看板 Falcom 關於我們 聯絡資訊
4chan的人幾乎都沒看過社長說的不會推進主劇情的訪談 全部都是抱著期待黎2劇情有大進展的心態來看的 某個方面很像我們在閃軌2發售前的那種心態,所以批評聲浪蠻猛的XD 下頁開始是在對岸找到的4chan歐美玩家留言翻譯 一定有雷,不想被雷的請避開 How the fuck did a pseudo S-Rank die to some random monsters? Does the Genesis just make people act retarded or something? 一個準S他媽的被幾個雜兵整了,創世是不是會讓人變成弱智? God, I'm so fucking sick of Cao. He has the exact same schtick every game. 上帝,我真他媽討厭曹,他每個遊戲都做同樣的事。 okay the time rewind thing was cool at the start but now its just so obvious whenever its gonna be an "everyone dies then timeloop" situation OK,時間回溯一開始非常的酷,但是現在很顯然無論任何時候都會發生「每個人死了 然後回溯了」 ————It's honestly my biggest criticism of the game. It essentially becomes a game of "does the time loop happen here or not?" 老實說,這是我對這個遊戲最大的批評,他在根本上變成了「時間回溯在這裡發生與否」的遊戲 oh you think you're so cool, why'd you die to the nerve gas, huh? 哦你覺得你很酷,但是為什麼你會死於毒氣? they still can choose bad route, but the player doesn't need to experience every bad route possible, some of them are just outright silly and actually avoidable if the game let the player the choose from the start 他們仍然能夠選擇糟糕的路線,但玩家不需要經歷所有可能的糟糕路線。如果這個遊戲能夠讓玩家從一開始就選擇,其中一些路線完全是愚蠢且可避免的 i won't complain this much if they actually made each death impactful, a bunch of them are just "AAAAAAAUUGHH" or just instadeath and reset. Towa's death was probably the best one in my opinion 如果他們真的讓每一次死亡都有意義和影響,我不會抱怨,但是一些死亡只是「AAAAAAA UUGHH」,或者只是當場死亡重置,托娃的死可能是我認為最好的一次。 It's a cool idea and will lead to some high highs but the amount of stupid deaths than would never have happened if this concept wasn't the backbone of the story structure makes the minute to minute experience pretty goofy. You have to wonder how these dipshits lived through Kuro 1 at this point. 這是一個很酷的想法,並且給故事帶來一些高潮,如果這個概念不是故事結構的主要枝幹,那麼愚蠢的死亡永遠不會發生,這使得每分鐘體驗都很糟糕。你會想知道這些弱智如何在黎一生存的。 炸彈後的 Just be quiet and laugh at the stupid plot with us. 保持安靜,和我們一起嘲笑這愚蠢的情節。 This. Kuro 2 is the biggest laughingstock game 黎二是最大的搞笑遊戲 taiwanman has been laughing at the deaths for a while 台灣人(twitch主播)一直在笑這個死亡。 how are they gonna explain this to other kiseki characters in the future? >you guys fought god? well, i died like 20 times and then fought god 他們以後將如何向其他軌跡角色解釋這一點? 你們和神戰鬥?好吧,我們死了二十次然後再與神戰鬥。 It's amazing how every single one of these games has a couple of retarded reoccurring elements we can react to with these streams 很驚訝我們能在這個直播中看到以前的一些弱智元素 >CS3 That won't be necessary 閃3的沒有這個必要 >CS4 Pointless fight 閃4的無意義的戰鬥 >Hajimari Robot copies 創的機器人複製 >Kuro Van knows everybody 黎一的范每個人都認識 >Kuro II Character dies from being looked at funny 黎二角色搞笑地被看著死亡 ———Don't forget CS2's "getting rescued by someone else". 不要忘記閃2的救場。 With how everyone keep getting killed this game it make me wonder how no one died in prevous games. 每個人都在遊戲裡被殺,我想知道為什麼以前沒有這種事。 >choked on food DEAD END >stubbed toe on a pallet and somehow the entire stack falls on top of you DEAD END >crossed the road and got isekai'd by truck-kun without the isekai'ng part DEAD END 被食物噎死 死亡 被絆倒,被砸死,死亡 穿過馬路被卡車撞到異世界(對isekai的一種諷刺俚語說法)沒有穿越過程,死亡 I could go on and on I guess. 我覺得我都能猜到了 i hate "revisit every place and fix everything in one chapter before the last chapter" chapter, i hate it during sky's orbal shutdown, i hate it during AO, i hate it during CS 2 and 4, and i will hate this chapter too 我討厭「在倒數第二章中重新訪問每個地方並修復所有內容」,我討厭 Sky的導力停止 ,我討厭 AO ,我討厭 CS 2 ,4 ,我也會討厭這一章。 These time resets would go a lot better if they weren't so sudden. Like have Van just go through hell with his allies dying one by one and not all in one go. Maybe show us the aftermath of these dead ends, as well. 如果不是那麼突如其來的話,這些時間重置會好得多。就像范只是讓他的隊友一個接一個死去而不是一下子全死了,也許可以更好展示Be的後果。 Not even shitposting, I genuinely have an issue with how overused the timelooping is in Kuro II. Trying to find the right words here, but it's going beyond establishing multiple timelines as a concept that exists in the series and becoming more of meme on how many times they keep killing off characters and time looping for the lulz. Can't believe I'm making an /a/ comparison here, but Eden's Zero, made by the same hack who created Fairy Tail has managed to execute alternate timelines(universes in Eden's Zero) and time-looping much more efficiently than what I'm seeing so far in Kuro II. In Eden's Zero not only is there limitations/restrictions that prevent time looping from being spammed the moment things go bad, there is also actual consequences when a major timeline jump occurs as well as major character deaths that actually stay dead and could not be brought back with time leaping. The finale in Kuro II better have a real big fucking payoff otherwise this game will end up being fucking CS2-tier for me. 甚至不是shitposting(差不多是垃圾話),我真的對黎二中的時間Loop過度使用有所疑問。我試圖在這裡找到合適的詞,但是這已不僅僅是把多個時間線作為這系列中存在的一個概念,而是更多地變成了一個meme,他們不斷殺死角色然後循環回溯就為了找樂子(for the lulz)。不敢相信我在這裡進行了 /a/ 比較,但伊甸星原,由創造妖精的尾巴的作者創作的漫畫,已經成功設計了多時間線(伊甸星原中的宇宙)和時間循環,這比我在黎二里看到的要高效的多。在伊甸星原中,不僅有限制/限制可以防止時間循環在事情變糟時被being spammed(沒理解),而且當發生重大時間線跳躍時會有後果,主要角色死亡時也不會隨著時間跳躍復活。 Kuro II 的結局最好有一個真正的fucking回報,否則這個遊戲對我來說最終會成為 CS2 級的。 Shizuna barely says anything. She's just with the group... staring at people and things menacingly... 靜奈幾乎什麼都沒說,她只是待在隊伍裡,然後很凶很瘋地盯著人或者事.... ————I feel the same for most of the party members. 同感,隊伍裡的其他人也差不多。 ————Like Aaron is here the whole time but barely ever do or say anything. 就像阿龍一直在這裡,但也啥都沒說啥都沒做。 Dance time to counter curse.Here we go again. 跳舞來對抗詛咒,來了來了,又來了。 the sad truth is that falcom fucks it up every single time they do a second game 一個悲傷的事實是法老控總會搞砸他的第二款遊戲 Everyone basically agrees that this game is legit CS2-levels of bad. 每個人都覺得這個遊戲是CS2級別的。 I thought Xenoblade 3 would be the worst game this year had to offer, but Kuro 2 is taking the pie... 我本來覺得XB3是今年最爛的,看來黎二要接班了 Kuro 2 is amusing me at least 我覺得黎二至少有趣 Loewe must be looking on from the afterlife thanking Aidios that he died before all this bullshit started to come into play. 萊維一定是在來世感謝愛德絲女神,幸好他在這各種屁事發生前就死了。 Kuro 2 plot is actually an excuse to make a smash version of Kiseki with how everyone keep fighting each others or teaming up every 5 minutes. 黎二的情節實際上就是一個藉口,用這個藉口讓大家每隔五分鐘互相打一架或者聯手,來創造一個令人轟動的軌跡。 馬克西姆死後 This is just getting comical now 太滑稽了 BRUH LMAO. It's one thing when the main cast is dying repeatedly, but when you have side chars like Maxim dying and it's a "dead end", it's the funniest shit. 主要角色不斷死亡是一回事,但當有像馬克西姆這樣的NPC死亡,這也是一個「死亡結局」,真是最搞笑的一坨屎。 still 3 left 還剩三個(創世) How did we go from kuro 1's high stakes story with a villain group that actually had agency in the world to a bunch of schizo melties and dollar store VN routes again 我們是如何從黎一的一個犯罪集團故事到現在一堆神經病路線的? ——Kondo explicitly was handsoff with Kuro,with him outright confirming that they were still working on the base script right after the game got announced. 近藤明確表示放棄了黎,確定在遊戲宣佈後他們還在寫腳本。 Kuro was more kino than CS could do in 5 games,Then Kuro 2 completely destroyed all the stakes KEK. Not even CS managed to so thoroughly remove all urgency from the plot. 黎一要比閃要好,但是黎二摧毀了一切,即使是閃都沒有做到消除所有的情節中的緊迫感。 they are really overusing the time travel stuff,It's not interesting 他們真的是在過度濫用時間旅行,沒意思。 I get we are dealing with the septentrion of time and stuff. But you can't have us loop literally every 5 minutes because someone else died. 我知道我們在應對時之至寶,但你不能讓我們每五分就死一次然後重置吧。 I love how retarded the plot has gotten. This is why I play Kiseki. 我就喜歡這種弱智情節,這是我為什麼玩軌跡的理由。 >Vaan do a speech >every party member say a one liner >Dead end and then repeat. 范演講,一人一句,死亡,然後重複 Why aren't they even bothering to show the deaths of everyone now? It's just >Cut in into enemy approaching >DEAD END 為什麼他們甚至都不展示死亡畫面了,只是描寫敵人過來,然後死亡結局。 有人詢問了評分,接下來有一些評論。 >fun characters >fun and dynamic story >good ost >combat seems to be the best it has ever been >finally genuinely good 3d production value >Falcom experimenting for once >HUUUUUHH BAD People on this side conditioned themselves into not being able to like anything anymore. 有趣的角色,有趣而活力的故事,好的音樂,戰鬥似乎是有史以來最好,好的3D模,又一次法老控遊戲。 這邊的人習慣讓自己不再喜歡任何東西 6/10, really enjoyed everything before act 3, hoping the finale saved it. 很享受第三部前的一切,希望結局能好點,拯救這個遊戲。 4/10. Not impressed. 毫無印象 9/10 Kiseki/10 8/10 It seemed pretty good but Act 3 looks awful 看起來很不錯但第三部太爛。 People should have sticked with Chinaman instead of going to nip niggers who skips the plot 你們應該去看中國人的流(za10087logo)而不是看那些跳劇情的尼哥。 I'm so sick of watching all the main characters rampage around like a pack of wolves ganging up against 1-2 enemies with only 4 people in the room actually doing any talking, it is such a trashy fucking look 我真的很討厭看到所有的主要角色們像狼一樣橫衝直撞,然後房間裡就四個人說話,真tm一坨屎。 why is towa even here? has she even done anything the whole game besides get killed? 為什麼托娃還在,除了被殺,她在整場比賽還做過什麼嗎? ————The only reason any old characters show up, so they could put her in the Famitsu preview as an ad. 任何老角色出現的唯一原因就是,他們可以把她作為廣告放在fami通預覽。 ————She's been cute, and that's enough. 她很可愛,這足夠了 Please chinaman just skip this chapter the dragon ball search is getting boring 中國人能跳過這一部嗎,我不想看搜索七龍珠了,太無聊了。 >cao is a villain for most of the game 曹在遊戲裡大部分時間是個反派 >switches sides last minute and is forgiven of all his crimes 然而在最後一瞬跳回來,他的罪行都被原諒 Many such cases 這種事很多 Kuro crashed and burned harder in 2 games than CS did in 5. 黎兩部已經爛到跟閃五部最後一樣。 We were off to an amazing start what the fuck happened 他媽的發生了什麼,我們明明有一個非常好的開始 ————the curse,driving around,big fat useless cast,apologize to cs4 right now 詛咒,到處開車,臃腫的陣容,現在你們都給我向CS4道歉。 It's a farce. It's a comedy. Falcom can't be serious 這是一場鬧劇,一場戲劇,法老控你認真的? ————Just a total joke all around. Definitely the lowest point in the entire series. 這是一個徹頭徹尾的笑話,絕對是軌跡系列最低點。 The cracks are increasing in Kuro's foundation rapider than we could ever imagine. Never have I seen so many people go against a game so hard. Quite possibly the biggest parody to have ever graced 2022's gaming scene. None shall top it. 黎軌裂縫蔓延地比我們想像地要快,我從未見過有這麼多人如此激烈地攻擊這一部 這可能是2022年遊戲界最大的滑稽遊戲,無人可以超越。 Joke. Farce. Parody. Mockery. All words that can describe Kuro 2 to a tee. Joke. Farce. Parody. Mockery. All words that can describe Cold Steel 1-5. 笑話,鬧劇,滑稽戲,笑柄,所有能能形容黎二的詞語 笑話,鬧劇,滑稽戲,笑柄,所有能能形容閃軌的詞語 兩人槓上了。 Indeed. I'm actually laughing at how they are bringing literally every trope we hated about CS, even the curse! Which is now back because..... reasons??? 的確,我實際上在嘲笑他們是如何把我們對閃討厭的部分全都帶進來,甚至是詛咒。 Even Falcord is turning against it. Literally the only good part of Kuro II was the intermission 甚至falcom discord(前面有人說只有你們在這罵,discord在誇)也在反對黎二,唯一好的部分應該是斷章。 So is the time stuff septerrion related or just a powerful artifact?because if the time septerrion is wasted like this is I will be mad 那麼這個這是時至寶相關還是神器?因為如果這樣浪費時至寶,我會發瘋的。 Na-chan was the real main character all along and everyone else are just side characters 娜醬才是真主角,其他都是配角 Can someone please delete these shitty picnic kids already? 誰能刪掉這些糟糕的野餐小孩 ————Go easy on them. They're likely gonna be irrelevant again after this game. 別太苛刻了,他們可能在這次遊戲後又變得無關緊要。 ————Picnic squad is literally the best kiseki cast 野餐隊是最好的軌跡陣容 ————No. Fuck off 滾你媽的 ————correct 正確的 It really did. Like I said before, I knew Kuro 2 would shit the bed because I knew the Kiseki team can't come up with interesting plots or characters. That's why I'm hoping the time Ys team had to focus on their next game was to learn from Kiseki's mistakes and hopefully not make Ys 10 a cringefest. 它真的做到了,就像我之前說的一樣。我知道黎二會是一坨屎,因為我知道軌跡團隊想不出有意思的情節角色,這就是我為什麼希望伊蘇團隊要專注伊蘇10,同時吸取教訓,不要讓伊蘇10重蹈覆轍。 But I shouldn't expect much from Falcom games tbqh. 但我不該對法老控遊戲抱期望 Is Kuro 2 really that bad ? Kuro 1 was way better than Cold Steel though, sad if it's true :( 黎二真的那麼爛嗎,我覺得黎一比閃好,如果是真的,我很難過:( ————It makes CS2 and CS4 look kino. That's how bad it is. 他讓閃2閃4看起來很棒,你說有多爛。 斯溫娜迪亞告別ACE BRING ME BACK TO KURO 1 I DON'T WANT THIS DINDU SHIT AGAIN 帶我回黎一,我不想看這種狗屎了。 I like this kind of scene, even if they do it every single arc. 我喜歡這種場景,雖然他們每一次軌跡都會這麼做 I kneel to picnichads, the real winners of Kuro 野餐隊我給你們跪下了,你們才是黎的真正贏家 It really is picnic's game 這真的是野餐隊遊戲 It's all about overuse really Weissman's stuff is absurdly broken but it was used very sparingly Red Gnosis was mostly a way to cause chaos or buff bad guys, only Wald becoming a boss was questionable but it was 100% on him because they went out of their way to say he wasn't mentally affected The curse is used to explain almost everything, and Genesis is just being used as an excuse to have party members be filler bosses 懷斯曼的催眠很屌,但是用的很謹慎。紅色真知主要是加強敵人的一種方式。詛咒幾乎可以解釋一切,創世只是讓成員填充boss戰的藉口。 I didn't expect Swin and Nadia to be more relevant than every character besides Van 我沒想到斯溫和娜迪亞比除了范以外的每個角色都更與故事相關 I know the game is still not over on Taiwan's stream but I thought that Kondo said Kuro 2 would reveal some major stuff about Zemuria. All we got so far are some experiments from the dg cult, mcmaster of the revolution and picnic squad drama. ————trusting Kondo 我知道遊戲在台灣的直播還沒結束,我聽說近藤說黎二會揭示一些關於塞姆利亞大陸的主要內容。但是目前,我只看到了dg教團,庭園之主還有野餐隊。 ————相信近藤 Seems weird that Rion and Celis were barely involved in the story and aren't here either 裡翁和賽莉絲基本沒參與這個故事也不來打最終boss,真奇怪。 No one can fucking stay dead in this series. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA 在這個系列中,沒人可以死,哈哈哈哈哈。 funny how you retards say how much you miss cold steel but when kuro does cold steel-tier shit you all get mad isnt this what you want? 有趣的是,這裡的人整天懷念閃軌,現在黎把閃軌的一些垃圾東西做進來了,你們反而生氣了,不是你們想要的嗎? Things that happened in this game: >Grendel Rojo incarnated as Dingo and killed some people >Picnic stuff >Quatre stuff mentioned >hunt for the chaos emeralds that was retconned from the timeline That's it 遊戲中發生的事情 >紅黎殺人 >野餐隊 >卡特爾 >尋找時間寶石 沒了 No, seriously. This feel like the first game of a arc. What the fuck is Falcom doing? 不,嚴肅地說。這就像一個系列的第一個遊戲,法老控你他媽在幹嘛 so kondo lied and made another filler game 所以近藤撒謊,又水了一作 how do i quit this shit company 我怎麼才能離開這個狗屎公司 A final boss that has almost next to nothing to do with the gang or the overall plot. Gerard and Vagrants-Zion were wasted in Kuro 1 一個與我方成員和整個主線陰謀幾乎毫無關係的最終BOSS,傑拉德和漂泊魔王在黎一被浪費了。 If you were expecting Sept-Terrion in this game after seeing all the pre-release material you're an actual retard, you have no idea how to pick up subtext and operate at sub 90 IQ. 如果你在看到所有的宣傳物料後,還在期待著至寶,那你真的是個弱智,你不知道怎麼理解潛台詞,智商低於90. The games was basically just about Swin and Nadia. 100% next game is them looking for Rufus 遊戲基本上是關於斯溫娜迪亞的,下一個遊戲100%是他們尋找大少。 The beginning is the end 開始就是結束 so?What was the point of the time travel? ————what was the point of Kuro? 所以時間旅行的意義是什麼? ————黎軌的意義是什麼? i was supportive of kuro 1 but i fucking hope this game flops and falcom dies 我支持黎一,但我希望黎二完蛋法老控死。 kuro 1 was so good 黎一真棒。 I hate to say it but Kuro 1 had a better narrative than Kuro 2 along with overall presentation. 我不想這麼說,但黎一的敘事和整體都比黎二要好。 Almost TWENTY YEARS WENT BY....until the vision of S-breaking inside the S-break of the enemy became reality Thank you Falcom. 將近二十年,敵方S我方S終於成功了(最後決戰演出),謝謝你 Oh, Kondo just wanted to break Marielle's heart again All is forgiven 10/10 Kino 哦。近藤只是想再次傷瑪麗埃爾的心,我原諒你了,給你10分 Not really. Kuro 1 and Kuro 2 are the only games thus far that haven't actually advanced the overarching plot of the series that began in Sky and are mostly just stand alone stories in the grand scheme of things. It's the same issue with 3rd which is why no surprise Japan disliked it. 不是說真的,黎一黎二是迄今為止唯一沒有真正推進系列總體情節的遊戲,他們大多只是一些獨立故事,3rd也是,日本就有人不喜歡它。 So.. the Time Travel shtick is just there? No drawback? No funny stuff involved? It just happens? 所以。。時間旅行就這樣?沒有後果,沒有任何有趣的地方,就這樣發生了? Imagine if we had actually gotten this in Kuro 1, and not spent an entire game for this single payoff 想像一下,如果我們在黎一中是是這個結局多好,而不是為了這個花費了一整部遊戲 You niggers were screaming about it being Dingo but that farewell scene was really good 你們這些尼格說丁格不行,但是告別場面我覺得挺好的。 what a fucking nothing game this turned out to be holy fuck we got baited by the pv hard 這都是什麼狗屁的空洞遊戲,我們都被PV騙了 So since Kuro 2 shit the bed, how can we hope Ys X will learn from this mistake? I know they have different teams working on both series but I would hope that they pay some attention to what the other is doing so there will not be any shared bad ideas. 既然黎二已經一坨屎了,我們該怎麼希望伊蘇10從這個錯誤中吸取教訓呢,我知道他們是不同的團隊,但我希望他們能注意到對方在做的,這樣就不會有共同的錯誤。 We all owe CS2 an apology, it's no longer the worst Kiseki game. Kuro 3 is going to be worse lol. 我們都應該向閃2道歉,不是最垃圾的軌跡遊戲,黎三會是更爛,哈啊哈。 >All plot points from Kuro 1 will be wrapped up in Kuro 2? So what was the point of this game? 黎一的秘密會在黎二揭曉和完成? 那麼揭曉呢? I feel like absolutely nothing happened. 我覺得什麼都沒發生 That was it?? 就這樣? wait wat, like this? 等等,就這樣? It's... over? 結束了? that was it,jesus fucking christ what a waste of time,im more mad than i was after cs4 就是這樣,上天啊,真是浪費時間,我比閃4後還要瘋。 What was the point of Kuro 2? 黎二有什麼意義? I have no idea what the fuck happened through this entire game 我不知道他媽的黎二講了什麼東西 literally nothing happened 實際上什麼都沒有發生 that was like the first half of a game 這就像是遊戲的上半部分 THATS IT???? 就這? jesus falcom are getting even more lazy 上天啊,法老控越來越懶了。 GAME WAS FILLER AND FUCKING SINGA CREDITS THEME TO TOP IT OFF I'M SO GODDAMN ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE MOST SOULLESS GAME YET!!!!! 遊戲充斥著填充和搞笑,然後結束,我太憤怒了,這是迄今為止最垃圾的遊戲。 I'm sure we'll get some closure in Kuro 7 我很確信我們會在黎軌7中結束 I can see alot of /fg/ quitting Falcom after this. For real this time. This has to be the biggest disaster in the entire series. 在這之後,我可以看到很多人退出法老控,這次是真的,這一定是系列最大的災難。 plot moves nowhere and makes zero sense and full of filler 情節毫無進展,毫無意義,充滿了填充。 >nothing about gramharts plan and he doesnt even do anything >nothing about risettes backstory >nothing about grimcatz >nothing about the sept terrions >time travel had no payoff at all that pv made it look like this game was going to have so much going on fuck you kondo ——Yeah I literally cannot believe Falcom did this. This is false advertising of the worst kind. >對格蘭哈特計劃一無所知,他甚至啥都沒做 >沒有麗賽特的背景故事(這個其實羈絆稍微講了點,說是14歲不能上學,別的沒有了) >沒有關於幻夜之貓的故事(這個其實羈絆也稍微講了點,說是50年前的變身器,別的也沒有了) >沒有關於至寶的事 >時間旅行沒有任何代價 pv讓這遊戲看起來有很多進展。 草擬的近藤 ——是的,我不敢想像,法老控居然真的這麼做了,這是最糟糕的虛假廣告。 Yep. But if Ys X does not repeat the mistake of Kuro 2, I might give it a chance. Otherwise, I am literally done with Falcom games at this point. 是的,如果伊蘇10不重複黎二的錯誤,我可能會給他一個機會,否則,法老控在我這結束了。 And with that, Kuro arc is now officially worse than CS. 也就是說,現在黎比閃還爛 I don't get what was bad about the ending 我不知道結局有什麼不好的 kuro2?More like Kuro: Gaiden. People shit on 3rd for being a filler game but that actually felt like an advancement. 黎二?更像一個黎軌外傳,填充起來,就像3rd一樣。 Bruh like 95% of /fg/ is quitting the series right now. Kuro fell off harder in two games than CS in five. 95%的人會退出系列,黎的錯誤比閃五部的影響還要大。 when kuro 2 was good it was really good but i just feel like the game had no point at all and the trailers made it look like some serious shit was going to go down when it kind of... didn't it was like a hajimari or 3rd tier plot 當黎二很好的時候真的很好,但我覺得這個遊戲根本沒有意義,預告片看起來像是有大的要來了,結果。。沒有。像創和3rd。 What did Kuro 2 do besides waste a ton of time with dead ends? 黎二除了在死亡結局浪費了大多時間還做了什麼? I hate what Falcom has done to these series but I want to give the Ys series one last chance with X. If it's like Kuro 2, then I will wash my hands off of Falcom and sadly move on from their games altogether. 我討厭法老控對這系列做的一切,但我會給伊蘇最後一次機會,如果和黎二一樣,我會悲傷地離開法老控 did they spend all their time on the animations or something 他們是把時間都放在動畫上了嗎? >twelfth game in series that needs to hurry up and end already >it's filler Fucking unbelievable. 系列的第十二個遊戲,需要加快進度結束的系列。 居然是填充的水了一作。 真他媽難以置信。 Jesus christ its like they wanted to kill this arc. Lets half-ass the sequel and then market it like stuff was actually going to happen. An entire game to literally resolve what happened to Dingo. Vagrants-Zion? Just irrelevant I guess, Nina just appears drops that bomb then fucks off. Its legit like they saw Kuro 1's sales and just decided to cashgrab with the sequel because they decided the arc was fucked. 老天,他們好像想殺死黎軌。讓我們把續作搞得一塌糊塗,然後像真的一樣進行營銷。一場完整的軌跡遊戲,只是解決了丁格的問題。漂泊?我想這無關緊要,妮娜只是出來,就又回去了。他們是看到了黎一的銷售情況,然後就決定拿續作隨便應付,因為他們覺得黎軌系列已經完蛋了。 ——This.... this game is just an abomination! The negativity is strong in this general and we will NOT be coming back for the next game. Falcom can kiss their fans goodbye after this!!! 這個遊戲真的討人厭,總的來說讓人非常不適,我們不會在下一個遊戲裡回來了,法老控可以跟他的粉絲吻別了。 1's sales were admitted to be disappointing and they follow it up with this. Are they trying to go bankrupt? 黎一的銷售被承認是失望的,他們還這麼做,想破產嗎? What was the drawback of so much time travel? 這麼多時間旅行,缺點代價在哪裡? Yeah I think Kuro 1's sales had an effect on how they handled Kuro 2. I think they're gonna try to rush this arc to it's end with the 3rd game and then move on with something else hoping to recoup the costs and losses from the Kuro games by trying to hopefully copy some popular fad with their new Kiseki arc of games. 是的,我認為黎一的銷售對他們處理黎二的方式產生了影響。我認為他們將嘗試在第三個遊戲裡直接結束,然後繼續做別的事,希望能過嘗試在下一個X軌系列中複製一些元素來彌補成本。 Final thoughts: Kuro 2 was a fun ride, but overall felt pretty pointless since it answered almost nothing and didn't advance the plot in any meaningful way. Na-chan is cute. 7/10 最後的想法:黎二是一段有趣的旅程,但是很沒有意義,他幾乎沒有回答任何問題,也沒有以任何有意義的方式推進劇情。娜迪亞很可愛 7分。 Kuro 2 just became the modern platonic ideal of a series killer. Everyone is angry. Everyone agrees Kuro 2 is the worst game in the series. 黎二剛剛成為了這個系列的殺手,每個人都很生氣,大家都認可黎二是最差的軌跡 Zero>SC>3rd>Kuro>Haji>FC>Ao>>>>>>>CS1>CS3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CS2>CS4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kuro 2 This game just further shows how you shouldn't try to write a time travel story if you don't know how 這個遊戲進一步說明了,如果你不知道怎麼寫,那你就別寫時間旅行的故事。 i was really excited for kuro 2 after 1 and defended it against all of the /fg/ doomposting now i feel nothing towards kuro 3 在黎一後我真的很為黎二感到興奮,並且一直在為他說話,但是現在對於黎三我也沒有任何想法 Agreed. I genuinely hope Kuro 3 is a Sonic 06-tier atrocity that finally kills this series for good. 同意,我真心希望黎三像Sonic 06一樣,直接暴斃殺死這個系列。 So am I, but in the Kuro 1 it felt like more stuff was happening I legit can't remember many things in Kuro 2 beyond Dingo and the picnic scenes 我也是,在黎一似乎發生了很多事情,但黎二除了丁格和野餐隊,我想不起什麼了。 The they divided the first game of the arc into two ? 他們這是把一個遊戲拆成兩個? The timeloop concept was perfect for a game devoted towards the Time Sept and instead they wasted it on fucking Dingo. 時間循環非常適合放在時至寶上,但是他們卻他媽的浪費在丁格上。 I did not think it possible for the main storyline to move forward so little. 我沒想到主要情節推動這麼少 kuro 2 doesn't advance the plot of the world at all, that's why the intermission which has important stuff of the world is intermission, because it's disconnected from this game's plot which is totally unrelated to Zemuria 黎二一點都沒有推進世界的情節,這就是為什麼重要內容是斷章,因為它與本遊戲的情節斷開了聯繫。 NISA actually saved us by taking down ZF. It's over. ————NISA got rid of fan TL so people couldn't play Kuro 2 early and drop the series while they're still trying to milk it. Masterfully played. ————So fucking glad NISA killed ZF now dude. Now we won't have to suffer this trash next year. NISA通過殺死了ZF(Zero Filed,之前的民間翻譯,翻了黎一被NISA律師函了)救了我們,一切都結束了。 ————NISA取消了粉絲翻譯,因此大家都不能玩到黎二然後放棄這個垃圾系列,它太聰明了。 ————真他媽搞笑NISA殺死了ZF,現在我們就不用再忍受這種垃圾了。 >hajimari sets up gramhart as the next osborne and man with a plan >does literally nothing for kuro 1 and 2 why do i always get baited by this fucking series >創軌讓格蘭哈特大總統成為下一個奧斯本和有計劃的人 >黎一黎二一點關係沒有 為什麼我總是被這個該死的系列引誘 If this game bombs, will they change the writers, tell Kondo to fuck off? Please? 如果這個遊戲暴死了,他們會換編劇,讓近藤滾嗎?請? i wouldn't have been nearly as mad if the trailers didn't make it look so good 如果預告片沒有那麼好看,我就不會這麼生氣了 Kuro 2 was a Gaiden game. 黎二是一款外傳遊戲 Game ended, literally nothing happens, Kondo talked out of his ass and the only loose end from Kuro closed was Quatre's backstory. 遊戲結束了,什麼都沒發生,近藤說了很多廢話,黎一留到黎二解決的只有卡特爾的故事。 I hope you never fucking translate Kuro 2. 我希望你們永遠他媽的不要翻譯黎二 Crimson SiN, more like Crimson SHiT. 深紅之罪?感覺像深紅之屎 So Kuro 2 is basically just filler and nothing important happened 所以黎二基本上只是在水,啥事都沒發生 Yeah. It was Kuro 1.5, not Kuro 2. 對啊,像是黎1.5,而不是黎2 >Kuro 1 already has too many characters and a few are pretty underdeveloped >instead of working on them they just ignore them, remove one of them from the game, bring in Nadia and Swin and focus on their story >黎一已經有很多角色了,他們的故事還沒有完成 >然後呢,將這些角色移除,引進娜迪亞和斯溫,來講他們的故事。 Falcom really should stop putting out one game every year. They keep retreading the same plotlines over and over again. The writing department is clearly at the lowest 法老控真的應該停止每年一個遊戲,他們一遍又一遍重複同樣的情節錯誤,寫作部門顯然是不行。 So glad NISA fucked this asshole over. I hope Kuro 2 never gets a fan translation. 很高興NISA把這個事攪黃了,我希望黎二不會再有粉絲翻譯。 The <Year dev time really fucked Kuro 2 over. They should have taken their time, not rushed into a new adventure 法老控的年貨思想真的毀滅了黎二,他們應該慢慢來,而不是急於一時, Unless the majority of the writing team quit or moved onto Ys 10 I cannot conceive how we've gone backwards. Kuro 1 looked like they learned all the right lessons and were on the right path. How the fuck did the team that wrote that somehow get to this. 除非大多數寫劇本的都退了和進伊蘇團隊了,否則我無法想像是如何倒退成這樣,黎一似乎學到了所有的教訓,走上正確的路。劇本到底是怎麼做到現在這樣的。 This feels like they wanted to do a Swin and Nadia game, but they decided to mix Van and co up into it as well. 這感覺就像是他們想做一款斯溫娜迪亞的故事,然後決定把范加進去。 ————Yup ————是的 ————I struggle to understand why Swin and Nadia even exist, so all the worse for it. 我很難理解為什麼斯溫娜迪亞存在,一切變得更糟。 Did we really need 2/3 of a game for Dingo's copy and the literal who revolutionary? 我們真的有必要拿2/3的遊戲內容來製作關於丁格拷貝人和革命相關嗎? >learned nothing about mtsc and thorndyke >nothing about risette >nothing about what grimcatz is >no political intrigue >no expansion of the world >no sept-terrion >even the time travel was consequence free >gramhart continued to do nothing 和之前的差不多 what the FUCK were they thinking when they wrote this game 他們在寫這個遊戲的時候到底在想什麼? ————it's Kuro 1.5 finishing the Genesis storyline 這是完成了創世相關故事的黎1.5 ————HAHA.. 哈哈 Let's hope they put a much bigger budget in Ys X 我希望他們能在伊蘇10里面投入更多 It's filler because it doesn't move the plot forward on anything in the overarching story, except the Genesis thing maybe. 它是填充的,所以不會推動故事情節的發展,除了創世的故事 I think all the fakeouts are what piss me off most. > Edith invasion fakeout > Elaine walking into the mist (implying her dying forever) > Towa dying fakeout (everyone called this though) > Heiyue civil war being a nothingburger 我想虛假宣傳是最讓我生氣的 >伊迪斯入侵是假的 >OST劍女的那個霧中鏡頭(暗示她會出事)假的 >托娃出事 >黑月內戰無意義 I have lost all motivation to revise my Genki lessons tonight, doomposting probably exaggerating it but my hype has superdeflated 我已經失去了今晚複習日語的全部動力,當然也有可能是我反應過度了。 I'm actually fine with this game gonna kill the series for good. Falcom really learn nothing from CS criticism 事實上,我很滿意這作將殺死軌跡,法老控從閃軌的批評裡學不到任何東西 So in the end Kuro II was just a gaiden game and a conclusion to the plot points started in Hajimari rather than something advancing the main plotline? 所以最終黎二隻是一個外傳遊戲,劇情類似創,而不是推進故事? Who would have thought time travel without any consequences would be pretty boring... Oh well, someone at Falcom probably didnt... 誰會不知道沒有任何後果的時間旅行非常無聊呢。。。。哦,法老控可能想不到吧。 >Other characters show up >They don't steal the spotlight from the cold steel cast >Kuro2 >Main characters and kuro oriinals get overfuckingshadowed APOLOGIZE! >其他角色出現 >但他們不會從閃軌裡搶戲 >黎二 >黎軌的主要角色和故事收到了極大的影響 道歉! Yeah. All I got was Swin and Nadia were cancerous additions to Kiseki along with the stupid Garden shit. I feel they're dragging the overall story down. But I suppose this wouldn't have happened if they hadn't written Ouroboros to be a bunch of pathetic softies after the Sora trilogy. 是啊,斯溫娜迪亞,還有弱智的庭園狗屎,我認為這拖累了整個故事。如果他們沒有在空軌三部曲後把結社寫成一堆可憐的軟蛋,這就不會發生。 I just want one of these jap journos to corner Kondo and ask him, as politely as possible, why the series has such retards plots? The curse, free time-travel, fucking Dingo. Can someone just try to get him to admit this shit just ruins the story? 我只想讓日本記者把近藤逼到角落裡,儘可能禮貌問他,為什麼這個遊戲有這麼多弱智情節?詛咒,肆意的時間旅行,丁格拷貝人。有人能讓他承認這毀了故事嗎? I was on chapter 5 in Kuro 1,planning to finish it this weekend. Now I don't know if I want to continue anymore after seeing this game. Van from being cautious man turned into a retard charging through everything with nonsense rewind plot armor 我正在黎一的第五章,計劃本週完成,看完這個後我不知道要不要繼續玩了,范恩亞克萊德在黎一是一個小心翼翼的人,黎二里變成了一個弱智,用無止境的回溯解決問題。 Why not just make one good game instead of 2 shitty game? When will they stop milking this series 我們為什麼不做一個好遊戲而不是做兩個垃圾遊戲呢?他們什麼時候可以停止這種行為。 I'm surprised that no one cares that Elaine, Celis, and Rion were almost completely irrelevant even though they were advertised pretty heavily (especially Elaine). I feel like Elaine had more going on when she was a side character than when she was a main 我感到驚訝,沒有人注意到劍女,塞莉絲,裡翁,幾乎和遊戲毫無關係,儘管他們廣告營銷非常多(尤其是劍女)。我覺得劍女在黎一當配角的時候更有魅力。 Kinda sucks now knowing that everyone being more lethal and the resets were just a plot contrivance to pad the game. 現在知道了每個人都更具有攻擊性還有重置只是為了填充遊戲,這太糟糕了。 Bros we're so fucked 真他媽的 So given the picnic kids ruined another game, how will Kuro 3 recover from this? 所以,考慮到野餐隊小孩們毀滅了遊戲嗎,黎三怎麼辦呢? I blame Lloyd for this trainwreck. He should have listened to Rean's advice in Hajimari. 我把這次事故歸於羅伊德,他應該在創聽取黎恩的建議。 What about marchen garten being relevant to the story? Did the reviewer lie? 童話庭園跟這個故事有關嗎?評論員撒謊了嗎? I think Agnes and Elaine both lost since they were both irrelevant 我想學妹和劍女都輸得透徹,故事跟她們都不相關 So as I understand Kuro II is basically >Prologue, first two chapters good >Intermission 10/10 brap kino >Chapter III and finale utter dogshit beside some reveal 據我所知,黎二屬於,序章前兩章很好,斷章10分,後兩章除了一些信息揭露都是狗屎。 Kuro 2 must be fucking awful to make CS2 look good in comparison, damn 與閃2相比,黎2簡直太糟糕了,該死。 The intermission is not as good as you're making it out to be. It's just a bunch of disjointed plots that are thrown at you at the same time so it feels epic in scale, But at the end of the day, most of the things that happen are unrelated to each other and have close to zero setup, and most of those threads ended there to boot. 間章根本沒你想像的那麼好,只是一堆雜亂無章的劇情,同時向你拋出東西,讓你覺得規模很大很牛逼。但歸根到底,這些事彼此都沒有什麼關聯。 this is why falcom spent so much on marketing they knew they had a dud 這就是為什麼法老控宣發這麼勁,因為他們也知道這是個啞炮。 Game might be enjoyable, just not worthy spending your bucks on it, should have been an expansion to Kuro 1 or something 遊戲可能很有趣,但是不值得你花那麼多錢,應該是作為黎一的DLC或者別的什麼。 Remember when deaths meant something in this series, now there's a possibiility that everyone who has died can come back via le data 記住死亡在這個系列的意義,任何一個死亡的人都可以變成數據回來。 Swin and Nadia hacjaked the game and were given more screentime than the fucking main party ————yes the picnic autists ruined the game. it's a damn shame the most of the main kuro party had to be sidelined for it. 斯溫娜迪亞在遊戲中大放異彩,獲得了他媽的比主角團還要多的劇情 ————是的,他們摧毀了比賽,這真是太遺憾了,大多數的黎軌角色都被邊緣化了。 Chinaman said he feels nothing, although the game seemingly has a lot of content. Pacing feels pretty weird, and he start laughing. Pretty tired / bored, especially during act 3. Praise the system and gameplay. Also saying game development is not an easy thing to do, hoping YS X will be good. Looks like its over bros... Even chinaman was pretty dissapointed ————Yeah if even chinaman is not very thrilled about this game, then you know something isn't right. Well atleast he complimented the gameplay. But like him, I will simply just wait for Ys X and give Falcom one last chance to keep me invested in their products. 中國人(za10087logo)說他什麼都感覺不到,儘管遊戲有很多內容,但很奇怪,他開始大笑。很累/很無聊,尤其是第三部。他讚揚了系統和遊戲性,還說了遊戲開發不容易,希望伊蘇10會更好。 ————是的,如果中國人都對這個遊戲不太興奮,那麼你就會知道這裡面絕對有問題。不過至少他稱讚了遊戲的玩法。和他一樣,我會等待伊蘇10,給法老控最後一次機會讓我繼續投資和支持他們的作品。 -- 我自己玩是覺得還可以啦, 劇情演出變順暢、學園的日常劇情比閃軌好很多、戰鬥節奏感不錯(雖然我都在閃小怪) 但不否認那是我有先看過這一作不會推進主要劇情的心理建設 不過比閃2爛的說法,考量歐美普遍第一次接觸的就是冷鋼(閃系列) 我是覺得誇大了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Falcom/M.1665110875.A.56A.html
swordmr20: 我一直以為歐美粉很包容 10/07 10:56
kuluma: 4chan的風氣比較兇也是真的 10/07 10:57
Sakamaki: 是覺得39沒有他們講得這麼誇張,如果法老控本作本來就 10/07 11:00
Sakamaki: 不想推主線,那主要角色的故事跟坑當然是留到後作才解 10/07 11:00
Sakamaki: 所以這作當然只能拉39出來填劇情內容,而且小娜很可愛 10/07 11:01
Sakamaki: 所以我接受 10/07 11:01
seanhiroshi: 他們沒有看到第八創世是幹什麼的吧,觀測人類的罪這 10/07 11:06
seanhiroshi: 種事情明顯推進主線了。前作閃四也是解釋了人類惡意 10/07 11:06
seanhiroshi: 集合體,照這種節奏續作導力器的原理就很有可能能明 10/07 11:06
seanhiroshi: 朗。 10/07 11:06
seanhiroshi: *多打了一個能 10/07 11:07
tsukasaxx: 黎2超越閃2直接炸掉 不過閃系列歐美不是好評嗎? 10/07 11:10
GenShoku: 老美好兇XDDD 不過我看5ch噴的點也類似 主要就是想學命 10/07 11:14
GenShoku: 運石之門但沒有學到精髓 因為沒有任何緊張感 比起SG的回 10/07 11:15
GenShoku: 溯是一次次被絕望打擊最後終於找到希望 黎2的回溯就只是 10/07 11:15
GenShoku: 瘋狂讀檔 只覺得煩躁 10/07 11:15
seanhiroshi: 因為以解決屋的水準真的沒辦法在第一時間解決問題, 10/07 11:20
seanhiroshi: 不是每個人都推理天才或通靈大師,主角不是萬能的好 10/07 11:20
seanhiroshi: 嗎。 10/07 11:20
kamisanma: 喜歡閃軌的怎麼會討厭水勒 10/07 11:24
zafa: 那邊罵得有夠狠,我還看到"還在玩的都是XXX"之類的 10/07 11:27
pl132: 外國人想法難以理解,他門真的有在看劇情嗎,還是只想看黎 10/07 11:31
pl132: 恩那樣一直開無雙就好 10/07 11:31
pl132: 老實講歐美玩家到底影響有多大,他門不是連創軌或碧軌都還 10/07 11:39
pl132: 沒有發售,都雲玩家吧 10/07 11:39
ThorFukt: 靠杯這篇也太兇了吧 10/07 11:39
miarika123: 讀檔的好壞也很極端啊有些超混的 同樣的梗重複太多次 10/07 11:40
miarika123: 那這個橋段就爛了 10/07 11:40
kinuhata: 時間回溯已經被太多作品玩過了 要拿來用真的很考驗功力 10/07 11:52
kinuhata: 更何況軌跡自己舊作還玩過更高規格的 10/07 11:53
seanhiroshi: 重要的是三章回溯後突然發現已經集齊七創世了,c博 10/07 12:05
seanhiroshi: 士不簡單。 10/07 12:05
pl132: 那是因為七創世都會隨時間回朔吧~ 10/07 12:36
GenShoku: 歐美我記得銷售佔27% 亞洲好像1X% 他們主要還是翻譯慢+ 10/07 12:43
GenShoku: 我們這邊雲豹跟法社關係比較好才快吧 10/07 12:43
dk2486248: 整部戲都在搞迴圈肯定很鳥 這次二代先Pass好了 10/07 12:50
dk2486248: 迴圈肯定簡單 素材重複用 省錢又能拖時間 10/07 12:53
gxu66: 3章前半真的蠻拖的 那段直播也是看到不想看 10/07 12:58
gxu66: 羅伊德還被評論抓出來鞭 笑死 10/07 12:58
gxu66: 歐美有沒有玩過碧創我覺得很難說 看他們評論好像有人做民 10/07 13:06
gxu66: 間翻譯 只是現在被抄了XD 10/07 13:06
selaw: 5ch微婉一點,大部分都說軌跡已死,下作不會買,推上也沒 10/07 13:15
selaw: 看到破關的玩家有好評的 10/07 13:15
AgentZero: 如果是劍女跟范恩死掉 再讓學妹努力個幾章逆轉時間 評 10/07 13:32
AgentZero: 價會比較好吧 10/07 13:32
AgentZero: 太多莫名奇妙強制掛掉 玩家又知道下一個畫面可以重來 10/07 13:34
AgentZero: 就失去緊張感了 10/07 13:34
GenShoku: 掃了一遍推特 好壞參半 理論上推特已經是比較不會罵的了 10/07 13:39
GenShoku: 這次評價真的很微妙 10/07 13:39
vuvuvuyu: 這樣看下來我覺得這作是伊蘇10的墊檔作的說法滿可信的 10/07 13:47
vuvuvuyu: 另外黎一的時候我就覺得法老在走極端,因為閃被罵都沒 10/07 13:50
vuvuvuyu: 死人,黎一會死人,但是反而變成每一章都知道會死人, 10/07 13:50
vuvuvuyu: 黎2因為時間回溯的主線變成你知道他們都會死 但也都會 10/07 13:50
vuvuvuyu: 活,直接把兩種問題結合在一起了 10/07 13:50
GenShoku: 伊蘇10躺槍qq 10/07 13:54
pitapon: 從這篇來看老外對閃軌也沒什麼好評吧,不然怎麼會拉閃 10/07 14:06
pitapon: 來比 10/07 14:06
aiiueo: 習慣就好,到時候伊蘇10爆炸又會說都是軌跡害的 10/07 14:06
aiiueo: 不一定,中國大陸就很愛閃,還是老愛拿閃來比 10/07 14:07
aiiueo: 這是玩家斷層問題。很多現在還在關注軌跡的玩家,其實是 10/07 14:07
aiiueo: 閃入坑的。 10/07 14:07
ouka: 只能等另一個名字有黎的男人來救場了 10/07 15:09
a60225lily: 看到羅爺躺槍快笑死XDD 10/07 15:22
ren740719: 覺得閃爛 黎不錯的我,深刻瞭解到我跟歐美審美觀差異 10/07 17:34
ren740719: 有多大 10/07 17:34
shinobunodok: 看起來他們好像回溯過頭 回溯到讓人反感了? 10/07 18:01
shinobunodok: 看起來除非是真的打折到骨折或很閒 不然這黎坑還是 10/07 18:06
shinobunodok: 不要輕易踏進去好了 10/07 18:06
a126053: 我看到主線沒啥推進就不想入了 法老你們拖得夠久了 10/07 18:19
rockheart: 這遊戲沒有歐美版? 10/07 18:30
SinPerson: 回溯沒有代價這點就會讓看慣時間旅行作品的人很不習慣 10/07 18:32
SinPerson: 吧 10/07 18:32
pl132: 老實講我一直以為從閃入坑的有在關注至寶主線=== 10/07 18:50
pl132: 它們有連空零碧一起補嗎 10/07 18:50
SinPerson: 時空旅行最精彩的就該是做出什麼選擇都無法達到完美結 10/07 19:00
SinPerson: 局,然後回頭發現一開始不起眼的事件才是達到完美結局 10/07 19:00
SinPerson: 的關鍵 10/07 19:00
aiiueo: 這可是法社捏,怎麼會要求這些啦。法社向來就是喜歡「參 10/07 20:28
aiiueo: 考來,參考去」,東比擬一點,西模仿一點,偶爾生出個飛 10/07 20:28
aiiueo: 天小女警已經要感謝天照大神庇佑了 10/07 20:28
ejo3ru: 說不定近藤看了東卍有感而發,近藤去年的抱負是期待東卍 10/07 20:34
ejo3ru: 的終章 10/07 20:34
selaw: 主角團一直回溯,但知道最後一定有好結局完全沒緊張感,而 10/07 20:37
selaw: 且滅團理由很隨便,都達到理境界的高手還不小心中毒氣陷阱 10/07 20:37
selaw: 很打擊角色魅力,看感想說這代沒出場的人都很幸運 10/07 20:37
pl132: 毒氣這是破戒放的~而且你根本拆不到他要幹嘛好嗎== 10/07 20:49
annielaurie: 回溯有沒有代價根本還不知道吧 這一作只有講第八創 10/07 20:54
annielaurie: 世的作用 回溯的影響估計要放在下一作講 10/07 20:55
vuvuvuyu: 如果有代價應該要這作至少提到或暗示,不然這樣無條件會 10/07 21:16
vuvuvuyu: 讓人覺得這作品的生死跟七龍珠一樣無感 10/07 21:16
goscowalker: 光看評論就聞的到屎味了 難得黎一還有好評 10/07 21:54
Owada: 死了都能救回來跟沒死人的差別是什麼 10/07 22:19
Owada: 本來看到這作又是時間倒流就有點煩了 10/07 22:22
Owada: 如果早就想好時之至寶也要搞這一套碧軌幹嘛用 10/07 22:22
Owada: 現在看這評價真的怕 到底要不要買啊 10/07 22:22
pl132: 為什麼一直有人以為碧軌是時間倒流啊= =到底是有沒有認真 10/07 22:32
pl132: 遊戲~碧軌那是直接更改結局好嗎 10/07 22:32
Owada: 我當然知道不是啊 問題是實際感覺上根本跟時間倒流一樣吧 10/07 22:33
Owada: 你時間倒流回去難道不更改結局嗎 10/07 22:34
Owada: 時間能寫的主題那麼多 又不是時間時間回溯 10/07 22:35
Owada: 法社偏偏挑了一個最像的 10/07 22:35
pl132: 哪來跟時間倒流一樣,碧軌又沒給你時間到回去某時間點 10/07 22:35
pl132: 碧軌是一開始就一條路線到底,序章是噱頭而已 10/07 22:36
shinobunodok: 零碧是改變因果 確實和時間倒流比較不一樣 但是是 10/08 08:47
shinobunodok: 要先發生琪雅沒辦法接受的結局崩潰 所以你要說類似 10/08 08:47
shinobunodok: 時間倒流也不是不可以 事實上在琪亞覺醒力量想起來 10/08 08:47
shinobunodok: 後的主觀 應該就和時間倒流沒兩樣 10/08 08:47
shinobunodok: 他這邊的問題是零碧他玩的很好 甚至藏了兩個遊戲 10/08 08:48
shinobunodok: 而且沒有濫用 黎2這個看起來是一直回溯一直爽 10/08 08:48
tacking520: 黎2真的濫用到為死而死 還以為是從零開始的共和國生 10/08 08:51
tacking520: 活 10/08 08:51
tsairay: 琪雅身上有時空幻三系的能力,改變因果比較高階啊 10/08 11:45
tsairay: 不用一直重新嘗試到想要的結果,直接改成想要的結果 10/08 11:45
tsairay: 時間回朔只是給你機會重試,但不是一定會改變結果 10/08 11:50
tsairay: 改變因果就是一定結果會改變,所以改因果還是比較op的 10/08 11:50
markvend: 灌水鬧劇 XDD 10/08 13:04