看板 GMAT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好 小弟參加12/11(四) GMAT下午場考試 好死不死,考場那一棟大樓居然在施工 電鑽聲音直衝腦門,真的沒辦法思考作題目 雖然有發耳塞,可以擋一擋 但是耳朵塞住的感覺就是很不習慣 耳塞拿下來聲音就會不停的干擾 塞進去又有一種悶悶的感覺,聽到自己的呼吸聲 就這樣一直忍受這種怪異的感覺 結果就是考爆了,直接取消分數 我打算寫信去跟主辦單位抱怨 (大陸考生有爭取成功過,請看http://forum.chasedream.com/thread-199061-3-1.html ) 希望能爭取到免費再考一次,或是下次考試能減免報名費等等補償措施 如果當天有遇到類似情況受到干擾的同學們,大家一起團結起來 要求提出補償方案,畢竟報名費真的很貴 一人一封信,寄到GMAT官網 (官方網站最上方有個 contact us),請他們正視考生權益 小弟文拙,但還是準備了一封抱怨信,供大家參考,歡迎任意複製、修改 To whom it may concern: 【Background】 I am from Kaohsiung, the second big city in Taiwan, and registered GMAT test in December 11th, 2014. This test is very important to me because the second round deadline of application is very close. 【Issue】 When I was taking exam, the test center was under construction and an electric drill made noise loudly. I still heard noise after I put earplug. The noise was so loud that I could not think questions. I was affected by the loud noise and got poor scores, and then canceled the results finally. Proctors explained that the building is always on construction (several times per year, 2~3 weeks per time), and they ever communicated to the owner of that building about loud noise, but it’s obvious that the owner does not pay any attention to this issue and the organizer (Jing Tian International Group)could not do anything about it. 【Remedial Action】 All examinees always take full focus on GMAT test to get good results and pay expensive fees to register this test. And I ask a free chance to register test again, because I was affected by loud noise and got poor scores. 【Recommendation】 What examinees needs is quiet environment and please improve this situation. I recommend that the organizer instantly increase morning / afternoon sessions on Saturday and Sunday and evening session on weekdays, because workers are off duty. Your faithfully 套句學運常說的:自己的國家自己救,自己的權益也要自己爭取 感謝大家的團結,也感激您的推文。 謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GMAT/M.1418749769.A.61B.html
danyuchn: 推!!! 12/17 01:25
isis32397: 推 12/17 07:01
zveri: 高雄螢幕解析度很差 12/17 08:09
whatupman: 推 12/17 08:19
jeanyy: 幫高調 12/17 10:39
bewithrain: 推 12/17 15:25
vul3i: 12/16考也還在施工QQQ 12/17 16:41
lazyrabbit: 16號考也在施工+1 12/17 20:16
yauman: 一起寫信抗議!! 12/17 22:03
greenmilk331: 有受到噪音影響的同學歡迎複製/修改抱怨信,寄到 12/17 23:14
greenmilk331: 這個信箱 [email protected] 12/17 23:15
emcemc: 推申訴!是有施工噪音,但我習慣了!我家旁邊在蓋大樓更吵! 12/18 10:22
rilakkuma625: 推一個啊!太誇張了!自己的權益真的要自己爭取。 12/19 12:04
greenmilk331: GMAT 服務中心有回信了,他們受理我的情形,算是有 12/21 01:54
greenmilk331: 好的開始吧! 12/21 01:55