看板 Examination 關於我們 聯絡資訊
35. What is the advantage of the MouSensor over the HeroRat in detecting landmines? A)It runs faster in the field. B)It is less expensive to buy. C)It does not need a long training period. D)It neutralizes the bomb more effectively 我選B 可是考選部答案給C 問題是文章只有提到the MouSensor is cheaper to manage and easier to breed than the rats. 不是應該選可便宜買到? 原文也沒提到只需較短訓練時間... 附上原文 Scientists have genetically modified mice to enable them to sniff out landmines, the explosives buried just below the surface of the ground. They hope the GM mouse, known as MouSensor, could become a useful tool to help deal with the dangerous devices left from past wars. Although it sounds peculiar, similar efforts have already been made. A Belgian charity uses giant African HeroRats to sniff out the chemical explosive, TNT. Two of these rats can clear an area in less than two hours that would take two people two days to do. One disadvantage of the HeroRat, however, is that it needs nine months’ training before being ready for landmine detection. Scientists wanted to improve on the HeroRat concept by creating a “ supersniffer” mouse, MouSensor. They found that a receptor in the lab mouse’s nose is sensitive to the odor of the chemical elements in TNT and landmines. By altering the genes of the mouse, scientists are able to enhance the capability of its receptor 500 times stronger than before. Besides having super sniffing power, the MouSensor is cheaper to manage and easier to breed than the rats. When the MouSensor detects the presence of a landmine, it would have some sort of a seizure and faint because of its extreme sensitivity of the explosives. And this change of the mouse’s physical condition would trigger a chip implanted under its skin to send a signal to a computer monitored by scientists. As a result, the location of the landmine could be identified, and a bomb-disposal expert could go in and neutralize it. The mouse itself would be safe from the landmine, since it would be too small to trigger an explosion. 請各位大大幫小弟看看 感謝萬分 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Examination/M.1398097296.A.93F.html
cacamilo:文中提到disadvantage of HeroRat需要九個月的訓練 對照 04/22 00:31
cacamilo:題目的advantage 這題沒什麼問題 至於cheaper是指一般rat 04/22 00:31
yehiso:我也錯這題 04/22 00:32
yehiso:題目雖然沒提到訓練時間比較短,但天生鼻子就很敏感 04/22 00:33
cacamilo:亦非題目中針對Mou優於HeroRat的特點 04/22 00:33
yehiso:算是暗示 04/22 00:34
yimao:這題標準小陷阱...專門陰直接選跟文章相同字的 04/22 00:34
cacamilo:還是要有一點對單字的敏感度拉 落掉這細節這題就沒了 04/22 00:36
LJGB:我也B..我現在重新看一次才看見九個月和天生的差別... 04/22 00:41
LJGB:考試太趕了 要訓練那段根本掃過就忘~_~ 04/22 00:42
LJGB:希望考別的不要鬼遮眼...囧 04/22 00:43
Achillies:訓練也沒提到是對嗅覺方面.. 04/22 02:07
Achillies:不過可以理解是要用反推的方式才有辦法套用答案 04/22 02:08
Achillies:不過cheaper是說mouse比rat管理上便宜..不是指一般rat吧 04/22 02:12
fattywe:我也錯 感謝上面解釋~~ 04/22 10:23