看板 GuildWars 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hello, 安安,你好。 In the coming hours, we will be restoring account access to those who were suspended for exploiting the bugged vendor prices for the Norn Cultural weapons. Not everyone will have access restored right away. In some cases we are awaiting more information from the player, and some appeals are still coming in. We will address each appeal as quickly as we can. 在接下來的幾個小時中,我們會將恢復你們這些小白的帳號, (工程師:每天有BUG加班就算了,還要加班為了替你們這些小白恢復帳號!) 並不是每個人都會馬上恢復,但我們會盡快處理。 We’d like to remind everyone that we do not seek to punish, and any time a drastic measure like this is taken, it is taken to maintain the health and integrity of the game. As we reinstate these accounts, we expect everyone who appealed to honor their commitment to destroy all illegitimate gains, whether those are crafting items, currencies, or the weapons themselves. To remove currencies, making a purchase of appropriate value and destroying that purchase will suffice. 我們想告訴各位我們並不是想要懲罰你們,而這次採取這麼極端的措施是為了 保護遊戲的健全。當我們恢復你們帳號時,我們希望各位會做到你們懺悔信中所提及的 --刪除那些不正當的道具,無論他們變成何種形式;道具跟裝備請刪除,如果是現金的話 就跟商人買等值的東西並刪除。( 如果換GEM開格子怎辦? ) We would also like to acknowledge that we are not free from blame. In a game this big, problems inevitably occur that are difficult to locate , and moving forward we will continue to address these issues in a timely, communicative and efficient manner. What constitutes an exploit, and what has resulted in these suspensions, is using a flaw in the game to gain an unfair advantage over other players that is clearly not in line with the design of the game. Please remember, opportunity does not equal permission. 我們知道我們並不是完全免責,但對於如此龐大的遊戲,問題總是無法避免並且 難以去找出來的,而我們會繼續及時處理這些問題。 Exploit會造成遊戲裡某些玩家會獲得不公平的優勢,而這並不是我們當初設計遊戲時 的初衷。請注意,機會並不等於許可。 We also understand that sometimes the consequences of such an exploit may not be clear or apparent. In these cases, try to think about how the actions of one player can affect the millions of other players, or the in-game economy as a whole. In your appeals, many of you stated that you only purchased large quantities of weapons to use for personal gain and not for profit. Such an act devalues the time and effort put forth by every other player who opts not to take advantage of an exploit. We will be publishing a FAQ on exploits soon. 我們了解有時候Exploit的影響並不一定如此,但針對這次事件,再捏著你的LP想想, 這次事件中,每位小白所做的事情都可能影響千千萬萬個其他玩家,或是影響遊戲的經濟 。在你們的懺悔信中,還有很多人跟我們哭哭說他買了上百個便宜武器只是想自用並不是 為了獲利,你們這樣的舉動會讓其他玩家的付出白費。我們會盡快發布針對Exploit的FAQ On the subject of your appeals, most of you expressed understanding for the decisions that we made. For that, we are deeply appreciative. Going forward, we will strive to maintain only the highest of standards for the game and the community, and we ask that you do the same. 在你們寄來的懺悔信中,大多數小白們都表示理解我們所做的決定。對此,我們表示 感謝,我們會繼續為了遊戲的品質努力,我們也希望你們如此。 As one player noted in his appeal, we have the opportunity to work together to forge a legendary MMO experience and that is not something we take for granted. If you encounter any other bugs or anything suspicious in game, please feel free to report it by typing "/bug" in-game, or by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. 有個小白提到,我們可以一起為了史詩般的體驗而奮鬥,我們並不認為這是理所當然的, 不過如果你有遭遇到其他BUG,請跟我們回報、打/bug或是寄e-mail給我們。 All of that said, on behalf of ArenaNet and NCsoft, we’d like to extend a sincere welcome back to Tyria. Let's all have some fun. 最後,代表ANET跟NCS,我們衷心地歡迎你們回來Tyria! Have Fun! Regards, The Guild Wars Support Team ------------------------------------------------------------ 太好了~ 媽我出獄了 ._./ -- Charlie ◢ Charlie ◢ ◣ Charlie Charlie ▁ ◥ Charlie . Charlie .◥. ⊙ Hey!Shut up! . δ φ . . ◣ㄟ 修改dajidali ˋ\///\/.▄▄ ./ㄨ \\/ˊ▄▄ \|/ㄑ \|▄▄ by Armour -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
vds:我有朋友的悔過書寫「管好你們的工程師,別讓這種事再發生!!」 09/03 10:35
eliteark:然後呢? 09/03 10:36
CHOCOLATER00:那你朋友出獄了嗎XDD? 09/03 10:36
QingTing:真的會一封一封看嗎XD 09/03 10:44
Istari:一堆人賣裝換錢買GEM的開銀行 這個解法難度高阿 09/03 10:47
CHOCOLATER00:那只好刷卡買gem換錢買物品再刪除了 哈哈 09/03 10:48
ckyy:怎麼可能一封一封看 我懺悔信根本亂寫還不是出來了 09/03 10:53
windycat:推我流翻譯ww 09/03 10:56
zseineo:>很多人跟我們哭哭說他買了上百個便宜武器只是想自用 09/03 10:58
zseineo:XDDD 09/03 10:58
Leafs:有人知道當時拆60Karma weapons 會拆出什麼材料嘛?除了Rune 09/03 11:07
Leafs:應該有分解出材料,但都丟進材料倉庫了不知道destroy哪種 09/03 11:07
siyuen:再買一次分解看看(誤) 09/03 11:08
sakueinozomi:推LP翻譯XD 09/03 11:12
AmyLord:好像每篇都會有捏LP已經成為傳統了?XD 09/03 11:24
sakueinozomi:而且那安安你好也超好笑的XD 09/03 11:26
CHOCOLATER00:邊吃早餐邊亂翻,多謝各位賞臉阿XD 09/03 11:30
windycat:拆出來的是platium 白金系列 09/03 11:46
windycat:木頭的話是elder wood 大概就是第三階材料? 09/03 11:47
windycat:等等我還是開遊戲確定一下好了=w= 09/03 11:47
windycat:恩是白金和老木沒錯,但是是第四接的材料 09/03 11:49
Leafs:Gold Ore 不知道是不是拆出來的 身上有7個 囧... 09/03 11:53
windycat:銀 金 應該是飾品的材料吧 拆武器應該不會拆出來? 09/03 11:56
forever9801:拆高階武器就會有金銀了 09/03 12:56
Leafs:為了保險我還是都拆了 09/03 14:16
shadowdio:那些買了合了沒被鎖拿去打怪賺的錢怎麼算????? 09/03 14:55
Akabane:不要再計較那些真正得了便宜還賣乖的了 沒被鎖三天的早就 09/03 16:42
Akabane:跑去買15s 80黃武合爽爽賣爽爽了... 09/03 16:43
sakura0219:金武又不貴,15s應該怎麼合都虧本.. 09/03 17:01
Akabane:不貴啊 拍賣賣5G而已,還有15s被官方收起來囉 所以拍賣 09/03 17:28
Akabane:一堆20s的80黃武丟出來賣lol 09/03 17:28
trixz:I can't agree with Akabane more lol 09/03 19:24