看板 GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ligth (.)》之銘言: : 我真的錯到很挫折 所以上來求救閱讀的方法 : 我目前是在做吳中東的閱讀 : 短篇4題對兩題 長篇8題對4題 : 我讀的方法是先看每一段的第一句跟最後一句 然後再細看 : 但我還是抓不道題幹及文章的脈絡 : 做題目根本不太知道他在問啥 : 真的很挫折 有人願意閱讀的方法或書讓我精進一下 : 我會十分感謝你的回覆 本人非英語相關科系 所以用資訊處理的方法解釋 獻醜一下 根據我的經驗 托福與GRE 的出題重點有高度的相似性 雖然GRE的邏輯與推理增加了 卻仍是著重某些重點 然而重點在哪裡呢? 我們稱這些關鍵為informative site 換言之並非所有的單字與句子都有重要功能 閱讀的速度來自於對 1.點:單字 2.線:句型結構 3.面:句子與段落連結 的理解 我會在心中記下文章中的出題點 並推測最有可能出的題型(這只是預先定位) 換言之並沒有把內容全部看完 我們以A9302的文章來說明 The outpouring of contemporary American Indian literature in the last two decades, often called the Native American[ Renaissance], 這個單字是文藝復興 represents for many [the first opportunity] to experience Native American [最高級句子the first 出題率90%]=換言之前沒有 poetry. The appreciation of traditional oral American Indian literature has been [limited], hampered by poor translations and by the difficulty, 有限制 缺點 出題率65% =>注意說明 我觀察到平行結構hampered by and by the difficulty.... 有缺點的細節 =>出題率提升至80% even in the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically satisfying translation, of completely conveying the original’s verse structure, tone, and syntax. 想想接下來作者要說什麼? GRE的文章很死板的 接下來並不是要批評 看出來了嗎? 第一段第一句寫的是contemporary American Indian literature 所以缺點是 傳統traditional oral American Indian literature 所以這篇文章接下來 一定是說明 有什麼轉折讓 傳統的缺點 消失或改進 然後說明有何影響 這是托福與GRE常見的段落型態   [By writing in English and experimenting with European literary forms], 藉由...的方法 可以出細節題 =>新資訊=European forms [contemporary] American Indian writers have broadened their potential audience, 預測正確 這段的核心是現代的 while clearly retaining many essential characteristics of their ancestral oral traditions. 發現while的讓步句型 while 引導的讓步子句是次要內容, 所以核心是 contemporary American Indian writers have broadened their potential audience 這句話會出題 因為他有人陪襯 同時又可以騙人把焦點放在while的內容 oral traditions. 接下來看到 For example 請大家注意看 ETS如何寫example [For example], Pulitzer-prizewinning author N. Scott Momaday’s poetry often treats art and mortality in a manner that recalls British romantic poetry [, while] his poetic response to the power of natural forces recalls Cherokee oral literature. while 句型 , 不是ETS程度不好不會換句型 請仔細看 often treats art and mortality in a manner that recalls British romantic poetry => By writing in English and experimenting with European literary forms while...response to the power of natural forces recalls Cherokee oral => clearly retaining many essential characteristics 沒錯example 就是把之前的主題具所說的實體化 因此把主題句弄清楚了 就不用花太多力氣獨例子 [In the same way], his novels, 接下來是另一個例子 這個轉折用得很好 注意ETS要講兩個例子時 不會寫For example,... . For example,... . 會有一些連接的方法 an art form European in origin, display an eloquence that echoes the oratorical grandeur of the great nineteenth-century American Indian chiefs. 這次換句型了 不過內容也一樣 有歐洲的特徵 an art form European in origin 同時也echoesthe oratorical grandeur ...................................  17. According to the passage, Momaday’s poetry shares which of the following with British romantic poetry? example的細節 =>但是因為是example 我們可以知道一定是 form 跟歐洲有關 treats art and mortality in a manner that recalls British romantic poetry => (C) Manner of treating certain themes 18. Which of the following is most likely one of the reasons that the author mentions the work of N. Scott Momaday? 作者目的題 為何提到的答案 95% 都是 支持主題句 (A) To illustrate how the author believes that members 錯 (B) To emphasize the similarities between Momaday’s writings and their European 錯 對比對象不是歐洲 (第二句) (C) To demonstrate the [contemporary appeal] of traditional Native American oral literature 印地安文學現狀 =>Yes (第二段第一句 才是核心) 19. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about written translations of oral Native American poetry?  (A) They were less widely read than are the works of contemporary Native American poets writing in English. 還是在考核心句 contemporary American Indian writers have broadened their potential audience 現在比較廣 =>推論 過去讀者比較有限 20. The passage suggests which of the following about American Indian poets before the Native American Renaissance? 請小心 這是問before ETS 常在文章中說現在 請推論之前 一定要找分界 => represents for many the first opportunity to experience Native American poetry 換言之之前沒有機會  (D) They seldom wrote poetry in English. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
firejur :push~ 06/06 08:12
ligth :十分感謝你的分享! 06/06 10:10
ligth :我會好好運用 06/06 10:11
daltuku :推! 06/06 18:19
ParkerWind :推 03/02 22:46