看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sunday Sep 28 You care very deeply about something that other people just don't understand. People on the periphery of your life, and even people who are deeply involved your life, don't get why you feel the way you do. They may even chastise your for feeling that way, or for investing your time or your other resources into something they don't see as worthy of our time. You can't let their thoughts or comments matter, Moonchild. You are a very intuitive sign, and if something feels right to you, and inspires passion in you, then it is the right thing to do. -- Copyright (c) The Daily Horoscope by Fortunes Foundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile -- 你很在意一些別人並不理解的事。在你生活周圍的人,甚至那些深深參與你生活的 人,並不能理解你為何要這樣做。他們甚至可能會責備為何要這樣感覺、或為何要投入 你的時間或其他資源在那些他們認為並不值得花時間的事情上。 月之子,你不能阻止他們的想法或談論此事。你是個直覺敏銳的人,如果你覺得某 件事是對的,並激起了你的熱情,那這就是一件值得你去做的事。 Monday Sep 29 You may be dealing with quite a lot right now, Moonchild, but don't let those matters be your only area of focus. Yes, you do have to complete certain stressful obligations under a tight deadline, but you will get it all done in time. Allow yourself to mentally shut that door to the past since that is, in effect, what you are doing by fulfilling your obligation. Start thinking more about your own personal future, and all the great things it is going to include. It is time to move forward to a much happier tomorrow. -- Copyright (c) The Daily Horoscope by Fortunes Foundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile -- 月之子,也許現在你有一堆事情要處理,但別讓自己的注意全部都只集中在這些事 上。是的,你需要在嚴格的最後期限的壓力下完成一些責任,但你會準時的全部完成。 關上你那心理上那扇通往過去的門,因為你所做的已經完成了你的義務。 開始去多加思考你自己的未來吧,你所有的大事都將被包含在裡頭。是時候開始大 步邁向更美好的明日。 ............................................................................. 昨天去哥本哈根看展覽,所以今天一次po出~ -- 裹被子出門 株式會社 招募成員(揮 (縮回角落 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1411921622.A.05C.html
rexagi1988: 好啦明天會認真把事情處理完的棵棵 09/29 00:32
rexagi1988: 不過還是想說句香港加油!!! 09/29 00:33
Zung0707: 怎麼成以準成這樣 真的好愛這個!!! 09/29 00:50
hoil3028: 推! 09/29 00:53
qoo76852: 28號的好準!!才跟我媽吵完工作的事,差點沒離家出走=_ 09/29 01:56
qoo76852: = 09/29 01:56
pq5346929: 這幾篇完全說到我現在的處境... 09/29 02:17
WAIII: 香港人表示很準! 09/29 08:22
ritz99: 我也很喜歡這系列 …每天轉給我家蟹大叔 <3 09/29 19:25