看板 DET_Tigers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2014選秀在第一輪意外選擇Derek Hill後 又走回老路子 狂選大學球員 跟去年不同的是終於要來補position player的洞啦 沒有意外的話 整批選秀我們只會簽下Hill一位高中生!! 真的就只有一位!! 大學選手簽約上問題就不會太大 現在未簽約的 除了Zeile要期末考 Adam Ravenelle (Vanderbilt) Artie Lewicki, Whit Mayberry(Virginia) Josh Laxer, Will Allen (Ole Miss) Parker French (Texas) 所屬學校正在打World Series 結束才會開始談約 唯一可能想簽又簽不下來的只有16輪的Chase rader 只需要花力氣在一位選手身上 還弄不到也太失敗了點XD 幾年前我曾說過老虎農場實力最深厚的位置是捕手 隨個一個個交易離開 今年這個位置薄弱到只有3A的James McCann能看 (請看minor開季roster分析) 另外一位可以期待的還在短A - Franklin Navarro 所以選了全聯盟30之球隊最多的6位補手 Grayson Greiner可能走學長Holliday, McCann的路直接A+出發 Zeile或Will Allen其一上1A 3B的洞也很大 需要Pancke (7th Round), Rader (16th Round), Maddox (18 Round)挹注 我們的選秀很像一年補一個洞 去年補先發 今年補position 另外選了不少大學投手的raw prospects 需要花時間培養的big arm 希望能成功囉 我滿喜歡這屆選秀 如果前10輪能多一兩個高中生會更好啦 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5th Round - Shane Zeile (C, UCLA) Nephew of former big leaguer Todd Zeile, Shane is an impressive athlete that shows good defensive prowess. Been inconsistent as a collegiate hitter, leaving question marks about his ability to hit against pro pitching. Todd Zeile的侄子. 有良好的運動能力跟防守. 棒子在大學就不太穩定, 轉職業後有待觀察 6th Round - Ross Kivett (OF/2B, Kansas State) "已簽約" An experienced senior, Kivett had experience all around the diamond for K-State, and was drafted as a second baseman in 2013 by Cleveland, but chose not to sign. Productive college player with good speed. Might fit best as a utility player. 經驗豐富的大四選手, 去年以二壘手身分被笑臉人選走, 今年變成外野手 有速度, 未來最適合的位置可能是工具人. 7th Round - Joey Pankake (3B, South Carolina) "已簽約" A versatile athlete, has the ability to stick at the hot corner but questionable if he will. Has good raw tools, but ability to hit for average (and in turn, power) could limit him. 除了名字很帥, 運動力是他的長處, 能防守多個位置. 三壘防守頗受好評. 有好的工具, 但打擊能力備受考驗 補充: 整體評價跟Shane Zeile很像 補hot corner是好事, Nick畢業後農場三壘真空. 8th Round Artie Lewicki (RHP, Virginia) A year removed from Tommy John surgery, Lewicki has seen most of the velocity on his fastball return, firing it in reguarly in the mid 90's. A member of UVA's rotation, but like many Tiger draftees, questions remain about his ability to stick as a starter long-term. 兩年動TJ手術, 球速已經找回來了. 固定在Mid-90 MPH跑 但大家懷疑他能否待在先發 補充: 直接轉專家評價 Aaron Fitt ? @ aaronfitt Another senior with a real chance to make an impact in pro ball 已經確定會當先發養看看 World Series看他中繼兩局 快速球很有威力 但投球機制有些暴力 9th Round Josh Laxer (RHP, Ole Miss) Another power arm with questions about his command and his ability to start. Laxer has a fastball that reaches the mid 90's, but he walked almost as many as he struck out while working a swingman role for Ole Miss. 老虎最愛的Power Arm, 快速球有mid-90 MPH, 但控球不好 三振/四壞比接近1 補充: 唯一確定會待在牛棚的前10輪投手 Ole Miss終結者, 學校正在打World Series還未簽約 10th Round Paul Voelker (RHP, Dallas Baptist) "已簽約" A pure reliever, he doesn't have the same size as the rest of the right-handed hurlers in the draft class. But he uses a unique delivery and a low 90's fastball to keep hitters off-balance. 小個子火球男, 有特殊的投球動作跟low-90 MPH快速球 一隻牛 補充: Mark Anderson認為是牛 但球團說當先發養 快速球據說到97 MPH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUIHO3Py3JQ
水管有投球影片 好像沒有很怪異哩XD 11th Round - AJ Ladwig (RHP, Wichita State) "已簽約" Tall, thin RHP; good angle to plate; has room for additional strength/mass; pitches with average FB; sits 89-91, T92; average breaking ball at times but need consistency; CH lags behind FB and breaking ball; could unlock additional velocity with mechanical tweaks; strike thrower. 高瘦型右投, 出手角度有優勢 快速球在89~91, 最快到92MPH 變化球有時會吃土 變速球跟前兩球種 相較還有落差 職業的增重跟訓練有機會讓球速再上升 12th Round - Garrett Mattlage (SS, Texas State) "已簽約" Smallish middle infielder; average run; can get down the line in 4.34-4.41; contact hitter with all-fields approach; below-average power; very good approach at the plate; has a plan when he steps in the box; works hard during ABs; steady glove; can handle SS in minor leagues; grinder type that leaves it all on the field; heady player. 矮腳虎中線內野手. 速度快 (跑一壘4.34~4.41秒), 低於平均值Power, 但能擊球到各個方向, 加上非常好的選球 手套不錯, 在小聯盟卡SS沒問題 球場上的拼命三郎 補充: 農場的游擊手已經被international簽來的拉丁小朋友佔滿了 還是需要ㄧ些good organization bodies 不看好能上大聯盟 13th Round - Will Allen (C, Mississippi) Well built; durable catcher's body; very good receiver; plus arm; smart behind the plate; handles pitchers extremely well; defensive tools carry profile; plus bat speed; above-average raw power; game will have swing and miss; hit tool must develop; bit of a sleeper from this draft class. 擁有捕手的好身材, 接傳牽制都棒棒, 也有腦袋引導投手 一切防守工具都具備 有的揮棒速度跟長打淺力, 打擊能力尚待開發, 揮空在所難免 有可能是這屆選秀的sleeper 補充: 第9輪Josh Laxer隊友 先發第4棒 揮棒很令人驚喜 讓我想到當年的Curt Casali 看好 14th Round - Josh Heddinger (RHP, Georgia Tech) "已簽約" Big pitcher's frame; great RHP body with strong legs and budding strength in upper body; average FB that may play up a little more with a pro workout routine; can touch 93 mph; higher arm slot; potential for average breaking ball; CH is below-average but there is some feel; mechanics are inconsistent; below-average control; bit of a project despite ample college experience; potential back-end starter. 身材高大 有強壯的下盤跟上半身 高壓投球 快速球可達93 MPH 變化球有淺力 但變速球不夠好 都有機會練起來 目前的投球機制不固定 導致控球不到水準 身為大學投手 但是個需要花時間投資的長期股 有後段先發輪值的天花板 15th Round - Mike Gerber (OF, Creighton) "已簽約" Smaller OF; very strong in upper body; hands/wrists/forearms are extremely strong; quick twitch guy; plus bat speed; above-average raw power; well below-average hit tool; tons of swing and miss in the game; minimal approach at the plate; solid defensive tools but instincts aren't always there; above-average arm; fits in RF as a pro; project that will need hit tool development to be a prospect. 短小精幹的外野手, 上半身非常精壯, 力量十足 因此有良好的揮棒速度跟長打淺力 但打擊能力低下 選球更爛 需要好一段時間培養 外野防守還算不錯 臂力高於平均 可以站RF 補充: 這種型的風險很高 又是大學選手 最多兩年養不出來就丟了 不過15輪選樂透不吃虧 16th Round - Chase Rader (3B, Coffeyville CC) Solid athlete; strong, physical build; will slow a little toward physical maturity; has hands for 3B and good arm strength for the position; footwork is still developing; should profile well at the position; thump in the bat; above-average raw power; average runner now but unlikely to sustain; instinctual player on the bases; hitting approach will need work; some signability concerns; potential player if he signs. 有運動力的3三壘手 手套/臂力都OK 腳步還需要練 但還是有機會待在hot corner 雖然速度只會隨年齡變慢 棒子是他的賣點 但需要時間養 有簽不下來的疑慮 (已經有D1大學的scholarship) 如果順利簽下 3B又多一個人可以期待囉~~ 大概是唯一有可能簽不下來的 (扣掉高中生) 也會是10輪後需要花最多的銀兩低 17th Round - Corey Baptist (1B, St. Petersburg JC) "已簽約" Big, strong body; athletic for his size; very good around the bag; moves surprisingly well in the field; could be a strong defender; long and strong swing; bat speed exists but doesn't always play; wants to lift everything and drive it out of the park; needs to develop as a hitter; potential to fill slugging first base profile; will take time. 另一個有運動力的一壘手 防守上沒啥問題 非常強壯 但目前的揮棒軌跡太長 又只想扛大支的 1995年生 大概是這批選秀年季僅次於Derek Hill的小朋友 可以當高中生看待 得養很久 18th Round - Will Maddox (3B, Tennessee) "已簽約" Excellent makeup; experienced college player; hard-nosed player with grinder mentality and some tools; very patient at the plate; more of a line drive hitter; lacks prototypical power for 3B; above-average runner; versatile player that can handle 2B, SS in a pinch; some scouts believe he could handle OF; potential utility option. 球場上打不死的小強 line drive type打者 缺乏三壘手需要的power 打擊時非常有耐心 高於平均的腿 也能勝任2B, SS甚至OF 有當工具人的機會 19th Round - Parker French (RHP, Texas) Strong build; good pitchers' frame; has touched 95 in the past but doesn't live there now; FB sits 88-89, scrapes 91 on occasion; slow CB in the low-70s; big breaker that lacks bite; quality CH; locates entire arsenal well; gets by on intelligence and command; extreme competitor; has big game experience; back-end starter ceiling. 曾經飆到95 MPH, 現在多在88-89 最快91 MPH 變化球是杜福名的招牌大曲 幅度很大 但超慢 沒啥威力 變速球倒不錯 能靈活運用各種武器 控球也好 後段輪值的天花板 Not bad for late round pick 20th Round - Trent Szkutnik (LHP, Michigan) "已簽約" Average body; runs FB up to 90 mph at times; has CB, SL and CH that he mixes well; will throw any pitch in any count; can establish and pitch off FB but will pitch backwards as well; high arm slot; likely reliever long term; has some deception; stuff could play up in short stints. 快速球偶爾能上90 MPH 曲球、滑球、變速都能投 高壓出手 有一些隱蔽性 長中繼的料 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DET_Tigers/M.1403011734.A.AFF.html
carrhung:這批怎麼感覺評價都普通普通XD... 06/18 22:45
carrhung:隱約記得去年international簽了不少MI的小朋友 06/18 22:45
carrhung:今年這批就是補CI? 06/18 22:46
yyjack:我們每年international 重點球員都是MI 06/18 23:26
yyjack:Parker French上場先發飆到94 MPH~ 看完整場比賽 挺不錯低 06/19 03:39