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[開課學院]: 資電學院 [開課系所]: 資訊 [課程名稱]: 物件導向設計 [老師名稱]: 張貴忠 老師 [開課學期]: 97-1 [類型]: 97-1期末考 Totally 100 points 1. (Basic Concepts - 20 pts) Just a brief explanation (a) Event-driven programming (b) Polymorphism (c) Base class / Derived class (d) Abstract class 2. (Polymorphism - 10 pts) Please describe what is late binding, and what is early binding? Which one of above techniques is used for java to achieve Polymorphism? 3. (Inheritance - 10 pts) What are the differences between overloading and overriding? 4. (Inner Class - 10 pts) What is inner class? What are the advantages of using inner class? 5. (Polymorphism - 15 pts) What are the outputs of the following codes? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public class A ( String msg; public A() { this("I'm class A"); } public A(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public void sayHello() { System.out.println("A:" + msg); } } public class B extends A{ public B() { super("I'm class B"); } public void sayHello() { System.out.println("B:" + msg); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public class C { public static void main(String[] args) { A obj1 = new A(); B obj2 = new B(); C mainObj = new C(); mainObj.showMessage(obj1); mainObj.showMessage(obj2); } public void showMessage(A member) { member.sayHello(); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. (The final Modeifier - 15 pts) What are the meaning of final class, final variable, final method respectively? 7. (Access Modifiers - 20 pts) Given the following codes, and some compile-time errors exist in this program. Please precisely indicate the the line numbers of error statements in the program. (Remember to briefly explain why the indicated statement is error.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 package mypackage; 2 public class A { 3 public int v1; 4 protected int v2; 5 int v3; 6 private int v4; 7 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 package mypackage; 9 public class B { 10 public B() { 11 A obj1 = new A(); 12 obj1.v1 = 10; 13 obj1.v2 = 10; 14 obj1.v3 = 10; 15 obj1.v4 = 10; 16 } 17 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 package mypackage; 19 public class C extends A { 20 public C() { 21 v1 = 10; 22 v2 = 10; 23 v3 = 10; 24 v4 = 10; 25 } 26 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27 import mypackage.A; 28 public class D extends A { 29 public D() { 30 v1 = 10; 31 v2 = 10; 32 v3 = 10; 33 v4 = 10; 34 } 35 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36 public class E { 37 public E() { 38 A obj1 = new A(); 39 obj1.v1 = 10; 40 obj1.v2 = 10; 41 obj1.v3 = 10; 42 obj1.v4 = 10; 43 } 44 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 我從來沒討厭過記者,只是不喜歡一部份自稱記者的寄生蟲而已。我討厭的是對可能受到政 治壓力的事避而不提,卻專寫那些會傷害一般市民的隱私及名譽的記者;更過份一點,成為 當權者的利益代辯人的傢伙而已。 楊威利 銀河英雄傳說 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MOTG 來自: (06/19 15:39) ※ 編輯: MOTG 來自: (06/19 15:41) ※ 編輯: MOTG 來自: (06/19 15:41)
MOTG :虛線內為程式 06/19 15:43
※ 編輯: MOTG 來自: (06/19 20:53)