看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看內容應該是要罵人的嘛, 本來想用詞粗野一點,可是你又是要罵人用詞太粗魯……呃…好吧 ※ 引述《onebob (onebob)》之銘言: : I fuck someone who is called XX (我看不懂你第一句要表達啥,你是要fuck他還是討厭這個人) : If my opinion let you unhappy,you can use your mouse to delete me from your FB. : It is unneccessary to use words which are too aggravating provoking and : offesive.This can not show you are much stronger,only show you are so uneducar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 啥意思? 你是說他這個人很強還是說他的論調很強? : -ed even students of the elementary school more polite than you.You graduated : from unvirsity,but i think you don t understand that reapect and embrace are : the basic valus in the democracy.I suggest you should return to the elementary : school for studing citizenship education. : 可以看看哪裡有問題 幫忙修改嗎 看起來有點卡卡的 感謝大大 I fucking hate a person whose name is XX. If I've made you unhappy, feel free to |delete me from your friend list on FB. |unfriend me. There was no need for you to use those offensive words, for not only they could not support your lame claim, but only showed that you were so uneducated that even an elementary school student is more polite than you. Since you've graduated from the university, I suppose you should have learned some respect and known some basic values of democracy. But judging from your childish behavior, I suggest you might need to consider returning to your elementary school and receiving some citizenship education. 僅供參考 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1397370254.A.9D2.html
SeanBoog:用unfirend me會不會比較順 04/13 15:15
SeanBoog: *unfriend 04/13 15:19
cornflower:謝謝補充XD 我跟FB不熟…修改一下 04/13 15:41
LaPAELLA:.. "is" more polite ... 04/13 17:54
thanks :P
lim10337:I fucking hate XX 不是比較鏗鏘有力嗎? XD 04/13 18:42
因為我搞不懂原po的意涵所以先保留那格式XDDD ※ 編輯: cornflower (, 04/13/2014 19:44:26
onebob:是想說這樣不會顯示你比較強 04/13 21:20
onebob:表達對他很憤怒 04/13 21:21
onebob:有一句是想說 你連尊重和包容是民主最基本的價值都不懂 04/13 21:29
onebob:還有寫這種文 時態要怎分辯 04/13 21:34