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諾貝爾獎進入倒數五天 同樣請大家繼續推文踴躍預測得主 以及按f參與賭盤 路透社預測: http://tinyurl.com/n4qtck8 Charles T. Kresge; Ryong Ryoo; Galen D. Stucky (functional mesoporous materials) Ezio Rizzardo; San H. Thang (RAFT polymerization) Ching W. Tang (鄧青雲); Steven Van Slyke (OLED) 除了路透社的預測以外 這周有更多的部落格預測出爐 我將同時具有兩個來源以上預測的人名標紅色 http://tinyurl.com/lanhdy5 In the Pipeline: 呼應路透社的預測 酸了一下應該不會又是個"that's-not-chemistry-that's-biology award" 如果是分子生物學的話 可能的有nuclear receptors. CRISPR gene editing technology. optogenetics 非生化領域的候選包括 single-molecule-spectroscopy and SPR. click chemistry http://tinyurl.com/ly2zbjz The Curious Wavefunction: John Goodenough (lithium-ion battery) Michael Grätzel (dye-sensitized solar cell) Allen Bard.Harry Gray (電化學) 鄧青雲 (OLED 同路透社預測) 可能性較低的候選: Frechet (dendrimers).Sharpless(click chemistry).Yaghi(Metal-organic frameworks) 生醫可能和化學重疊 追加的候選有 Alec Jeffreys (DNA fingerprinting) Leroy Hood and Craig Venter (the nuts and bolts of gene sequencing) Robert Langer (drug delivery) nuclear receptors (Chambon and Evans 和In the Pipeline重疊) David Julius (receptors responsible for pain 同路透社預測) http://blog.everydayscientist.com/?cat=56 Everyday Scientist: Nanotechnology: Alivisatos, Whitesides, Lieber 俊毅Bird Man -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chemistry/M.1412300856.A.F5D.html
yw1002: 只想把他們的paper都挖出來讀完XD 10/04 00:24