看板 HK-drama 關於我們 聯絡資訊
˙ 主唱 ˙Emilia ˙ 歌名 ˙Big Big World ˙ 劇名 ˙:刑事偵緝檔案4 ˙ 歌詞 ˙ I'm a big, big girl In a big, big world It's not a big, big thing If you leave me But I do, do feel That I do, do will Miss you much Miss you so much I can see the first leaf falling It's all yellow and nice It's so very cold outside Like the way I'm feeling inside I'm a big, big girl In a big, big world It's not a big, big thing If you leave me But I do, do feel That I do, do will Miss you much Miss you much Outside it's now raining And tears are falling from my eyes Why did it have to happen Why did it all have to end I'm a big, big girl In a big, big world It's not a big, big thing If you leave me But I do, do feel That I do, do will Miss you much Miss you much I have your arms around me Warm like fire But when I open my eyes You're gone I'm a big, big girl In a big, big world It's not a big, big thing If you leave me But I do, do feel That I do, do will Miss you much Miss you much I'm a big, big girl In a big, big world It's not a big, big thing If you leave me But I do, feel That will Miss you much Miss you much 原版卡拉OK影片: http://ppt.cc/n448 fans自製影片: http://ppt.cc/4JA9 (有劇照) ˙ 感想 ˙ 刑事偵緝檔案是上個世紀的 TVB重頭劇系列之一,前三檔塑造出勇婕螢幕情侶。 刑四只是沿用舊名,演員陣容卻是全然換血,也因此塑造出新一代螢幕情侶宣萱 、古天樂。由於全劇共有50集,這首英文插曲從頭到尾貫穿全劇,尤其是當徐飛 回憶起芊芊時,這首歌總會響起,因此也有人稱這是芊芊之歌。然而,仔細咀嚼 歌詞,我倒寧可相信這首歌是俏君的歌,因為這歌詞內容好貼近她的心情啊~~ 這大概也是少見很成功的洗腦英文插曲吧(非香港藝人主唱的片頭片尾曲)~~ 尤其,看著劇照,聽著這首歌,真的那種虐戀、揪心的感覺又重新浮上心頭,噢 真是難過。但,再怎麼難過,這首歌卻又讓你邊聽邊拾起勇氣,就像俏君那般, 最終面對現實,瀟灑地走下去...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HK-drama/M.1414542953.A.E62.html ※ 編輯: frilub (, 10/29/2014 08:37:10
mesth: 光看到歌詞就跳出芊芊在練舞的畫面... 10/29 08:55
bleach1991: 俏君 T____T 還有唐心T____T 這一部真的是大悲劇 10/29 09:08
idol1: 推超洗腦 結局令我生氣 安仔超酷 10/29 09:53
buy520d: 超洗腦~馬上想到芊芊+1 10/29 13:35
dtdon1699: 洗腦推 10/29 14:04
joycemei: 這首真的太洗腦 10/29 16:48
hulumango: 同劇的I say yes也好好聽>ω< 10/29 18:21
pinkbb: 超級洗腦+1 10/29 20:20
sweetyogurt: 唐心T_T 10/29 21:07
xu6y7: 看到這齣就想到唐心跟俏君+1QAQ 10/29 21:28
tor07552: 超級洗腦,不推不行 10/29 23:17
wangsan: 還記得主唱還有來台宣傳~~ 10/29 23:55
JoanKoo: 除了happy birthday外唯一會唱全首的英文歌 10/30 09:11
lword: 我記得有人寫信去娛樂新聞問陶子這首歌的歌名XD 10/30 23:39
ichigoichie: 以前看這部港劇時,超愛這首歌的 11/27 20:48