看板 Headphone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Grell Audio是森海設計師 Axel Grell單飛後創的品牌 之前都停在商業合作案和無線耳機 現在終於等到音響級耳機產品的出現了 http://www.grellaudio.com/products.html https://i.imgur.com/fY3U1ar.png
可以看到很特殊的前置帳版/單體擺位,像是T1和HD800雜交之後的產物 (誤) 振膜應該是採fostex的生物振膜(植物纖維香蕉紙)方案 38ohm, 106dB/Vrms CanJam Socal的第一手聽感 Soundstage is between the 600 and 800 series. It didn’t stand out as a gimmicky sound or anything. They’ve made some design decisions with the interior shape and materials to soften the bounced waves and focus more on those initial sounds hitting the pinna. The tuning seemed brighter than 600 series, but it is hard to tell with an open on the show floor. It sounded a little more V shaped with less forward mids / vocal region as compared to my 6xx (Only by memory - I didn’t have them there to A/B). I personally would enjoy it more on a warmer source chain, but I’m not a dead neutral kind of listener. It is a really cool concept and I think it has a lot of potential. If anyone can do it Grell can. 跟Drop合作發布,按之前聽的消息,價位會落在300~500美元左右 首批生產量1000副,目前沒有後續批次計畫 -- -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Headphone/M.1696169828.A.8A9.html ※ 編輯: takase ( 臺灣), 10/01/2023 22:30:38
zoraruru: 我對這支的興趣還比Austrain Audio那支旗艦大 XD 10/01 22:47
Ikaruwill: 價格合理多了至少是盲狙失敗也不算太心疼的價位 10/01 22:55
takase: AA的新旗艦目前初步評價不錯,不過從K812一路相承的風格就 10/01 23:08
takase: 不見得人人喜歡 10/01 23:09
gameguy: 這位,呵呵(搞無線我都當作是笑話,你家無線耳機韌體多 10/01 23:17
gameguy: 久沒更新了,也不知道無線技術是從那搞來的) 10/01 23:17
Earendil: 單體到底在哪啊XD還是說一邊兩個單體? 10/01 23:18
takase: 感謝樓上gg先幫我們試grell audio的無線...他就一人單幹 10/01 23:18
takase: 想要有能力維護更新韌體都蠻...懸的 10/01 23:19
takase: 前面那個才是單體,帳版中間圓形應該是空的 10/01 23:21
addy7533967: 酷耶,這價格也會想用一隻來試試 10/01 23:42
lll156k1529: Fostex單體品質有保證 10/02 00:01
DorkKnight: GG由愛生恨XD 10/02 00:16
ultimatevic: 嗚嗚又是低阻 10/02 10:04