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2014選秀梯 這部分隨時會更動, 新簽約加入or升上1A Round Ross Kivett CF R / R 6' 1" 195 10/19/1991 6 Joseph Pankake 3B R / R 6' 2" 185 11/23/1992 7 Garrett Mattlage SS S / R 5' 10" 175 02/25/1993 12 Michael Gerber CF L / R 6' 2" 175 07/08/1992 15 Will Maddox 3B L / R 5' 10" 180 06/11/1992 18 Brett Pirtle 2B S / R 5' 9" 175 03/23/1991 23 Gabe Hemmer RHP R / R 6' 3" 220 06/22/1990 24 Jack Fischer RHP R / R 6' 1" 175 08/28/1991 26 Tyler Ford LHP L / L 5' 8" 175 09/11/1991 27 Prospect to Watch Pitching Starting Pitcher Chase Edwards R R 6' 1" 180 02-04-1994 13年24th round 開幕先發 去年選的專科投手 還很年輕 一年來進步不少 John Sickels把他列在今年的sleeper list 看下面的球探報告 仍有進步空間啦 尤其需要增壯 超長期股 Fernando Perez R R 6' 3" 181 12-17-1993 International 球隊2號先發 球速沒其他拉丁球員這麼快 91~93mph, 加上一顆不錯的曲球 有一點淺力 但天花板不高 Confesor Lara R R 6' 2" 170 08-07-1990 International 多年前international簽約時是頂級工具的外野手 打擊太慘 好險還有強壯的手臂可以轉職 去年low-90mph 現在已經飆到95-96 投手經驗很嫩 more thrower than pitcher now Bullpen Johan Belisario R R 5' 11" 165 08-13-1993 International Cesar Burgos R R 6' 2" 185 03-01-1993 International Emanuel Chavez R R 6' 3" 175 01-19-1995 International Daryl Norris R R 6' 1" 220 06-12-1991 13年22th round Johan Belisario 去年VSL closer 快速球可以到95mph 有機會追隨前幾位學長的腳步往上爬 Cesar Burgos 曲球很棒 其他普普 尤其缺乏好的快速球很吃虧 Emanuel Chavez 這一年快速球衝到95mph 目前還沒有可用的變化球 練好的話會是一隻黑馬 Daryl Norris 是需要時間養的college power arm 控球不好 以大學投手來說很raw Closer Joe Jimenez R R 6' 3" 220 01-17-1995 13年 undrafted fa 目前名單裡天份最好的投手 去年選秀一偷 因為要求前五輪的簽約金 意外落選 又不想讀大學 花10萬簽到 身手跟天份無庸置疑 去年在Rookie Leegue殺翻天 Mark Anderson直接擺到top 20 list 原本被認為可以1A full season直接出發 在A-也OK 但目前當Closer是有點奇怪 他有留在輪值的stuff 95mph快速球 + potential 滑球 以高中生來講身材已經頭好壯壯 沒太多成長的空間 類似Jake Thompson Catcher Franklin Navarro C S R 5' 10" 181 10-17-1994 International 今年選進Grayson Greiner與Shane Zeile前 James McCann之後最好的補手prospect 攻擊型補手 有power的那種 左右開攻 兩邊的打擊能力差距不大 運動力好 防守還有一大段路要走 目前只有臂力好 如果今年有表現 該是出現在prospect radar了 Infielders Steven Fuentes 3B S R 5' 11" 180 10-21-1994 International Jacob Kapstein IF S R 6' 2" 215 02-24-1994 12年 35th round Domingo Leyba 2B S R 5' 11" 160 09-11-1995 International Steven Fuentes (2012 international priority signing) 是目前農場運動力最好的球員 可能僅次於剛加入的Derek Hill 內野都可以守 長期來看適合待在3壘 現在3壘跟Pankake輪流站 高天花板 風險超高 Domingo Leyba (2013 international priority signing) 這位應該大家比較不陌生 BA少見的在VSL打一年就直接上top 10 prospect 守過游擊 但二壘比較適合 打擊是賣點 延長春訓表現亮眼 雖然沒有像同梯Willy Adames直接上full season 1A這麼誇張 能夠從A-出發而非Rookie level就可以看出球團隊他的期待 2壘砲養成 Jacob Kapstein 選來時是高中補手 除了一壘也守外野 現在農場沒有一壘的prospect阿… 靠他了 Outfielders Rashad Brown OF L L 5' 11" 180 12-17-1993 12年 26th round Orvin Tovar OF R R 5' 11" 180 08-06-1993 international Ben Verlander OF R R 6' 4" 200 01-31-1992 13年 14th round Rashad Brown 有70-grade的speed 其他方面還很生澀 揮棒不能只想往地上打 這兩年表現很棒 但來了同性質且天份高很多的Derek Hill 不知道明年他能否順利到1A Orvin Tovar 有tools 打到目前有點撞牆 希望他能活下來 Ben Verlander V小弟….從1A被降到A-….. 姓V的今年都不太順 一些From Mark Anderson前幾天的第一手scouting Joe Jimenez - 1. FB 90-93, t94; worked almost exclusively from stretch; command/control were way off during outing; SL 75-77 and loose; was getting around SL instead of staying on top; didn't show change during outing but had some fade during warmups; thick lower half; mature body; could be high maintenance as he matures; low-3/4 delivery; very slow pace; frequently with his head down when he got in trouble; poor presence on the mound in this outing. 2. Much better the last two times out; FB 93-94, T95 w/ life; SL harder and tighter; challenged hitters with both pitches in the zone; aggressive; more effort in the delivery; bordered on electric in most recent viewing. Domingo Leyba - 1. First in person impression; lots of swagger; thinks his **** don't stink; didn't play with energy/life; small frame; almost unimpressive physically; sees the ball well out of the hand; good pitch recognition; contact is easy but not always impactful; needs to understand which pitches he can drive; solid defnesively at second base; very quick on the pivot; fast hands; fringy to average arm; 4.37-4.41 down the line; fringe runner; need to see more but looks more solid than spectacular. 2. Lot better look at him over the last few days; battles hard at the plate; likes to swing and won't take many pitches; can hang in two-strike counts; works the whole field; easy contact; ball doesn't jump off the bat but he can get it to the gaps for doubles; really good glove; hands are strong; good instincts and positioning ++ hand-eye coordination; 4.48 on a dig to first. Franklin Navarro - Body is maturing; looks stronger and more physical; losing the baby fat; above-average bat speed from the left side; has some juice in the bat; can drive it to all fields; defense is still a work in progress; footwork is sloppy and inconsistent on throws to 2B; above-average arm that has some tail on longer throws; much better throwing to 3B; seems to handle the reactionary nature of 3B throws better...couple lasers to nail guys; put it right on the bag at 3B; still comes up to block rather than diving down to smother the ball; has to work on technique. Fernando Perez - FB 91-93, t94; loose around the zone; had stretches where he pounded for strikes; wasn't afraid to pitch inside though it wasn't always intentional; quick arm; CB 77-78; lacked consistench on breaker; CH 86-87; very firm with some fade; had some deception to the delivery as contact was rarely square, but wasn't fooling anyone either; 1.29-1.39 to the plate; reliever profile and not an impact one. Tyler Ford - Tiny...listed 5-8, 175....if he's 5-8, then I'm 7-foot; looked like a little leager on the mound; FB 84-87, t88; didn't locate; CB 75-76 with modest rotation and some depth; CB will work at lower levels; not really a prospect. Gabe Hemmer - Big, physical guy; strong build; broad shoulders; aggressive delivery that borders on max effort; rock-coil-explode to the plate; FB 91-92, t94; SL 81-82; several filthy SL; threw it a lot in the outing; middle reliever potential but more org profile. Rashad Brown - Small, wiry body; lacks strength; fast-twitch athlete; burner; 4.11 dig and 4.16-4.20 dogging it a bit; slappy approach; doesn't drive the ball consistently in games or BP; likes to bunt but has to improve technique/execution; whole field hitter when he swings it; stays within his game; raw defensively; below-average arm; may be limited to LF. Cesar Burgos Stocky build; high-effort delivery; sharp leg kick as he drives toward plate; FB 87-88, T89 and straight; CB 75-77 and very sharp; CB has above-average potential; aggressive delivery and approach to pitching; challenges hitters; lacks command/control. Jack Fisher Small, thin body; FB 88-89 w/ sink; SL 82-84, lacks bite and frequently sweepy; low-3/4 slot; will go lower at times; slinger type; very low takeaway, larm arm stroke; sinker-slider reliever. Chase Edwards FB 85-87 early; bumped to 87-88 later; T89; moves FB around the zone and has particular success locating east-west; CH w/ sink and fade, sat 80-81; didn't seem to trust CH that much and threw it sparingly; SL 80-82 w/ 10-4 break; SL is sweepy, consistently worked away from RHH with pitch; really small, thin frame; looks like he's 17 out there; narrow shoulders and waist; minimal physical projection remaining; short arms the ball; doesn't always finish completely but that doesn't really impact his control; has some deception; lots of uncomfortable swings; mixes pitches well; 1.28-1.32 to plate. Garrett Matlage - Solid athlete; decent body; 4.26-4.30 down the line; may have a little better in him; solid above-average runner; max-effort player; gap power; swing has some miss in it; marginal approach and pitch recognition; uneasy in the field at times; looks much better when he has to react than when he has time to think and move to the ball to make the plat; not sure SS works long term; 5+ arm; really hard-nosed player; reminds me a bit of Michael Hollimon. Joey Pankake - Good size; strong but not bulky; fantastic arm from 3B; moves pretty well in the field; decent athlete; not the best hands; has botched several balls in the field already because he mishandled them; should stick at 3B with an average defensive ceiling; 4.43 dig; plus bat speed; swing gets a little long at times but still has good speed through the zone; knows the strike zone and translates that to a gooda pproach; can drive the ball to the pull side; haven't seen much use of the opposite field yet; kind of a classic 3B profile of strength, power, size and arm strength. Steven Fuentes - One of the most impressive players on the roster from a physical standpoint; big-time athlete; really raw baseball player; doesn't fit in the middle of the diamond; more of a 3B or OF type for me; no barrel control; not a natural hitter; will need to put in a ton of work at the plate; 7 arm; ball jumps when he squares it; enormous project. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DET_Tigers/M.1403734997.A.244.html