看板 GTA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官方中文稿已經釋出了 https://goo.gl/1xR1RM 中文稿有提到上次活動的退稅活動會在一周內匯入玩家的花園銀行 奇怪,我記得英文稿中沒有提到這段就是了... This Week in GTA Online: Biker Bonuses, Vehicle Discounts and More http://imgur.com/lKigLNj Starting today, it's ride or die for the MCs of Los Santos with money-making opportunities and discounts to help you get a leg up over your rivals. We're also keeping the party going with extended bonuses on Tiny Racers & more, so be sure to read on for the full rundown below. BIKER DISCOUNTS AND DOUBLE GTA$ & RP ON CLUBHOUSE CONTRACTS ※摩托幫任務雙倍獎勵 Through May 15th, Motorcycle Clubs of Los Santos will benefit from a GTA$ & RP boost when running Biker Contract Missions - you can find and launch these lucrative missions from the meeting room in your Clubhouse. If you're a budding entrepreneur with an affinity for leather and yet to set up your MC,we've got you covered with a 25% discount on: 以下75折 ○ Biker Clubhouses 摩托幫會所 ○ Biker Clubhouse Customizations 摩托幫會所客製化裝潢 ○ Biker Business Properties 摩托幫工廠 25% OFF SELECT VEHICLES 以下75折 Whether you're looking to expand your vehicle collection or diversify your airborne portfolio, grab a 25% discount on the following fan-favorites: ○ Nagasaki Shotaro 常騎正太 ○ Progen T20 T20 ○ Western Company Annihilator 被殲滅者 ○ Nagasaki Buzzard 兀鷹 ○ Karin Technical (both prices) 鐵尼高 ○ Vapid Desert Raid 沙漠突擊 ○ Vapid Trophy Truck 越野卡車 DISCOUNTS ON WEAPONS, AMMO & ARMOR 武裝國度跟改車王特價項目也是75折 Beef up your personal armory and protect your neck with a 25% discount on: ○ Vehicle Armor 載具裝甲 ○ Bullet Proof Tires 防彈輪胎 ○ Body Armor 護甲 ○ Explosive Ammo (including throwables) 投擲型武器 ○ Rocket Launchers 追蹤彈 ○ Grenade Launchers 榴彈槍 EXTENDED BONUSES ※延長CEO出貨25趴獎勵到15號,延長小小賽車雙倍獎勵到8號 謝市長指正,熊熊會意不過來tiny racers是啥@@ Keep the cash flowing by jumping into GTA Online today for a 25% increased payout on Special Cargo Deliveries (thru May 15th) and Double GTA$ & RP on Tiny Racers (thru May 8th). PREMIUM RACE & TIME TRIAL SCHEDULE ※加碼特殊載具競速(限滅世2k),到8號 Take in the great array of beauty San Andreas has to offer at a fast pace with this week's Premium Special Vehicle Race. From May 2nd - 8th, hop, speed and glide through "Damned", a versatile Point to Point locked to the Ruiner 2000. ※三倍加碼競速,地圖上會標示觸發點 Premium Races can be launched through the Quick Job App on your in-game phone or by way of the yellow corona at Legion Square. Top three finishers are rewarded big GTA$ payouts but, even if you find yourself at the back of the pack, you'll receive Triple RP just for making the effort. ※本週也有時間挑戰賽,也是開地圖就可以找到觸發點了 This week's Time Trial course is "Power Station", also from May 2nd - 8th. Look for the Time Trials marker on your in-game map and beat the par time to earn GTA$ & RP. -- 本魯托福87分,翻錯一樣請各位大大不吝指正阿! 本次隨機玩家特價項目: ○ X80 5折 ○ 本質 5折 ○ CEO辦公室裝潢 5折 ○ 泰勒斯 5折 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GTA/M.1493746161.A.E46.html
Badwoman: 有用情報推! 05/03 02:06
ziso: 推推 05/03 02:18
onlyleblanc: 似乎是X80半價 05/03 02:30
wutumi: 正太一直被騎QQ 05/03 02:34
petsla: 推 05/03 03:36
chiu7892000: 終於等到正太和兀鷹了 05/03 06:54
luckyjuju193: 我上星期才買正太啊……… 05/03 08:57
Agassi850815: 可憐的正太………… 05/03 09:38
AriaPokoteng: PUSH 繼續等九頭蛇跟戰車 05/03 09:59
a5958729: 推推 05/03 10:12
a055035: 我到現在還是不能玩(′・ω・`) 05/03 10:25
teredo: 買完兀鷹才打折 PTT首噓送給你 05/03 11:40
噓我可以,但是汙辱中國武術就不行... 不過其實兀鷹搭配CEO載具這種最高效率使用,就算原價買也划算
lf2597: 樓上你慘拉 hu為人很小心眼的 05/03 12:24
我一直把教主訓斥peace and Ob'_'ov放在內心最深處好ㄇ
s883355: 幫QQ 05/03 12:45
Inlu0828: 特價前買正太跟禿鷹 直接哭暈在廁所 05/03 12:51
jerry6799: 推個抽到本週特價,好像是X80跟本質XF半價 05/03 12:51
karta127464: 辦公室裝潢也有特價 還我原來的女助理QAQ 05/03 13:13
s883355: 改回原來裝潢 助理好像會回來 05/03 17:06
我也記得助理是跟裝潢走的,不過有幾種裝潢的助理好像是同一位 只能求土豪ㄉㄉ出來幫一樣樣測試了
Syuan648: 好像可以預覽裝潢? 05/03 17:15
假預覽 真打槍(秘書)
s883355: http://imgur.com/a/t6W5k 05/03 17:36
s883355: http://imgur.com/a/iLEWU 05/03 17:37
s883355: 剛好兩間裝潢不一樣 05/03 17:37
karta127464: 裝潢折50% http://i.imgur.com/t6dLfQ7.jpg 05/03 18:16
karta127464: 我換2個現代的裝潢的不是之前那個 不敢再試惹@@ 05/03 18:28
akarl115: 裝潢預覽可以看到助理 不用直接換也可以看 05/03 19:37
udm: 希望能強迫助理玩cosplay,不然衣櫃做那麼近很浪費~~~ 05/03 19:56
udm: 還有女助理從來都不去上廁所的,這點也希望改進。 (逃) 05/03 19:57
sunshinecan: 推 辛苦了 05/04 08:10
petsla: 泰勒斯也半價 05/04 09:25
感謝分享 ※ 編輯: iuanz (, 05/04/2017 16:54:56
doorsky: 新Der出來惹嗎 05/16 16:23