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※ [本文轉錄自 IA 看板] 作者: swallow73 (吃素,減碳,救地球) 看板: IA 標題: [新聞] Ralph Nader宣布參選 時間: Mon Feb 25 06:22:28 2008 帥呀,Nader爺爺,最後那句"The only aging is the erosion of the one's ideals." 實在是太棒了。只可惜在現實情勢下,Nader爺爺要當選需要靠外星人派幾打 幽浮來抓美國人上去做點心靈提升工作。 民主黨人指控他執意參選,分食了不少高爾選票,才導致布希當選,造就了災難 性的侵伊戰爭;這種指控令我頗為反感。這代表民主黨人沒有勇氣用理念辯論 跟實質改革去跟Nader爭取Nader的支持者,單純企圖用恐懼將理念上支持Nader的選民 綁在自己的陣營下;也是一種看準了在現有選制下,Nader的選民若是不喜歡共和黨 掌權,就只有投民主黨的傲慢心態。 2004年Nader參選時發生過一些有趣的現象:在部份地區保守派人士主動出來幫比民主黨 更左翼的Nader募款與連署讓他的名字出現在選票上;相對的民主黨則全力反制,甚至 還打官司阻止這位立場理應跟自己較接近的候選人能夠有發聲的機會。最後是民主 黨操作成功,Nader的得票從2000年的2.3%降到2004年的0.3%。 說來這種事情實在是很讓人失望,即是一位候選人代表的是相對進步的聲音,在選制 下卻毫無發揮的餘地,部份選民若是支持這樣的理念,就得承受會因此促成兩位主流 候選人中較糟糕的那位當選的後果。等同是選制強迫這股少數,即使是較進步的力量保 持沉默。 要解決這樣的問題採取類似法國的兩輪投票制度是一個解決方法,但身為現制受益者 的兩大黨主動願意改革的機會極微。若我是欣賞Nader的民主黨選民, 我會考慮投Nader一票,給民主黨良心上的刺激,反正都忍受Bush八年了,McCain 應該也不會糟糕到哪裡去。或許經過幾次選票被瓜分而落選的慘痛經歷後,他們會 懂得尊重這些少數的聲音,不管是作出政策上的改革,或者是,最好的,改良選制。 只要他們願意讓這些選民在第一輪投票忠實的表達自己的心聲,相信這些選民也願意 在第二輪投票中予以回餽。 標題:Nader to Run Again 新聞來源:The New York Times http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/24/nader-to-run-again/ (需有正確連結) “Dissent is the mother of assent,” Ralph Nader said on “Meet the Press” this morning. “And in that context, I have decided to run for president.” Beginning his third third-party run in as many presidential elections, Mr. Nader, a consumer advocate, cited a litany of issues he feels have been “ taken off the table,” including single-payer health care, the war, labor law reform, and “cracking down on corporate crime.” Mr. Nader is still blamed by many Democrats around the country for siphoning votes from Al Gore in 2000. Asked about this by Tim Russert, the host of the NBC show, he replied, “Not George Bush? Not the Democrats in Congress? Not the Democrats who voted for George Bush?,” before listing several other factors that would have led to Mr. Gore’s victory and accusing people opposed to his candidacy of “political bigotry.” But ultimately, he said, “ Let’s get over it and try to have a diverse, multiple votes, multiple choice ballot like they do in Europe.” He ruled out the possibility that he would prevent a Democratic victory in 2008.“Not a chance,” he said. “If the Democrats can’t landslide the Republicans this year, they ought to just pack up, close down, and re-emerge in a different form.” Mr. Nader said that there are differences between Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, and Senator Barack Obama. “There are differences obviously. The question is not whether there are differences verbally or what they put on their Web site. Senator Obama’s record has not been challenging,” he said, adding, “The issue is whether they have the moral courage.” He called Mr. Obama a “person of substance” and the “first liberal evangelist in a long time,” but said, “His better instincts have been censored, I think, by himself.” “Meet the Press” played a video clip of Mr. Obama answering a question about a possible Nader candidacy on Friday: You know, he had called me and I think reached out to my campaign — my sense is is that Mr. Nader is somebody who, if you don’t listen and adopt all of his policies, thinks you’re not substantive. He seems to have a pretty high opinion of his own work. Now — and by the way, I have to say that, historically, he is a singular figure in American politics and has done as much as just about anybody on behalf of consumers. So in many ways he is a heroic figure and I don’t mean to diminish him. But I do think there is a sense now that if somebody is not hewing to the Ralph Nader agenda, then you must be lacking in some way. Mr. Nader’s constituency appears to have eroded somewhat. He received 2.7 percent of the vote as a Green Party candidate in 2000, but in 2004, he received only 0.3 percent, and he was not on the ballot in every state. Asked about his age (he will turn 74 on Wednesday), Mr. Nader said, “The only aging is the erosion of one’s ideals.” -- ■所有荷蘭人如果每週一天不吃肉,就可達到荷蘭政府希望家家戶戶一年所減少的二氧化 碳排放量目標。 ■南美洲約有四億公頃的黃豆作物是種給牛吃的;如果是提供給人類食用,則只需兩千五 百萬公頃就可以滿足全世界所需。 「不吃肉、騎腳踏車、少消費,就可協助遏止全球暖化。」 by Dr. Rajendra Pachauri -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (02/25 07:36)
nplnt:我想問一個不入流的問題 Bloomberg還有可能參選嗎 02/25 07:51
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