And then break away. 宗泫: 見つけたい  / 想要找到 見つからない ほんの一瞬が / 卻找不到 那短暫的瞬間 容和: Come on over. Come on over. I only wanna see the light. Come on over. Stand by me. 繋ぎ合う熱が / 用相連的熱情 Come on over. Come on over. 僕ら照らすなら / 照耀在我們身上的話 Come on over. Stand by me. ひとつになれるはずだろう? / 必能合而為一吧 容和: Come here to my fading star. Now, I am alone. Hey, can you see me? 奇跡を求め  / 渴求著奇蹟 ひたすらに みがいた夢 / 全心全意雕琢的夢想 宗泫: 見つからない  / 遍尋不著 曇りのない 見上げるべき空 / 原本抬頭即見 無雲的天空 容和: Come on over. Come on over. Now I'm not afraid with you. Come on over. Stand by me. 惹かれ合う指が / 牽引著彼此所在的手 Come on over. Come on over. 絡み合ったなら / 能夠緊握的話 Come on over. Stand by me. 憂いも 溶かすはずだろう? / 憂愁也會化去的吧 Come on over. Come on over. Be my mirror. Be my sword. Come on over. Stand by me. 手を伸ばせばいい / 只要伸出雙手就好 Come on over. Come on over. 求め合ったなら   / 若是真心渴望 Come on over. Stand by me. 光が射す そうだろう? / 眼前將是一片光明 對吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: livleaf 來自: (08/08 17:04)
SGJJ :感謝翻譯分享!! 大哥二哥合作果然很棒啊!! 08/08 18:58
wild51244 :推!!! 08/08 21:51
sheal :喜歡有意義的詞 08/08 22:10
ariel0211 :感謝分享!!!好讚! 08/09 03:34
justnikki :推!!!! 感謝翻譯!!!! 這樣聽起來更有感覺了!!! 08/09 22:59
trifoglio :感謝翻譯!!!歌詞好有意義~~~!! 08/12 12:44