看板 Headphone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前幾天在FB上看到 Metrum 發表新 24bit DAC晶片 "DAC TWO" 說研發了兩年 價值....Euro 25000 台灣時間4/2 1:06 發佈的 原本還以為是愚人節玩笑 直到今天規格都出來了.. http://www.transient-audio.nl/Dac%20Two%20preliminary%20%20datasheet%20.pdf 非專業不大懂 不過似乎仍沒支援DSD 補上原文 -- After two years of hard working we have two "DAC TWO" 24 bit pre samples. Made by hand under a microscope. Due to this long time of research and making prototypes estimated price Euro 25000 each. How it sounds? We cannot find the right words. Maybe a single "wow" is all we can say at the moment. Is making music somewhere in the Netherlands right now. -- 有沒有Metrum好狂的八卦? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Headphone/M.1459873719.A.0D6.html
devilhades: Metrum家的產品不是都以R2R為賣點嗎,別說DSD,Hires 04/06 00:34
devilhades: 檔案怕都不見得能支援吧XD 04/06 00:34
williamer4: 至少有支援24bit 192K啦~~ 04/06 00:36
williamer4: 不過貌似Octave就有支援192了 04/06 00:36
※ 編輯: williamer4 (, 04/06/2016 00:42:03
aegis43210: 這只是DAC晶片的價格!? 04/06 00:42
Daedolon: 那個應該是做出prototype的價格 真正量產後不是這個價 04/06 00:43
williamer4: 是的lol 04/06 00:44
Daedolon: 掛Metrum牌賣你一台dac 25000大概沒人會買吧... 04/06 00:44
Daedolon: 是說手上的Pavane要準備拋了嗎...lol 04/06 00:45
有了 下面有回復 "We spent 2 years to get this realized. Two DAC ONE modules + Forward correction module in one module. But no worry this is not the real price if we start a real production batch." 附上FB https://www.facebook.com/Metrum-Acoustics-1455892664622940/?fref=nf ※ 編輯: williamer4 (, 04/06/2016 00:49:12
ang728: 還蠻期待的 04/06 02:03
a1122334424: pollo 04/06 02:24
Kaede5908: pavone 04/06 17:11
cccwei: 看來該換機了 (・ω・)ノ 04/06 19:47